Air Force officials launch new community Web site
9/18/2008 - WASHINGTON (AFPN) -- Beginning
Oct. 1, Air Force officials here will introduce a new Web site for Airmen and their families that provides a 24/7 resource
for information on topics like relocation, military child education and finances.
The new site phases out the "AF
Crossroads" Web site while assuring most of the same services are still available to all users.
Programs such
as "Plan My Move," spouse employment job sites and scholarship information can be found there, as well as new features like
videos and podcasts of Air Force news and events from around the world.
"The Web site was created with our Airmen
and families in mind," said Maj. Karen Terry from the Pentagon Airman and Family Services Division. "We wanted to be able
to offer them helpful information on topics that affect their daily lives, and give them the ability to access it whenever
and wherever they wanted. This site allows us to do that."
The site's appearance is streamlined to make it easier
for users to find what they are looking for within a few clicks of the mouse. Although the Web site is now a "dot mil" site
in order to comply with security requirements, it will still be accessible by all Airmen and their families from any computer.
Visitors interested in joining chat rooms and discussion boards to communicate with other Air Force family members
can do so at or Also beginning Sept. 30, GI Mail will no longer be available.
The new Air Force Community Web site will be located
at For more information, contact the local Airman and Family Readiness Center or visit the new site. | |

Senate passes defense bill, pay raise
By Laurie Kellman - The Associated Press Posted : Thursday Sep 18, 2008 5:54:23 EDT
WASHINGTON — The Senate passed a massive defense bill Wednesday that includes a pay raise for military personnel,
despite Republican objections to billions of dollars in special projects lawmakers had added.
Seven weeks from Election Day, blocking the measure in wartime was not a political risk many senators were willing to take.
The measure passed 88-8 after negotiations on amendments failed at midday.
Retiring Sen. John Warner of Virginia led the negotiating for Republicans who objected to the added projects, called earmarks.
But he, too, said he could not cast a vote that implied disrespect for soldiers fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Warner said Democrats and Republicans alike objected to parts of the bill or proposed amendments.
The bill passed Wednesday because it earlier had attained the support of 61 senators — barely clearing the required
60-vote threshold — on a test vote. Following Warner’s lead, a dozen Republicans voted to advance the measure,
many of them in tough re-election bids.
Many more switched from opponents to supporters on the final vote. Of the eight who voted no, only five were Republicans:
Sens. Wayne Allard of Colorado, Tom Coburn of Oklahoma, David Vitter of Louisiana and Jim DeMint and Lindsey Graham of South
Also voting no were Democratic Sens. Robert Byrd of West Virginia and Russell Feingold of Wisconsin, as well as Bernard
Sanders, an Independent from Vermont.
The measure would permit $612.5 billion in spending for national defense programs in 2009, including $70 billion for operations
in Iraq and Afghanistan. It also includes a 3.9 percent pay increase for military personnel, half a percentage point more
than President Bush requested. A separate bill will have to be passed to actually appropriate the money.
The House passed its own version in May, which will have to be reconciled with the Senate version before the legislation
is sent to the White House for Bush’s signature.
Republican opponents objected to $5 billion in pet projects that Congress added to the bill. But proponents characterized
“no” votes as showing disrespect for military personnel. On Election Day Nov. 4, voters will choose a new president,
all 435 members of the House and a third of the 100-member Senate.
Those absent included three senators engaged in the presidential race: Republican nominee John McCain of Arizona and his
Democratic rival, Barack Obama of Illinois, along with Obama’s running mate, Joe Biden of Delaware.
Sen. Edward Kennedy, D-Mass., was absent as he recovers from treatment for a brain tumor.

Senate passes bundle of veterans benefits
By Rick Maze - Staff writer Posted : Thursday Sep 18, 2008 11:55:31 EDT
After months of delay, the Senate passed an omnibus veterans’ benefits bill Tuesday night that includes bigger benefits
for veterans and their families, expanded home loans and a variety of other programs.
The bill, S 3023, had passed the Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee in June but lingered in limbo because of disputes
over dozens of details. With congressional leaders aiming to end this legislative session of Congress as early as next week,
passage of the Senate bill was essential for any hope of passing a compromise bill in conjunction with the House this year.
The Senate passed the bill by voice vote and with no debate.
Sens. Daniel Akaka, D-Hawaii, chairman of the veterans’ committee, and Richard Burr of North Carolina, the committee’s
ranking Republican, said the bill passed by the Senate includes a host of compromises.
Akaka said one key provision would order VA to simplify what it tells veterans when it denies benefits claims or asks for
more information.
“Notification letters to veterans about the status of their claims have become increasingly long, complex and difficult
to understand,” Akaka said. “These notification letters must be simplified. They should use plain and ordinary
language rather than bureaucratic jargon. Veterans should not be subjected to confusing information as they seek benefits.”
The bill also would temporarily extend an increase in veterans’ home loans through the end of 2011. The temporary
measure allows loans of up to $730,000, but it is due to expire at the end of 2008.
Akaka said extending the loan limits for several more years “would enable more veterans to utilize their VA benefit
to purchase more costly homes.”
The bill also applies the maximum loan limit to home refinancing, and lets homeowners refinance with a veterans’
loan if they have 5 percent equity in their homes instead of the current 10 percent requirement.
Another key provision of the bill would require more federal help for service members who have problems with employment
and re-employment rights. Under the bill, the Labor Department would investigate more complaints and federal agencies would
provide more assistance. The bill calls for mandatory training for federal human resources workers in the Uniformed Services
Employment and Reemployment Rights Act.
Burr said every employer should obey the law, but the federal government has a particular responsibility to be a “model
“The federal government should make sure that not a single returning service member is denied proper reinstatement
to a federal job,” Burr said. “Unfortunately, this is not happening yet.”
Burr highlighted one provision of the bill that is especially important to the families of severely injured service members:
Granting spouses of disabled veterans up to 20 years after the veterans are discharged to use education benefits, twice the
time currently allowed.
The bill also includes a provision that would prevent the Department of Veterans Affairs from making changes in its disability
rating schedule without first notifying Congress.
Burr said the current ratings system is “riddled with outdated criteria that do not track with modern medicine,”
especially in the areas of combat stress and traumatic brain injuries.
VA has been working on several studies that could lead to an overhaul, but many veterans and lawmakers remain concerned
that a change could result in lower benefits. Burr said the bill would “make sure these studies do not get put on a
shelf to collect dust” by requiring a report to Congress on the findings and what action is planned by VA.

Defense delays fix for household goods moves
By Karen Jowers - Staff writer Posted : Thursday Sep 11, 2008 6:33:16 EDT
U.S. Transportation Command officials have postponed the start of a new system designed to fix the process that moves service
members’ household goods.
Originally scheduled to begin for families at 18 locations, including all of U.S. Army Europe, on Wednesday, the start
has now been delayed to mid- to late October.
“We have decided it would be prudent to wait on the rollout of the program until we have conducted additional testing
and additional training,” said U.S. Transportation Command spokesman Army Lt. Col. Fred Rice. The Defense Personal Property
System “is an important program of the DoD Families First initiative, and we need to ensure the rollout goes smoothly
and people are properly trained to use and operate the system,” he said.
“A delay is not what we envisioned, but we want to make sure DPS serves our service members in a positive way.”
The delay will not affect the scheduled worldwide rollout Jan. 22, Rice said.
Defense officials have been trying to fix this process for about 15 years. In one big change for service members, the new,
Internet-based system will automatically assign the best-qualified moving company available at that time to the move, replacing
a system where the primary criterion was the lowest bid.
The new program will also include elements such as direct communication between service members and moving companies, electronic
claims filing, and online tracking of household goods. It also includes full replacement value when household goods are lost
or damaged, but that has been mandated by law and in effect for nearly a year in most places.
“All parties, all stakeholders are happy we’ve been afforded this additional time to work through some of the
remaining issues and tasks,” said Terry Head, president of the Household Goods Forwarders Association of America, which
represents part of the moving industry. “From industry’s perspective, we did not have a good comfort level we
would be invoicing and receiving payment,” he said.

Recruiting Service reorganizes, increases recruiting force
by Staff Sgt. Jennifer Lindsey Air Force Recruiting Service Public
Affairs9/10/2008 - RANDOLPH AIR FORCE BASE, Texas -- Big
changes are underway for Air Force Recruiting Service, but despite the scope of things to come, officials here say people
interested in joining the Air Force should hardly notice.
Effective Oct. 1, AFRS realigns its four groups into three,
reduces recruiting squadrons from 27 to 24, and reorganizes Health Professions recruiting into 24 regional hubs throughout
the United States. In addition to the reorganization, AFRS is adding 124 recruiters and 76 support staff members to the command.
The changes are in response to Program Budget Decision 720 and the Air Force's recent announcement to increase the
force size from 316,000 personnel to 330,000. PBD 720 is the plan that charts how the Air Force will save billions of dollars
for use in replacing aging aircraft and equipment by streamlining its force, and by increasing the efficiency of select organizations
and processes. The plan was initiated in fiscal year 2007 and is scheduled to continue through fiscal 2009.
"The vast
majority of our customers won't see any changes to the way we conduct business," said Lt. Col. Anthony Young, AFRS Plans and
Resources Division chief. "The impacts of the restructuring and reorganization are mostly internal. The biggest impact will
be to the members of the closing units."
The 367th Recruiting Group, headquartered at Robins Air Force Base, Ga.,
will be deactivated Sept. 12; and the 318th Recruiting Squadron in New Cumberland, Pa., the 330th RCS in Indianapolis, Ind.,
and the 342nd RCS in Ft. Snelling, Minn., will also close. All recruiting squadrons, offices and functions from the 367th
RCG will be absorbed by the other three recruiting groups.
Brig. Gen. A.J. Stewart, AFRS commander, said that although
recruiting service has shrunk to three groups, the Air Force is still hiring and recruiting offices will remain open. He also
said that the regionalizing of the Health Professions offices is a major change in the right direction.
"The Air Force
has been recruiting quality men and women with the right skills, at the right time, in the right numbers for eight consecutive
years; and we are going to meet our goals again this year," the general said. "While we are restructuring our force in response
to PBD 720 and the increase in the Air Force's endstrength, we have made smart changes that will help us focus our enlisted
and Health Professions recruiting so we'll have continued recruiting success in the future."
For people interested
in a Health Professions career in the Air Force, the reorganization means that rather than visiting a recruiting office, they
will schedule appointments for the specialized recruiter to meet with them. Officer accessions recruiters are also slated
to move, sharing space with the 24 new HP flight locations across the United States.
As a result of the restructuring,
AFRS manning, and recruiting office numbers and locations will change throughout fiscal 09. The organization's number of authorized
personnel will increase slightly to 2,848 from the 2,621 assigned as of July 31. However, the number of enlisted, and line
officer and Health Professions recruiting offices, and their locations in the United States and overseas is still being determined.
For more information about the Air Force or to find the nearest recruiter, visit The site averages 500,000 visitors monthly, providing information about Air Force career opportunities and benefits, online
advisors, and recruiting office locations and contact information. In addition, people can call 1-800-423-USAF for the location
of the nearest recruiting office and the phone number.

