Latest news I've received is that the Promotion Party will be a sports themed event so get your favorite sport team items
ready!! I'll forward more info as soon as I get it.

Just wanted to let everyone know that the dates and location have been established for this years Annual.
It will be held on the 17, 18, & 19 of October at the Renaissance Inn in Carmel Indiana. This is a brand new
facility being built this year so it should be wonderful! Their official grand opening is scheduled for June 26th!
The awards banquet will be on the 17th and the promotion party on the 18th.
Following is a link you can use to check out Carmel and what it has to offer as well as a link to the new hotel.
Please be sure to let us know what types of activities you'd like to see offered so we can plan accordingly!
Carmel Indiana
Renaissance Inn

Planning has officially begun for the 2008 Awards Banquet. As the squadron is closing this year and this will be
that last get-together, we'd like to try and make it the best ever! If you have any suggestions as to what types of
events, trips, etc. you'd like to see offered, please let us know. We'd love to hear any suggestions.