
Happy 61st Birthday to the United States Air Force!
If you haven't already done so, don't forget to register to vote. That time will
be here before you know it and every vote is going to count!

Please Note: "This Web site is produced by The Pacesetters Spouse Support Group, a private group in
no way connected with the US Air Force. Contents of The Pacesetters Spouse Support Group Website are not necessarily
the official views of, or endorsed by, the U.S. Government, the Department of Defense, the Department of the Air Force, or
the 330th Recruiting Squadron."
"The appearance of advertising or links on the Web site does not constitute endorsement by the Department of
Defense, the Department of the Air Force, the 330th Recruiting Squadron, or The Pacesetters Spouse Support Group of the
products or services advertised."
"Editorial comment is edited, prepared, and provided by Peg Howard"

Mailing Address:
Pacesetters Spouse Support Group 330 Air Force Recruiting Squadron
Attn: Peg Howard 9152 Kent Avenue, Suite B12 Indianapolis IN 46216-1103
Phone: 317-823-1274