Every Monday Now Blues Day for Airmen
September 05, 2008 Air Force Print
WASHINGTON - Beginning Sept. 8, Airmen now will be required to wear a combination of the blues uniform
on Mondays.
At a recent four-star conference, Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Norton A. Schwartz discussed the issue
with other senior leaders.
"We all agreed that part of our image, culture and professionalism is instilled in our blues," General
Schwartz said.
The policy is mandatory for most career fields, with installation commanders retaining the authority to
adjust for mission requirements.
Prior to Sept. 11, 2001, blues were the primary duty uniform for most Airmen.

I received this email the other day- I'm not sure if this is still "active" but the website is still up and running if
you'd like to give your two cents worth...
Please send this to everyone in your address book. If there was ever a time when our voices and choices should be heard,
this is one of those times. If you're receiving this, it's because I think you will take the 30 seconds to go to vote on this
issue and send it on to others you know who will do the same. There's a bill called the Breast Cancer Patient Protection
Act which will require insurance companies to cover a minimum 48-hour hospital stay for patients undergoing a mastectomy.
It's about eliminating the 'drive-through mastectomy' where women are forced to go home just a few hours after surgery, against
the wishes of their doctor, still groggy from anesthesia and sometimes with drainage tubes still attached. Lifetime
Television has put this bill on their web page with a petition drive to show your support. Last year over half the House
signed on. PLEASE!! Sign the petition by clicking on the web site below. You need not give more than your name and zip code

All - You will see that congress and others have a lot on their plates, as all of you do. Of course,
the issues congress will work will determine a lot of what we have on our plates. As we wrapped up the Air Force Sergeants Association Convention last week, it was obvious to see
that more membership in all professional organizations is the key to our successes in retirement and future years.
Please, encourage all to join at least one professional organization. We have special pay and benefits in AFRS that
came from decisions supported by private orgs. Whether it be AFSA with its special paid lobbyist, Air Force Association (AFA), NCOA, or another, please encourage all your people to join at
least one private organization and to stay a member. When senators and congressmen see our numbers of membership
they know that our lobbyist and other representatives only represent a small number of our Air Force members, not all of them. Let's see if we can change that.
CMSgt Vance M. Clarke
Status of 2008 Legislative Goals Congress is about to return from the long August recess, but Hill leaders
plan to adjourn by early October so legislators can go home to campaign for election. With only a few weeks
left on the planned legislative agenda, it's worth taking stock of where we stand on the legislative goals we established
at the first of the year. TRICARE/Medicare Payments to Doctors: Goal Achieved. Congress reversed the planned
10% cut in Medicare and TRICARE payments that had been scheduled for July 1, 2008, and implemented a 1% increase for
2009. GI Bill: Goal Achieved. Congress passed a major new program
that will take effect Aug. 1, 2009. Members serving 36 months on active duty after 9/11/01 will be eligible for
full tuition at any state school, plus allowances for housing and books. In the interim, Montgomery
GI Bill rates are raised 20%. DoD is preparing regulations that will let members who commit to extended
service transfer their new GI Bill benefits to a spouse or children, but
details won't be known until we see the regulations. Military Pay Raise: Initial Goal Achieved. The House and the
Senate Armed Services Committees have both agreed with MOAA's recommendation to increase the military pay raise
to 3.9% for 2009, vs. the 3.4% proposed by the Pentagon. The House
went a step further to plus up the pay raise by an extra one-half percent each year for the next five years. We hope
to win Senate consideration of a similar plan when they return in September. Concurrent Receipt: Goal in Progress.
The House didn't address the issue this year, but Senate Majority Leader Harry
Reid (D-NV), will offer two amendments when the Senate considers its version of the Defense Authorization
Bill next month. One would eliminate the offset for all with 20+ years of service; the other would cover non-combat disabled
medical retirees with 15+ years of service. TRICARE Fees: Goal in Progress. The House version of the annual defense bill
contains language barring any increases in TRICARE fees through the end of September 2009. Senator s Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ) and Chuck Hagel
(R-NE) will offer an amendment to the Senate defense bill that would establish permanent principles in law that military health care is provided to offset arduous service conditions, that military
people pay large up-front premiums of service and sacrifice in addition to their cash fees, and that the percentage
fee increase in any year shouldn't exceed the percentage increase in military pay. SBP-DIC Offset: Goal in Progress.
The House defense bill would extend the modest survivor indemnity allowance to survivors of members who died on
active duty. Sen. Bill Nelson (D-FL) will offer an amendment to the Senate
defense bill to end the offset Survivor Benefit Plan (SBP) annuities by the VA's Dependency and Indemnity Compensation
(DIC). Guard and Reserve Retirement: Goal in Progress. Sen. Saxby Chambliss (R-GA)
will offer an amendment to the Senate defense bill that would provide retroactive credit for each 90 days of active duty
service since 9/11/01 towards an early Guard or Reserve retirement. Last year's improvement only provided credit for active
duty service after Jan. 28, 2008. ________________________________ Absentee
Voting; Start thinking about it now MOAA is concerned that troops and families deployed or otherwise assigned
away from their voting residences could face daunting challenges in obtaining and filing absentee
ballots. DoD, the military services, and state voting officials must
do all they can to ensure access to the franchise by those who are defending the rest of the nation. DoD maintains
a Federal Military Voting Assistance Program (FVAP) office that provides information and resources for military voters who
wish to file an absentee ballot. The FVAP Web site <> offers state-by-state voting instructions and on-line registration and absentee
ballot request forms. The FVAP also provides links to Service voting information Web sites. MOAA and our
Military Coalition partners are working with the PEW Charitable Trusts Center
on the States on a long-term project to update and streamline state laws governing absentee military and civilian voting procedures.
DoD and the Services also need to develop and field secure electronic voting technologies to assure deployed membersā€™
voting rights. MOAA continues to recommend that all states accept on-line voter information from deployed troops and
other absentee voters, and establish flexible deadlines for accepting military votes. ________________________________ Carter
Pushes Spouse Bill Military spouses who are tired of changing their
voting residence, driver's license and income tax payments after every military-directed
move have a champion in Rep. John Carter (R-TX). Carter's new bill,
H.R. 6070, is intended to solve these problems by extending Servicemembers' Civil
Relief Act coverage to include military spouses along with servicemembers.
If enacted, it would let spouses select the same domicile as their servicemember, consistent with the state's domicile eligibility
requirements. Spouses who move with a servicemember may be able to select and keep the same domicile the military
member holds. If the Servicemember's Civil Relief Act (SCRA) is modified in the manner lawmakers and MOAA hope, spouses would
not pay employment taxes on money they make in the state they reside in - if they select the same domicile as their servicemember.
(States determine their own domicile eligibility requirements.) Currently, the SCRA allows the military member to
avoid paying state tax on personal property such as cars or boats in the state they are stationed in if their domicile is
elsewhere - thus avoiding duplicate taxation. If passed, it would allow the same benefit for a spouse who chooses to share
that servicemember's domicile. Carter's intent is to also protect working spouses who have home businesses from having
to pay higher state income taxes when assigned to a state with higher tax
rates, and his staff is working to address that in future legislation. MOAA strongly supports this initiative and
will work with Rep. Carter to win congressional approval.

National POW/MIA Recognition Day
Week of August 25, 2008
National POW/MIA Recognition Day is traditionally observed on the third Friday of September. This year,
the day will be commemorated on Sept. 19, 2008. The theme for 2008 commemorates the National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific.
POW/MIA Recognition Day posters can be ordered at the following website or by calling 703-699-1131. For more information, visit the Defense Prisoner of War/Missing Personnel Office website. By law, the black POW/MIA flag can be flown over federal facilities and cemeteries, post offices and military
installations on that day.

Temporary VA Home Loan Limit Increase
Week of August 25, 2008
The VA Home Loan limit was recently increased for some geographic areas. The new VA Loan limit for loans
requiring no down payment has been increased to $729,750 for some locations within the continental U.S. and $1,094,625 for
Alaska, Guam, Hawaii, and other overseas locales. This increase is only good through December 31, 2008 and the law will be
rescinded on January 1, 2009. The new limit does not include refinance loans. The new temporary loan limit increase varies
depending upon the median price for a single-family residence in a given location; many locations will not see an increase.
There is a loan limit calculator available at The user must select the appropriate state, enter the name of the county, select "Fannie/Freddie" for the "Limit Type,"
and click "SEND." The applicable maximum loan amount is found in the column labeled "One-Family." Read the full article.

AAFES Hunting Sweepstakes
Week of August 25, 2008
Authorized customers at Army & Air Force Exchange Service (AAFES) BXs and PXs across the Continental
United States can enter to win one of seven prizes tailored made for sporting enthusiasts. AAFES and vendor partners
are teaming up to offer the following prizes as part of the 2008 "AAFES Hunting Sweepstakes:" (1) 2009 Season Rocky Mountain
Elk Hunt for 1, (2) 2009 Season Sportsman's Lodge Deer Hunt for 1, (3) $750 Rocky Apparel Shopping Spree, and (4) $500
AAFES Gift Card. No purchase is necessary. Entry forms are available at BXs and PXs in the Continental United States to
Sept. 4, 2008. Winners will be randomly selected on or about September 30, 2008.

VFW Offers Scholarships
Week of August 25, 2008
The Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) is once again sponsoring its two, annual scholarship contests.
The Patriots Pen is an essay competition that gives youth an opportunity to write essays expressing their views on democracy
with the prospect of winning U.S. savings bonds. Patriots Pen is open to all 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students enrolled in
school. The Voice of Democracy program asks participants to submit an audio essay to be judged. Interested high school
students should contact the local VFW Post to get specific guidelines and rules for the contests. The deadline for both contests
is Nov. 1, 2008. For more information, visit the Veterans of Foreign Wars website.

400 spouses awarded scholarships
By Karen Jowers - Staff writer Posted : Thursday Aug 14, 2008 5:45:01 EDT
The National Military Family Association has awarded nearly 400 scholarships totaling $392,000 to military spouses for the coming fall semester.
Among those receiving scholarships are 180 spouses of service members killed or disabled in the line of duty, with funding
from the new Folds of Honor Foundation.
Of the spouses who received scholarships, 56 percent are married to soldiers, 17 percent are married to sailors, 15 percent
are married to airmen, 10 percent are married to Marines, and 2 percent are married to Coast Guard members, according to NMFA.
More than 75 percent of the spouses are married to enlisted service members. A list of winners can be found online, along with more information on the scholarship requirements and application process.
NMFA created its scholarship program to provide financial assistance to military spouses working toward their education
goals, often made more difficult by frequent moves and lengthy deployments.
The need for these scholarships was brought into sharp relief two years ago when there were 8,000 applicants for 28 scholarships,
said Kathleen Burke, director of development for NMFA. Last year, NMFA provided 63 scholarships. The amount of scholarships
was increased to 400 this year with donations from new partners, Fisher House Foundation and Health Net Federal Services,
as well as Folds of Honor Foundation. There were 4,832 applicants for the 400 scholarships this year, she said.
The amounts of scholarships range from $500, mostly for those attending vocational schools, to $10,000 each for four spouses
of wounded warriors and one spouse of a service member killed in the line of duty.
NMFA likely will start accepting applications for next year’s program in December, Burke said. The scholarships are
open to spouses with a valid military ID card.

Air Force components meet July recruit goals
Staff report Posted : Tuesday Aug 12, 2008 5:59:50 EDT
The Air Force’s active, Guard and Reserve components all met or surpassed their July recruiting goals, the Department
of Defense announced Monday.
The active-duty force brought in 2,555 new airmen, 101 percent of its goal.
The Air Force Reserve hit its target of 819 exactly, while the Air National Guard continues a streak of surpassing its
monthly goals — signing up 936 recruits against a goal of 725, for a rate of 129 percent.

DoD study urges sweeping retirement overhaul
By William H. McMichael - Staff writer Posted : Monday Aug 11, 2008 17:22:21 EDT
The “inequitable, inflexible, inefficient” military retirement system should be replaced with a combination
of cash and deferred compensation that would allow for vesting with as few as 10 years of service and special pays that would
give service officials the tools to retain or separate service members based on force requirements, a Pentagon study recommends.
And to try it on for size, the Defense Department should initiate a multiyear field test with volunteers who, at the end
of the test, could choose to opt back into the traditional system and its 20-year retirement baseline.
That is the biggest issue to come out of Volume II of the 10th Quadrennial Review of Military Compensation, released Tuesday
at the Pentagon.
Report of the 10th Quadrennial Review of Military Compensation Vol. II
Report of the 10th Quadrennial Review of Military Compensation Vol. I
Unlike Volume I, published in March with a focus on cash compensation for active-duty members, the new study covers deferred
and noncash payments in the areas of retirement, Tricare premiums and fees and other quality-of-life programs, and also addresses
the recruiting and retention of military medical professionals.
The study’s recommendations are just that — recommendations. The QRMC, conducted every four years by law, does
not set policy but periodically attempts to shape the tenets of the military’s compensation programs, which in 2007
totaled more than $118 billion — 23 percent of the defense budget.
Any proposal to change the retirement system draws immediate concerns about the potential impact on retention and anger
over a possible delay in the receipt of retirement pay, as did somewhat similar proposals made in January by the Commission
on the National Guard and Reserves. Some of the new study’s other convention-busting proposals also are sure to spark
heated debate.
For instance, the QRMC recommends that “working-age” retirees — those under age 65 — pay more for
Tricare Prime, reflecting their ability to do so, as well as the QRMC’s recommendation that their rates be made more
equitable with those of older retirees, who must pay Medicare Part B premiums in order to qualify for Tricare for Life insurance
The study also concludes that the services should adopt dependent care and flexible spending accounts for military beneficiaries
to cover the costs of common expenses not covered by Tricare, such as eyeglasses and dental braces.
And with a sense that the Tricare system “should be biased toward prevention rather than treatment,” the QRMC
calls for eliminating co-pays for preventative care, the idea being to encourage enrollees to seek out that care, stay healthier
and reduce overall health care costs.
The QRMC also said the Pentagon should create education vouchers from Impact Aid — federal money that subsidizes
the cost of public school education for military dependents — to provide more choices for parents unhappy with the education
systems near their assigned bases.
The QRMC would also permit the formation of military charter schools; implement a child care voucher system to make that
benefit more convenient for people with long commutes; and ask national and regional grocers to provide military discounts,
which would benefit those not living close to installations with commissaries.
Under the retirement pay proposal, which active and reserve forces would share, retirement pay would equal 2.5 percent
of their average basic pay over their three highest earning years in uniform, multiplied by years of service.
Vesting would begin at the 10-year mark. So someone who serves the minimum 10 years and then leaves the military would
qualify for a retirement annuity of 25 percent of their basic pay over their three highest earning years in uniform.
That would be supplemented by a defined Pentagon contribution to service member’s Thrift Savings Plan accounts. The
Pentagon would continute nothing in the member’s first year of service, but after that, it would contribute 2 percent
of the member’s basic pay in the second year, 3 percent in the third year, 4 percent in the fourth year and 5 percent
in each subsequent year.
Service members would not have to contribute anything themselves to receive the defined Pentagon contributions, but they
could if they desire, up to the limit currently allowed for 401(k) plans —$15,500 per year. This plan would also vest
after 10 years of service, and would begin paying out at age 60.
Reservists, however, would generally earn less because they serve fewer days than their active-duty counterparts over the
course of a career.
The aspect of this plan that is likely to draw the most reaction from troops is that annuity payouts would be deferred
for many years.
Under the current system, active-duty members with at least 20 years of service begin receiving annuities immediately upon
retirement, without penalty.
Under the new proposal, those with less than 20 years of service would begin receiving retirement payments at age 60; those
with more than 20 years would have to wait until age 57 to get their full annuity.
Those with 20 or more years could withdraw the money early, but it would be subject to an early withdrawal penalty —
a reduction in their annuity of 5 percentage points for each year the member is short of age 57.
For example, a 45-year-old service member who retires with 25 years of service and waits until age 57 to begin drawing
retirement benefits would receive the full annuity of 62.5 percent of his average basic pay over his three highest earning
years in uniform. If that same retiree opted for an immediate annuity at age 45, the benefit would be reduced by 5 percentage
points for each of the 12 years he is under age 57, or 60 percentage points. So the member would receive 40 percent of the
annuity he otherwise would have been paid at age 57.
The Commission on the National Guard and Reserves made a similar retirement plan proposal in its final report.
To further sculpt the retirement system, the QRMC recommended the introduction of two new incentives: “gate pay”
and separation pay.
Gate pay would be cash compensation given to service members at specific time-in-service milestones; it would be offered
as an incentive to encourage longer careers in select critical skills.
Separation pay would do just the opposite, providing what retired Air Force Brig. Gen. Denny Eakle, QRMC executive director,
called “a check to walk out the door” — compensation for a combat arms specialist who voluntarily leaves
before 20 years of service, for example.
Under the current system, said Eakle, former deputy director of the Defense Finance and Accounting Service, “the
compensation system is actually shaping the force, rather than having the force managers be able to do any force-shaping.”
Defense officials said that the vast majority of those who serve never come close to qualifying for retirement pay under
the current 20-years-or-nothing system.
“We’re trying to draw people to the 10-year point,” Eakle said. “And this is how we’ll do
With both cash and deferred elements, the QRMC’s proposed system would cost less but provide more to the service
member, Eakle said.
With the ability to retain service members longer, she said, “we also could maintain the force with many fewer people.
It would reduce the pressures on recruiting. And you would save all of the recruiting and training costs.”
If adopted in this form, current service members could opt to remain in the current retirement system. But, Eakle said,
the QRMC envisions the Pentagon allowing troops the opportunity to transfer into the new system “because we believe
that 10-year vesting might appeal to enough people that some will actually want to leave the current retirement system and
enter this.”
An earlier study by the 2006 Defense Advisory Committee on Military Compensation recommended that any new retirement system
include a defined retirement benefit at age 60 that would vest after 10 years of service; it also called for gate and separation
pays. The 10th QRMC used that study as the basis for its own proposals.
The QRMC was careful to note that while its behavior model on the retirement system “provided valuable estimates”
of the potential impact, “it is still a theoretical analysis.”
As such, any demonstration project should include a broad cross-section of the services and run a minimum of five years,
the group said.
The Pentagon for years has tried to convince Congress to raise Tricare fees for military retirees under 65. The annual
enrollment fee for Tricare Prime has never changed from $230 per month for single retirees and $460 for families. And there
has never been an enrollment fee for Tricare Standard.
As a result, due to inflation and other costs, Tricare beneficiaries have seen their share of the military’s overall
health care costs decline from 27 percent in the mid-1990s to 12 percent by 2006, the QRMC said — in the process turning
Tricare into one of the lowest-cost health insurance plans in the nation.
Meanwhile, retirees over 65 who want to enroll in Tricare for Life are required by law to carry Medicare Part B and pay
its monthly premiums, which this year, start at $96.40 per month for single people with less than $82,000 in annual adjusted
gross income and married couples with less than $164,000 in annual adjusted gross income. Premiums increase on a sliding scale
as adjusted gross income rises.
The QRMC proposes that Tricare Prime premiums for single retirees under age 65 be set at 40 percent of the Part B premiums,
with family rate set at double the single rate, regardless of family size.
Premiums for Tricare Standard and Extra would be set at 15 percent of the Part B premium for single retirees under age
65, with the family rate again set at twice that.
“There needs to be some parity between our older and our younger retirees,” Eakle said. “It’s not
fair to ask the oldest retirees, who make the least, to pay far more for a benefit that is just somewhat more generous.”
The QRMC also expressed concern about the services’ inability to meet recruiting goals in the health care field.
As of fiscal 2006, the Pentagon had 98.4 percent of its needed active-duty physicians but only 90.9 percent of its required
nurses and 89.1 percent of its required dentists.
The shortfalls occurred even though authorizations for these caregivers declined between fiscal 1995 and 2006 and the military
hired more civilians and contractors, the QRMC said.
Moreover, actual inventories have dropped even more sharply, with active-duty declines of 14 percent in physicians, 24
percent in nurses and 21 percent in and dentists.
To help remedy this shortfall, the QRMC proposes increasing the mandatory retirement age for health professionals from
62 to 68, recruiting noncitizens with U.S. health degrees, leveraging the interservice bonus program to encourage doctors
with “overage” skills to transfer to services with shortages in those skills, and recruiting nondegreed registered
nurses to bolster the Nurse Corps.
The QRMC would also improve conditions for participants in the Health Professionals Scholarship Program, the most widely
used program for recruiting doctors and dentists.
Participants would be given access to Tricare health coverage, a housing allowance and funds to cover the costs of all
required equipment.
The QRMC also recommends expanding the program to cover the costs of additional training for U.S. citizens who attend foreign
medical schools, and residency opportunities for certified foreign medical school graduates.
Major changes in pay have resulted from past QRMCs, sometimes even before the reports were published. A recommendation
from Volume I of this QRMC to consolidate more than 60 special and incentive pays into eight broad categories, for example,
was adopted early and signed into law in January.

Travel Management Office (DTMO) Notification 31 July 2008 1300 EDT Subject: Airline E-ticket Email Attack
We are aware of public reports indicating that a new email attack is circulating. This attack uses email messages that appear
to be from legitimate airlines and contain information about a bogus e-ticket.
Impact: These email messages instruct
the user to open the attachment to obtain the e-ticket. If a user opens this attachment, a file may be executed to infect
the user's system with malicious code. Reports indicate that these messages have the following characteristics.
Please note that these attributes may change at any time. * The subject line "E-Ticket#XXXXXXXXXX" * An
attachment named ""
Suggested Action: We encourage users and administrators to take the following preventative
measures to help mitigate the security risks: * Install anti-virus software, and keep its virus signature file up
to date. * Do not open attachments in unsolicited email messages. * Refer to the Recognizing and Avoiding
Email Scams (pdf) document for more information on social engineering attacks.

VA offers new online resource
7/28/2008 - SAN ANTONIO (AFPN) -- The Department of Veterans Affairs is offering a new online service, My HealtheVet,
which is a gateway to veteran health benefits and services.
It provides access to trusted health information, links to federal and VA benefits and resources, the Personal Health
Journal and online VA prescription refill service.
In the future, MHV registrants will be able to view appointments, co-pay balances and key portions of their VA medical
records online.
My HealtheVet
is a powerful tool to help veterans better understand and manage their health, according to VA officials.
The Web site also features a section called "Learn About" which provides
resources on a variety of topics such as computers, the Internet, phishing scams and telephone scams. Health information from
A to Z plus medical dictionaries, an encyclopedia, journals and more will be available soon.
To visit the My HealtheVet site, go to

Defense secretary praises military kids
The Associated Press Posted : Sunday Jul 27, 2008 14:34:01 EDT
GRAPEVINE, Texas — Defense Secretary Robert Gates says the nation’s 2 million military children are just as
heroic as their parents.
But he says they have extra hurdles to clear and burdens to bear — such as the stress of moving, attending new schools
and dealing with a parent’s injury or death.
Gates says some programs are helping, such as GI Bill benefits now being able to be transferred to spouses and children.
Gates spoke Friday at the Military Child Education Coalition’s conference in Grapevine, just outside Dallas.
The nonprofit organization focuses on educational opportunities for children in military families.

AA Discount Airfares Through 2008
American Airlines Extends Special Fares and Other Offers for U.S. Military Personnel
Through December 2008
FORT WORTH, Texas -- American Airlines has extended through Dec. 31, 2008, several special offers that
are available exclusively for active-duty members of the U.S. military. These offers include discounted airfares, relaxed
advance purchase requirements, and preferred boarding privileges.
"American Airlines has extended our special fares and offers for members of the military and their families several times over the past few years, and we're delighted to do so again," said Dan Garton, American's Executive Vice President
- Marketing. "We sincerely appreciate the courage, dedication and sacrifice that our troops and their families exhibit on
a daily basis, and all of us at American look forward to seeing them on one of our flights very soon."
Active-duty members of the U.S. Air Force, Army, Coast Guard, Marines, Navy, National Guard and Reserves
who are on leave or furlough (including those who are traveling within seven days of discharge from active service), and their
spouse and dependent children, are eligible for the special military fares. The fares are available for travel to domestic
and various international destinations.
In addition, the discounted military fares may be purchased up to a week after reservations are made --
versus 24 hours for most non-military discount fares -- making it easier for military personnel and their families to make
travel arrangements. Otherwise, the discounted military fares have no advance purchase requirements, unlike most non-military
discount fares.
Following are samples of American's great low fares for the U.S. military. Fares shown are each way, based
on a round-trip purchase:
Travel arrangements can be made at American Airlines ticketing locations or by calling American's reservations
number at 1-800-433-7300 (en Espanol 1-800-633-3711) within the United States and Canada. Outside the United States and Canada,
call the local reservations number. Military ID must be presented at the time of airport check-in.
These military fares are not available via the Internet. Other restrictions apply. For complete rules and
restrictions, see the terms and conditions below.
As a thank you to U.S. troops, American, a founding member of the global oneworld(R) Alliance, continues
to invite uniformed military personnel and their families to pre-board with First-Class passengers or at any time during the
boarding process.
Also, U.S. military men and women who are participating in Operation Iraqi Freedom or Operation Enduring
Freedom are welcome to be American's guests at Admirals Club facilities between flights when they are on emergency or Rest
and Relaxation (R&R) leave from their overseas duties. This invitation for complimentary access has been extended through
Dec. 31, 2008, at all airport locations that do not have USO facilities. Eligible military personnel in appropriate uniform
need only present their emergency or R&R leave forms from Operation Iraqi Freedom or Operation Enduring Freedom to access
an Admirals Club location. In addition, the Admirals Club welcomes family members and relatives accompanying military personnel who are part of Operation Iraqi Freedom or Operation Enduring Freedom.

Release No. 07-05-08 July 24, 2008 Officials release facts about new GI Bill
by Staff Sgt. J.G. Buzanowski Secretary of the Air Force Public Affairs WASHINGTON (AFRNS) -- Department of
Defense and Veterans Affairs officials are working out the details of a new education benefit recently approved by Congress
that goes into effect Aug. 1, 2009. "The absolute most important part of the new G.I Bill is that none of it
takes effect until next year," said Rita Hughson, the chief of education and training at Bolling Air Force Base, D.C.
"No one should make any definite plans until the details are worked out." The new education bill, commonly called the
Post-9/11 G.I Bill,
will govern payment and reimbursement plans for veterans and servicemembers who seek to further their education. The
new plan will be open to most servicemembers who served on active duty after Sept. 11, 2001. This includes people who
have not been eligible for the Montgomery G.I. Bill, such as Air Force Academy or ROTC graduates, those who declined
to participate in the program, and those whose service started before it went into effect in 1985, she said. According
to Ms. Hughson, the implementation of particular benefits and how they will apply to former and current servicemembers have
yet to be established. There are, however, a few facts that are known since the bill was signed into law: TUITION
-- The Post-9/11 G.I. Bill will cover tuition with payments sent directly to the school. The formula for determining
the amount of tuition and fees paid will be based on the highest cost of a state-supported bachelor's degree program.
The tuition amount will be paid directly to the college. HOUSING -- A housing allowance will be made available to
prior servicemembers who attend as civilian full-time students. The rate will be that of a staff sergeant with dependents.
BOOKS & SUPPLIES -- A maximum of $1,000 per year will be allotted to the member to cover the costs of books and
supplies needed for classes. The stipend will be divided by terms, so if someone attends a two-term school, the
allotment will be $500 per semester, whereas the student will receive $333 if they attend a three-semester school. TUTORING
-- $100 a month for 12 months will be available for tutor programs should the servicemember require extra help outside of
his or her studies. AVAILABILITY -- Servicemembers can take advantage of the program up to 15 years after they are
honorably discharged or retire from the service. CERTIFICATION -- An extra $2,000 is available to pay for
one license or certification test as approved by the VA. Besides the listed benefits, a portion of the tuition stipend,
as well as the tutoring allowance, may be available for servicemembers to transfer to family members. Many of the details
for this, however, are still being worked out between DOD and the VA, Ms. Hughson said. Although the Post-9/11 G.I.
Bill tuition benefit will be available to most people while they are on active duty, it is actually most advantageous to
use all the benefits after separating, Ms. Hughson said. "There are so many other educational programs and benefits
people can take advantage of while they're on active duty, like the various free tests for college credit and tuition assistance
funding," she said. "But just like the current G.I. Bill, people will get the greatest benefit if they wait until they are
no longer serving on active duty before they begin using it. "That way they have the option to use all their G.I. Bill
benefits for the longest amount of time," she added. Once the Post-9/11 G.I. Bill becomes available Aug. 1, 2009, Ms.
Hughson expects people who have already elected to participate in the Montgomery Bill program will have the option to
use the new plan, if they wish; however, it may be in a member's best interest to stick with the Montgomery Bill for certain
distance-learning programs or if they would prefer money be sent directly to them, Ms. Hughson said. "Whatever they
decide to do, people should do as much research as they can as details become available," she said. "As is normally
the case with legislation, details remain sketchy until implementation guidance is made public, and since nothing goes into
effect until August of 2009, people shouldn't make any sort of determination until then." For more information,
visit the educational office on base or the VA Web site <> (Courtesy of Air Force Print News)

Bill would give spouses same residency rights
By Rick Maze - Staff writer Posted : Monday Jul 21, 2008 12:29:42 EDT
A House committee has voted to expand legal and financial protections for service members and their families with legislation
that would allow spouses to maintain a permanent home of record, just like their military sponsors.
The bill also would expand troops’ ability to cancel or suspend personal service contracts, including cable television,
telephone and Internet contracts, when they get orders to deploy or move to a new duty station.
The provisions are included in HR 6225, approved by the House Veterans’ Affairs Committee by voice vote July 16.
Under the bill, a spouse could maintain the same state of residence for as long as he is married to a service member, regardless
of how many times the member moves on reassignment orders.
Service members have long been allowed to maintain the same state of residence for the duration of their military careers,
which allows them to avoid such things as having to refile for a new driver’s license and reregister to vote when they
move to a different state.
There are also tax implications; service members stationed at some point in their careers in a state that has no state
income tax can claim and keep that state as their legal residence no matter how often they move.
That has major ramifications for military families, said Rep. John Carter, R-Texas, who was the initial sponsor of the
spouse residence bill.
Carter said being able to keep the same legal residence would simplify paying state and local income taxes and maintaining
driver’s licenses, vehicle registration and other legal documents. Spouses could even continue voting in their hometown.
He said it also would make a difference if a marriage ends in divorce, because it would not leave a couple facing the complicated
issue of determining where to divorce in order to meet residency restrictions.
During a service member’s career, a spouse may “face multiple changes of voter registration and driver’s
licenses, will pay income tax to a state they never intended to live in, and likely not have their name on any property titles
— leading to a feeling that they are second-class citizens,” Carter said.
The bill could put more money into a family’s pocket because they can avoid paying higher tax on a spouse’s
income, which often drops simply by virtue of the move when a spouse has to start over at a new job.
The committee plan says that a person absent from a state because his is accompanying someone on military orders may not
lose his right to vote or register to vote if he leaves the state, regardless of whether he has any intention of returning.
Additionally, several activities often viewed as changing residences — such as buying a home — could not be
used to determine that a military spouse has changed state residency.
Similar language is included for tax purposes. Buying a home does not make the spouse of a service member the resident
of a state for tax purposes as long as the spouse is accompanying a service member on military orders.
Service members already have the right to cancel leases for housing and vehicles when deployed or ordered to change duty
stations, but the committee has agreed to allow other contracts also to be canceled without penalty for those deployed 90
days or longer in support of a contingency operation, or assigned outside the service area covered by a contract.
The bill would make canceling a contract easy. Service members could deliver a cancellation notice, including a copy of
the military orders, by hand, by private messenger service, by fax or by mail, as long as they use an envelope with sufficient
postage and request a receipt that proves the message was received. Termination or suspension of service would take effect
on the date the notice is delivered.
Failure to suspend or cancel a service member’s contract upon such request would be a misdemeanor, punishable by
fines of up to $5,000 per person or $10,000 per company.
A service member also would have the right to sue for damages, with a court allowed to award up to three times the amount
of damages plus attorney fees to the member.

Rate the Military Health System
Week of July 21, 2008
The U.S. Department of Defense Military Health System is encouraging servicemembers and their families
to take the online Military Health System Poll. By participating in the poll, you will help the Military Health System understand the areas that need improvement.

Education Grants for AF Family
Week of July 21, 2008
The Air Force Aid Society's (AFAS) General Henry H. Arnold Education Grant Program provides $2,000 grants
to selected dependent sons and daughters of Air Force retirees, deceased retirees, and the surviving spouses of Air Force
retirees. Use of funds is limited to tuition, books, fees, or other curriculum-required materials. AFAS sections receive bulk
quantities of grant applications by Nov. 1 of each year, and the application deadline is mid-March of the following year.
For more information, visit the Air Force Aid Society website. Remember: Not applying for scholarships is like turning down free money. Get started on your search for scholarships
today - visit the Scholarship Finder.

TRICARE Provides Crisis Information
Week of July 21, 2008
TRICARE wants to assure beneficiaries and families affected by the recent flooding in seven states that
their health care benefits will be maintained and that service and support will continue during this critical time. For beneficiaries
living in West Region states, TriWest Healthcare Alliance recently launched its Crisis Connection webpage. The website also provides general updates and flood-related resources. For those in the North Region, information
can be found on Health Net Federal Services Pre- and Post-Disaster Resources webpage. Additional information on disaster preparation is available on the TRICARE website and on TRICARE's Preparing for a Disaster webpage.

TRICARE Helps Out in Flood States
Week of July 21, 2008
Express Scripts, Inc. (ESI), the TRICARE pharmacy contractor, has been authorized to add provisions for
early refill of medications for TRICARE beneficiaries and families in seven states affected by recent flooding -- Illinois,
Minnesota, Missouri, Wisconsin, Nebraska, Iowa and Indiana. These early refills are only authorized for beneficiaries who
specifically indicate they are impacted by flooding. Those beneficiaries may take their prescription bottle to any TRICARE
retail network pharmacy. Contact Express Scripts at 1-866-363-8779 to find the nearest network pharmacy. TRICARE beneficiaries
who are impacted by flooding are also able to use their once-a-year override.

Bill would ease rules on cell phone contracts
By Rick Maze - Staff writer Posted : Friday Jul 18, 2008 7:36:34 EDT
A House committee passed legislation Wednesday that would make it easier for service members to cancel cell phone, cable
and utility contracts if they are deployed or move to a new duty station.
The legislation also would let deployed troops keep their phone numbers when they return and reactivate their accounts.
Under provisions of HR 6225, a bill amending the legal and financial protections of the Servicemembers’ Civil Relief
Act, a service member could terminate or suspend a contract for a cell or regular phone, cable or Internet service, and utilities
such as electricity, gas, oil or water if they are deployed for 90 days or longer in support of a contingency operation, or
are ordered to make a permanent reassignment move to a new location.
Service members could not be charged fees for early termination of a contract, but could be charged if they have company
equipment, such as a cable box. If there is a fee, payment could be deferred until the deployment has ended.
Canceling a contract would be easy, under the bill. A service member could deliver a cancellation notice, including a copy
of their military orders, by hand, private messenger service, fax or mail, as long as they used an envelope with sufficient
postage and request a receipt to prove the message was received. Termination or suspension of service would take effect on
the date the notice is delivered.
A company that fails to suspend a contract under those terms would face misdemeanor penalties of up to $5,000 per person
or $10,000 per organization.
A service member also would have the right to sue for damages, with courts allowed to grant up to three times the amount
of damages, plus attorney fees, to the member.
Rep. John Hall, D-N.Y., said the ability to cancel a contract in the face of deployment is important so that service members
are not paying for something they cannot use, and the provision allowing them to keep the same number when they return from
deployment is equally important to help them pick up where they left off.
Keeping the same phone number is not guaranteed under the proposal. The bill merely calls for that “to the extent
The bill is called the Improving SCRA and USERRA Protections Act of 2008, which refers to the Servicemembers’ Civil
Relief Act and the Uniformed Services Employment and Re-employment Rights Act.
Also in the bill is extra relief for service members whose college educations are disrupted by military duties, including
a requirement that schools refund tuition and fees if a service member does not receive academic credit for courses they had
to drop because of military orders; and changes in military spouse residency rules to allow them to keep the same state of
legal residence as their service member, regardless of where the family may live. The rules would apply to such issues as
income taxes, car registration, driver’s licenses and voter registration.
The bill, passed by voice vote, is expected to be voted on by the full House of Representatives this summer. The Senate
Veterans’ Affairs Committee has been working on similar legislation.

President Signs Tax Relief Act
Week of July 14, 2008
President Bush recently signed the Heroes Earnings Assistance and Relief Tax (HEART) Act ( H.R.6081) into law (public Law 110-245). The HEART Act will allow tax-exempt pay received in a combat zone to qualify for the Earned
Income Tax Credit (EITC) and permits contributions of military death gratuity payments to Roth IRAs and Education Savings
Accounts. Read more about the HEART Act on

DeCA Scholarship Kicks Off
Week of July 14, 2008
This year, 600 military children received a $1,500 scholarship each from the Scholarships for Military
Children Program. The average GPA of the applicants was 3.8 to 3.9. It is the intent of the program that a scholarship funded
through contributions be awarded annually for each commissary operated by the Defense Commissary Agency (DeCA) worldwide.
The 2009 Scholarships for Military Children season kicks off Nov. 1, 2008. For more information about the program, visit the
Military Scholar website. To find more family resources visit the Military Spouse Network. On we have over $300 million in scholarships exclusively for service members, veterans and their family.
Don’t pay for school – apply for scholarships. Conduct a search now.

AAFES Back-to-School Essay Contest
Week of July 14, 2008
The Army & Air Force Exchange Service's (AAFES) "Back-To-School Essay Contest" gives students, in
grades first through 12th, the opportunity to submit an essay of 200 words or less on "What AAFES means to me and my family."
The essay contest runs through Aug. 31, 2008. First place winners will receive a computer, second place winners will be awarded
$500 savings bonds, and $200 savings bonds will be issued to third place winners. Complete rules, including release forms
and specific instructions on submitting essays, are available at the AAFES website under the Patriot Family Connection link.

Active, Guard, Reserve meet recruiting goals
Staff report Posted : Friday Jul 11, 2008 10:39:02 EDT
All three Air Force components — active, Guard, Reserve — met or exceeded their June recruiting goals, according
to data released by the Defense Department on Thursday.
The active-duty force brought in 2,203 new airmen, nine more than it was planning on.
All the other services met or exceeded their active-duty recruit goals as well.
The Air Force Reserve hit its goal of 690 exactly, while the Air National Guard again surpassed its monthly goal by signing
up 910 recruits against a goal of 767, for a rate of 119 percent. In April and May, the Guard also brought in a few hundred
more recruits than it needed.

Latest Recruiting Numbers Underscore Strength of All-Volunteer ForceBy Donna Miles American Forces Press Service
WASHINGTON, July 10, 2008 – Defense officials today pointed to the 13th consecutive month of recruiting success
as a sign that the all-volunteer force, now 35 years old, remains solid.
Recruiting and retention statistics for June, released today, show that all services met or exceeded their active-duty
recruiting goals. The June figures mark more than a full year of across-the-board recruiting successes.
Pentagon spokeswoman
Eileen Lainez said this trend, particularly during a protracted conflict, demonstrates the strength of the all-volunteer force.
Navy Adm. Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, expressed appreciation earlier this week for military
recruiters and the big role they play in filling the ranks in a challenging recruiting environment. He noted during his June
8 visit with enlisted troops in Mosul, Iraq, that only 30 percent of Americans between the ages of 18 and 24 are eligible
for military service.
“I’ve seen tremendous success in recruiting all across the services,” he told
the troops during an “all-hands call” at Forward Operating Base Marez. “My hat goes off to those who recruit
as they continue to make their numbers from month to month.”
The June recruiting and retention figures reflect
recruiters’ hard work and young people’s continued willingness to step up and serve, Lainez said. The Army signed
up 9,365 new soldiers in June, 101 percent of its 9,250-soldier goal. The Marine Corps recruited 4,531 Marines, topping its
monthly goal of 3,934 recruits by 15 percent. The Navy met its goal of 4,209 sailors, and the Air Force brought in 2,203 airmen,
six recruits over its June goal.
In the reserve components, the trend lines remained positive as well, Lainez said.
The Army National Guard recruited 5,290 soldiers in June, 100 percent of its goal. The Marine Corps Reserve reached its goal
with 1,054 recruits. Despite falling 1 percent short of its June goal, the Army Reserve, with 3,138 new recruits in June,
stands at 108 percent of its year-to-date goal, Lainez said.
The Air National Guard recruited 910 airmen, 119 percent
of its June goal, and the Air Force Reserve met its 690-airman goal. The Navy Reserve and Air Force Reserve both met their
June goals, recruiting 725 sailors and 690 airmen, respectively.
Meanwhile, retention remained strong in the Army,
Navy and Marine Corps, Lainez said, with each service meeting or exceeding its year-to-date goals.
Army Gen. David
H. Petraeus, commander of Multinational Force Iraq, praised troops’ commitment to continue serving as he re-enlisted
1,215 servicemembers during a Fourth of July ceremony in Baghdad.
“Volunteering to continue to serve our nation
while deployed is both noble and inspiring,” he said. “It is, as award citations often state, in keeping with
the finest traditions of our military services.”
July 1 marked the 35th anniversary of the U.S. armed forces
consisting solely of volunteers. Until July 1973, the military operated under an involuntary draft policy to produce manpower
to fight the country’s wars. Draftees served during both world wars, the Korean War and the Vietnam War.
then, volunteers have served the armed forces through peacetime and war, including the Cold War and conflicts in Panama, Grenada,
Somalia, Bosnia, Kosovo, the Persian Gulf and elsewhere around the world.
Bill Carr, deputy undersecretary of defense
for military personnel and policy, said the all-volunteer force has continued to prove itself during ongoing operations in
Iraq and Afghanistan.
“There were concerns about how today’s fight would affect retention, and yet, retention
has been as strong as any period in our history,” he said on the all-volunteer force’s 35th anniversary. “Volunteers
want to serve; their performance is strong, their behaviors are strong, and their discipline is high.”
choice to become members of the armed forces “speaks volumes for the dedication and loyalty of our nation and its volunteers,”
Carr said.
| |
Related Sites: Defense Department News Release on June 2008 Recruiting Special Report: 35th Anniversary of All-Volunteer Force

Pentagon Has New Recruit Waiver Policy
July 02, 2008 Associated Press
WASHINGTON - The Pentagon has revised its policy for recruits who must get waivers for past bad behavior,
but officials stopped short of eliminating waiver requirements for petty crimes, The Associated Press has learned.
After a lengthy review, the Defense Department bowed to insistence from the services that they be allowed
to set their own guidelines for what offenses trigger a waiver. Instead, officials say the Pentagon will unveil a policy July
2 that improves and simplifies the reporting process, grouping the waivers into four broad categories.
Several officials spoke about the new policy on condition of anonymity because it has not yet been released.
Last year, under the continuing strain of Iraq and Afghanistan, the number of recruits with waivers for
bad conduct increased. Senior military leaders at the time suggested the department might be able to eliminate waiver requirements
for some less serious crimes or lay out guidelines for what offenses demand a waiver.
After months of discussion with the military services, however, that did not pan out.
Marine officials, in particular, said they were reluctant to relax their standards for requiring waivers.
Instead, officials have now decided to create four waiver categories for major misconduct, misconduct,
traffic offenses and non-traffic offenses. Under the new policy, each branch of the armed forces will set its own guidelines
on what behavior requires a waiver, as long as it can assign each offense to one of the four categories.
Marines are known for their more strict waiver requirements, which result in a higher percentage of their
recruits needing a special exemption to join. The most glaring difference is that one-time marijuana use warrants a waiver.
Thus, roughly half of Marine recruits require waivers to join, largely because more than a third of recruits
require a waiver for previous drug use.
In pressing for waiver changes last year, military leaders said they wanted to streamline what can be a
complicated, lengthy and cumbersome waiver process. The new policy - in development for nearly two years - will allow the
Pentagon to better compare how recruits with certain waivers perform.
Last year, Lt. Gen. Michael Rochelle, the Army's deputy chief of staff for personnel, said a review of
the process was necessary to make the military services more consistent. At the time, he noted that many recruits who were
arrested as juveniles for what can be considered youthful indiscretions - minor fights or theft - are forced to get waivers
even if they were never convicted of the crime.
"There are really anomalies out there," he said.
Overall, about three in every 10 military recruits must get a waiver, according to Pentagon statistics.
About two-thirds of those approved in recent years have been for some type of criminal behavior - mostly minor infractions.
In addition to waivers for bad behavior, recruits also may need waivers for a host of reasons including
health problems such as asthma or flat feet, low aptitude scores - and even for some tattoos.
Getting a waiver approved requires paperwork and at times lengthy investigation, from detailed health screenings
and doctor referrals to testimonials from neighbors and relatives about past bad behavior. Depending on the seriousness, the
final decision can be made by senior recruiting officers or higher-ranking commanders.
The policy changes come as the Army on July 1 celebrated the 35th anniversary of the all-volunteer force,
and as the services continue to meet their recruiting goals on a fairly consistent basis.
Standing in the sun-drenched Pentagon courtyard, Gen. George Casey, chief of staff of the Army, swore in
15 new recruits and re-enlisted 16 Soldiers for another tour.
He said later that any changes in the waiver policy will make the process better and "it will allow us
to move a little quicker."
Casey, who joined the Army 38 years ago, entered when the draft was still in effect. These days, he said
recruits who volunteer to enlist often face questions about why they are joining.
As he looked out at the Soldiers - most of whom can expect to see combat in Iraq or Afghanistan - he said
they believe in their ideals and believe "they can make a difference."

Misinformation clouds new GI Bill
By Rick Maze - Staff writer Posted : Wednesday Jul 9, 2008 6:45:25 EDT
Full-tuition educational benefits included in a new veterans’ program signed into law on June 30 will not take effect
until Aug. 1, 2009, unless Congress approves a change in the new law.
There will be a 20 percent increase, effective this Aug. 1, in Montgomery GI Bill benefits for active-duty veterans and
veterans who have served two or more years of active duty, raising the maximum benefit to $1,321 for a full-time student who
has three or more years of active service, under terms of the Post-9/11 Veterans Educational Assistance Act of 2008.
Full tuition benefits, plus stipends for living expenses and books, will not take effect under the law until Aug. 1, 2009,
despite earlier claims by aides to the bill’s chief sponsor that those payments would be retroactive to when the bill
is signed.
A spokeswoman for Sen. Jim Webb, D.Va., chief sponsor of the new benefits package, said the fact that the benefits are
not retroactive came as a surprise; the final bill passed by Congress omitted crucial paragraphs of Webb’s legislation.
The spokeswoman, Kimberly Hunter, said a technical correction bill fixing other problems with the bill could include language
that would restore the retroactive benefits Webb wanted in the bill.
That is not the only thing Webb’s staff promised that ended up being wrong.
People who previously enrolled in the Montgomery GI Bill program must continue to make their $100 monthly installments
until they have fully paid the $1,200 contribution required to participate — even though the post-9/11 benefits program
will be completely free.
Pentagon officials said ending contributions is not allowed under either the new or previous law, and that enrollments
in the Montgomery GI Bill continue because there are some types of post-service education, including on-the-job and vocational
training, that are not covered by the new program. Military officials are working on a briefing for new recruits that will
explain the differences between the old and new veterans’ benefits programs. It will recommend that troops continue
to enroll in the Montgomery GI Bill program if there is any chance they might need non-traditional education.
The disappointing news about the lack of retroactive benefits and continued enrollment charges came from the departments
Veterans Affairs and Defense, who have staffs poring over the details of what is now Public Law 110-252 to determine how it
will be implemented.
Defense and VA aides said they are working with congressional staff to implement the benefits plan that was passed by Congress
and to suggest changes when errors were made.
For more information about the GI Bill, you can check out the following
GI Bill 2008

New GI Bill Becomes RealityBy Terry Howell
In an effort to push through Sen. James Webb's (D-VA) popular "Post 9/11 GI Bill" (S. 22), Congress inserted it in the Military Construction and Veterans Affairs and Related Agencies Appropriations Act (HR 2642).
The New GI Bill provides servicemembers or veterans with over 36 months of active-duty service since Sept.
11, 2001, an increase of up to about $2,000 a month over the current Montgomery GI Bill payment rate of $1,101.
Although the proposed Webb GI Bill had support among veterans groups and strong bi-partisan support in both houses,
it faced numerous obstacles, namely the threat of a presidential veto. However, after adding a provision to let servicemembers
transfer GI Bill benefits to family members, President Bush agreed to sign it into law.
It is important to note that Sen. Webb's proposed Post 9/11 GI Bill is not a replacement for the Montgomery GI Bill (MGIB).
Many servicemembers and veterans will be able to choose the program that best suits their personal situation.
At-a-Glance GI Bill Comparison
The following table highlights the differences between the Montgomery GI Bill and the proposed Post 9/11 GI Bill. The data presented here reflects current language found in the pending legislation (H.R. 2642). As is normally the case with legislation some details remain sketchy until the final version is made public.
Montgomery GI Bill Chapter 30 |
Post 9/11 GI Bill Proposed - Chapter 33 |
Payment Rate for Full-Time Student |
Annually set - nationwide - monthly payment rate. Currently set at $1,101. The payment rate will
increase to $1,321 for the 2008-2009 academic year+ |
A payment indexed to full in-state tuition for public schools. Paid per term.* |
Additional expense payments |
No additional payments for expenses. |
Living Expenses - stipend based on local BAH for E-5 with dependents – paid monthly* |
Books and Fees |
Eligibility Requirements |
Entered military after June 30, 1985 |
Active-duty service since Sept. 11, 2001*** |
VEAP-era Eligibility |
No - Except those who elected to convert in the past. |
Yes – those who meet the eligibility criteria above. |
Benefit Expiration |
10 Years after separation or discharge. |
15 Years after discharge or separation. |
Transfer benefits to families |
Limited - Currently Limited to Army for Critical MOS only. |
Yes open to those who serve more than six years. |
Enrollment fee |
Yes - $1,200 |
None |
+ This MGIB rate increase is included in H.R. 2642.
* Based on current State's highest public college/university undergraduate tuition and fees rate. In addition this payment
is determined by the length of post 911service. The less time in service since Sept. 11. 2001 the lower the payment rate.
Note: According the College Board and Senate reports, annual state tuition and housing rates run between $12,554 (Wyoming)
and $22,094 (Michigan).
** Traditional or On-campus students only. Distance learning and online students are not eligible for this stipend.
*** Any servicemember (including Guard and Reserve) who has or was placed on active-duty since Sept. 11, 2001

Bush signs war funding, GI Bill overhaul
By Rick Maze - Staff writer Posted : Tuesday Jul 1, 2008 16:13:04 EDT
A $162 billion war funding bill that includes a $63 billion overhaul of GI Bill education benefits was signed Monday by
President Bush.
“The bill shows even in an election year, Republicans and Democrats can come together to stand behind our troops,”
Bush said, predicting the GI Bill increases would be a boost to military recruiting and also a boon to families if educational
benefits are transferred to family members.
The signing of HR 2642 brings an end to a Pentagon cash-flow crisis that threatened to disrupt military and civilian payroll,
cancel or delay maintenance, and postpone nonessential training and travel.
And, for the first time since the Vietnam War, there will be a completely free veterans’ education benefit program
that pays enough to fully cover the cost of getting a four-year college degree.
There was a lot of back-patting as the Senate gave final approval to the measure Thursday with a 92-6 vote, but the lawmaker
getting and appearing to deserve the greatest praise for the GI Bill initiative was Sen. Jim Webb, D-Va., a freshman senator
and Vietnam veteran who said he was just trying to give combat veterans the benefits they deserve.
“Eighteen months ago, we began with the simple concept that those who have been serving since 9/11 should have the
same opportunity for a first-class educational future as those who served during World War II,” Webb said before Thursday’s
vote. “Today, we have accomplished that goal. I would like to emphasize that this is not simply an expansion of veterans’
educational benefits. This is a new program, a deserved program.”
Bush praised Webb and Republican senators John Warner of Virginia, Richard Burr of North Carolina, Lindsey Graham of South
Carolina and John McCain of Arizona for working out the GI Bill compromise.
After a lot of debate, lawmakers have decided the new GI Bill program will be called the Post-9/11 Veterans Educational
Assistance Act, the name Webb used when he first introduced the bill in January 2007, shortly after he took office. While
the name is cumbersome and doesn’t appear suited for a spiffy acronym, congressional aides who worked on the bill said
some veterans groups objected to calling it the 21st Century GI Bill of Rights, a name used by many supporters, because an
education-only benefits plan is nothing like the original World War II GI Bill of Rights, which included education and unemployment
benefits, loans to buy a home or start a business, and other readjustment benefits.

TRICARE Availability Still in Jeopardy
Week of June 30, 2008
In an effort to give Congress time to block a scheduled 10.6 percent Medicare (TRICARE) fee cut, the
Bush administration plans to delay paying doctors for treating Medicare patients in early July. The administration's decision
merely delays the cut, scheduled to take place Tuesday. It's up to Congress to decide whether to block it or not. Congress
will almost certainly act quickly when it returns to Washington the week of July 7 to prevent the cuts in payments for some
600,000 doctors who treat Medicare/TRICARE patients. The cuts are scheduled because of a formula that requires fee cuts when
spending exceeds established goals. Contact your public officicial to let them know how you feel about this issue.

Jury Duty Scam This has been verified by the FBI (their link is also included below). Please pass this on to everyone in your
email address book. It is spreading fast so be prepared should you get this call. Most of us take those summonses for jury
duty seriously, but enough people skip out on their civic duty, that a new and ominous kind of fraud has surfaced. The
caller claims to be a jury coordinator. If you protest that you never received a summons for jury duty, the scammer asks
you for your Social Security number and date of birth so he or she can verify the information and cancel the arrest warrant.
Give out any of this inormation and bingo; your identity was just stolen. The fraud has been reported so far in 11
states, including Oklahoma ,Illinois , and Colorado . This (swindle) is particularly insidious because they use intimidation
over the phone to try to bully people into giving information by pretending they are with the court system. The
FBI and the federal court system have issued nationwide alerts on their web sites, warning consumers about the fraud. Check
it out here:<> Classification: UNCLASSIFIED Caveats:

Supreme Court says Americans Have Right to Guns
June 26, 2008 Associated Press|by MARK SHERMAN
WASHINGTON - The Supreme Court ruled Thursday that Americans have a right to own guns for self-defense
and hunting, the justices' first major pronouncement on gun rights in U.S. history. The
court's 5-4 ruling struck down the District of Columbia's 32-year-old ban on handguns as incompatible with gun rights under
the Second Amendment. The decision went further than even the Bush administration wanted, but probably leaves most firearms
laws intact.
The court had not conclusively interpreted the Second Amendment since its ratification in 1791. The amendment
reads: "A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear
arms, shall not be infringed."
The basic issue for the justices was whether the amendment protects an individual's right to own guns no
matter what, or whether that right is somehow tied to service in a state militia.
Writing for the majority, Justice Antonin Scalia said that an individual right to bear arms is supported
by "the historical narrative" both before and after the Second Amendment was adopted.
The Constitution does not permit "the absolute prohibition of handguns held and used for self-defense in
the home," Scalia said. The court also struck down Washington's requirement that firearms be equipped with trigger locks or
kept disassembled, but left intact the licensing of guns.
In a dissent he summarized from the bench, Justice John Paul Stevens wrote that the majority "would have
us believe that over 200 years ago, the Framers made a choice to limit the tools available to elected officials wishing to
regulate civilian uses of weapons."
He said such evidence "is nowhere to be found."
Justice Stephen Breyer wrote a separate dissent in which he said, "In my view, there simply is no untouchable
constitutional right guaranteed by the Second Amendment to keep loaded handguns in the house in crime-ridden urban areas."
Joining Scalia were Chief Justice John Roberts and Justices Samuel Alito, Anthony Kennedy and Clarence
Thomas. The other dissenters were Justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg and David Souter.
Gun rights supporters hailed the decision. "I consider this the opening salvo in a step-by-step process
of providing relief for law-abiding Americans everywhere that have been deprived of this freedom," said Wayne LaPierre, executive
vice president of the National Rifle Association.
The NRA will file lawsuits in San Francisco, Chicago and several of its suburbs challenging handgun restrictions
there based on Thursday's outcome.
Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., a leading gun control advocate in Congress, criticized the ruling. "I
believe the people of this great country will be less safe because of it," she said.
The capital's gun law was among the nation's strictest.
Dick Anthony Heller, 66, an armed security guard, sued the District after it rejected his application to
keep a handgun at his home for protection in the same Capitol Hill neighborhood as the court.
The U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia ruled in Heller's favor and struck down Washington's
handgun ban, saying the Constitution guarantees Americans the right to own guns and that a total prohibition on handguns is
not compatible with that right.
The issue caused a split within the Bush administration. Vice President Dick Cheney supported the appeals
court ruling, but others in the administration feared it could lead to the undoing of other gun regulations, including a federal
law restricting sales of machine guns. Other laws keep felons from buying guns and provide for an instant background check.
Scalia said nothing in Thursday's ruling should "cast doubt on long-standing prohibitions on the possession
of firearms by felons or the mentally ill, or laws forbidding the carrying of firearms in sensitive places such as schools
and government buildings."
In a concluding paragraph to the his 64-page opinion, Scalia said the justices in the majority "are aware
of the problem of handgun violence in this country" and believe the Constitution "leaves the District of Columbia a variety
of tools for combating that problem, including some measures regulating handguns."
The law adopted by Washington's city council in 1976 bars residents from owning handguns unless they had
one before the law took effect. Shotguns and rifles may be kept in homes, if they are registered, kept unloaded and either
disassembled or equipped with trigger locks.
Opponents of the law have said it prevents residents from defending themselves. The Washington government
says no one would be prosecuted for a gun law violation in cases of self-defense.
The last Supreme Court ruling on the topic came in 1939 in U.S. v. Miller, which involved a sawed-off shotgun.
Constitutional scholars disagree over what that case means but agree it did not squarely answer the question of individual
versus collective rights.
Forty-four state constitutions contain some form of gun rights, which are not affected by the court's consideration
of Washington's restrictions.

Officials Sign Children's Memo
June 26, 2008 American Forces Press
Service|by Gerry J. Gilmore
WASHINGTON - Deputy Defense Secretary Gordon England and Deputy Education Secretary Raymond Simon signed
a memorandum of understanding between their agencies at the Pentagon June 26 that addresses the quality of education and the
unique challenges faced by children of military families.
Hundreds of thousands of students in military families will be affected by moves precipitated by recent
Base Realignment and Closure Act decisions and the relocation of military units from overseas bases to stateside installations
as part of global defense posture realignment moves, Secretary England said.
Children of U.S. military members who have sacrificed so much for the nation "deserve to have to a good
education," he said during his remarks before the signing ceremony.
"And so, we have an obligation, both as a department and as a nation, to make sure not just the children
in our military, but all of the children in the United States of America get absolutely the finest education that they can,"
the deputy defense secretary said.
The failure to provide a good education for America's children could result in the forfeiture of the United
States' premier position in the world, Secretary England said, as well as the loss of freedom for its citizens.
"So, I'm an extraordinary strong proponent of anything we do to improve the education of our children,
especially the children of our military," he said.
The memo of understanding generally defines how the Defense and Education departments will work together
with local educational organizations to strengthen and expand school-based efforts to ease student transitions and help military
students develop academic skills and coping strategies during parents' military deployments.
Secretary Simon hailed the agreement, noting that its implementation will "honor the sacrifice that these
families make every day."
The agreement supports defense and education department efforts to:
-- Promote and enhance policies that will improve military children's education and overall well-being;
-- Advance the quality of educational opportunities for all military children;
-- Provide research-based academic, social-emotional and behavioral supports to facilitate seamless transitions
for military children;
-- Provide leadership and advocacy programs to help military students cope with issues surrounding deployments;
-- Support foreign language education, including programs for strategic languages;
-- Explore legislative options to address transition issues for military students;
-- Extend opportunities for student learning through support of online, virtual and other research-based
teaching models;
-- Provide research-based teacher and administrator professional development programs;
-- Forge effective partnerships with local schools and districts;
-- Coordinate Defense Department and Education Department impact aid programs;
-- Communicate with military families and organizations to show appreciation for their contributions; and
-- Increase awareness of resources and tools available from the Education and Defense departments.
Congressional officials have provided financial assistance to local school districts through the impact
aid program since 1950. Current legislation provides financial assistance to school districts with concentrations of children
residing on military bases who have parents in the military. Military families that reside in government-provided quarters
do not pay local property taxes, a portion of which are used to manage and operate public schools.
More than 1.1 million students who belong to active duty and reserve-component military families are expected
to benefit from activities outlined in the agreement.
Tech. Sgt. Michael J. Naquin, a security forces noncommissioned officer posted at Bolling Air Force Base
here, and his 6-year-old son, Aaron, were among several military families personally greeted by England and Simon at signing
"Progress is being made, and it is nice that our two communities can come together as one," Sergeant Naquin
said of the bi-departmental education agreement.
"It is one less worry, not having to worry about the education my children are getting," Sergeant Naquin
said, noting education is a "very, very important" component of quality of life. A special panel will now begin work to implement
the initiatives, David S.C. Chu, undersecretary of defense for personnel and readiness, said.
"We all have just one goal in mind, and that is to provide a quality education for the children of all
military families," Undersecretary Chu said.

Death Gratuity Benefit Expands
June 25, 2008 Air Force Print News
RANDOLPH AIR FORCE BASE, Texas - Airmen will be able to select one or more persons of their choosing to
receive death gratuity benefits beginning July 1.
"This is a significant change to the (death gratuity) benefits election option for all Airmen," said Steven
Kelley, the director of Air and Space Expeditionary Force Operations at the Air Force Personnel Center here.
Prior to the change in law, payments were restricted to the spouse, then children if applicable and then
to a family member as elected by the Airman. It didn't allow a married Airman to leave the death gratuity to anyone else.
"Since the amount of death gratuity increased to $100,000, payment to minor children requires guardianship
over the child's estate and can be a lengthy and costly process depending upon the state in which the child resides," Mr.
Kelley said. "This change provides more flexibility to the servicemember in designating the gratuity benefit. "
Beginning July 1, Airmen will be able to select persons to receive death benefits in increments of 10 percent.
For example, an Airman will be able to choose 20 percent to a cousin, 10 percent to a friend and the remaining 70 percent
to a spouse for a total of 100 percent. The death gratuity designation will no longer be restricted to a spouse, child or
blood relative.
To implement this change, AFPC officials will update the vREDs of members who are married and/or have dependent
children to reflect a "by law" designation on July 1. "By law" means that 100 percent of the death gratuity payment is paid
in the following order of precedence: Surviving spouse, surviving children in equal amounts, descendents of any deceased children
in equal amounts, executor or administrator of the servicemember's estate or Airman's other next of kin under the laws of
domicile at the time of death.
Airmen who would like to designate a specific beneficiary or multiple beneficiaries by name must access
the virtual Military Personnel Flight on or after July 1 to provide the information on their beneficiaries.
An unmarried Airman with children will be able to designate a person of his choice, such as a parent or
other person to receive the death gratuity directly thus eliminating the need to be a court-appointed guardian over the minor
child's estate. However, the member still has the responsibility to ensure their wishes are followed through a will or trust.
Married Airmen may elect to leave less than 100 percent of the death gratuity to the spouse. The law; however, requires the
spouse be notified in writing when such as election is made. The letter will be sent from the AFPC Contact Center whenever
such an election occurs and will not disclose any percentages, or identify any additional beneficiaries.
Because of the changes, AFPC officials recommend every Airman go into vMPF after July 1 and review the
vRED. Once the vRED is reviewed, the Airman will need to submit the vRED to AFPC, even if there are not any changes, to change
the date on the vRED and to show their vRED reflects their proper beneficiaries.

House Passes New GI Bill
June 19, 2008 Associated Press
WASHINGTON - A long-delayed Iraq war funding bill sailed through the House of Representatives on Thursday
along with historic increases in college aid for returning troops and help for U.S. unemployed and flood victims of the American Midwest.
Republican allies of President George W. Bush provided the winning margin in a 268-155 vote to provide
$162 billion to pay for U.S. military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan well into next year.
Nevertheless, Democrats opposed to the war used the Iraq funding bill as an engine to drive past White
House resistance a sweeping revision to GI Bill college benefits for returning veterans and a 13-week extension of unemployment
checks for those whose benefits have run out.
Related Podcast: Behind the New GI Bill
Resource:'s New GI Bill Overview
Lawmakers separately approved the domestic add-ons by a 416-12 vote, sending the combined bill to the Senate
for a vote next week. The White House issued a statement supporting the legislation.
The measure also provides a quick $2.7 billion infusion of emergency flood relief for the Midwest, although
more is expected to be needed to deal with the major losses in Iowa, Illinois and other states.
The bill would bring to more than $650 billion the amount provided by Congress for the war in Iraq since
U.S.-led troops invaded five years ago. Nearly $200 billion in additional funding has gone to operations in Afghanistan, according
to congressional analysts.
The plan accepted by the House also would give Bush's successor several months to set Iraq policy after
taking office in January, and it spares lawmakers the need and political embarrassment to cast more war-funding votes closer
to the Nov. 4 Election Day.
"The way it's been set up now, whoever ... is president will have a few months to think through how we
are going to extricate ourselves," said House Appropriations Committee Chairman David Obey, a Democrat and major negotiator
on the package.
The relatively brief debate featured only glimpses of the bitterness that consumed Congress last year as
the new Democratic majority tried and failed to force troop withdrawals and other limits on Bush's ability to conduct the
war. Most war opponents expressed frustration and a sense of resignation at having to yield to the lame duck president.
"The president basically gets a blank check to dump this war on the next president," said Democratic Rep.
Jim McGovern. "I was hoping George Bush would end his war while he's president."
Republicans cited progress in Iraq since Bush reinforced troop levels last year to create stability in
the devastated nation.
"Our troops have made tremendous gains, and forcing them to reverse course - as most in the Democratic
majority want them to do - would be both irresponsible and reckless," said the Republican minority leader, Rep. John Boehner.
The new GI Bill essentially would guarantee full scholarship at in-state public universities, along with
monthly housing stipends, for people who serve in the military for at least three years. It is aimed at replicating the benefits
awarded veterans of World War II and more than doubles the value of the benefit, from $40,000 today to $90,000.
The GI Bill measure, offered by Democratic Sen. Jim Webb, a Vietnam War veteran, had such extraordinary
support from both Democrats and Republicans that White House objections were easily overridden.
Administration representatives sought to curb its costs in private talks, Obey said. Instead, the chief
concession by Democrats was to add an administration-backed plan, costing $10 billion over 10 years, to allow veterans to
transfer their benefits to their spouse or a child.
The White House tried much harder to kill the effort to extend unemployment benefits as part of the war
funding bill. Just two weeks ago, it appeared the administration probably would prevail. But after the unemployment rate jumped
a one-half of a percentage point to a nationwide average of 5.5 percent, House Democrats engineered a veto-proof tally in
support of the 13-week extension.

Moseley likely to step down as chief June 27
By Erik Holmes - Staff writer Posted : Wednesday Jun 18, 2008 6:57:20 EDT
Outgoing Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. T. Michael Moseley will leave office as soon as June 27, an Air Force spokeswoman
Vice Chief of Staff Gen. Duncan McNabb will take over as acting chief of staff until Moseley’s replacement, Gen.
Norton Schwartz, is confirmed by the Senate.
A confirmation hearing at which the Air Force’s proposed new leadership team will testify before the Senate Armed
Services Committee has been scheduled for June 24, the spokeswoman said.
Appearing before the committee will be Schwartz; Michael Donley, who has been nominated to replace Air Force Secretary
Michael W. Wynne; and Lt. Gen. William Fraser III, who has been nominated to replace McNabb as vice chief.
The full Senate will then have to vote on the nominations. Each nominee must receive a majority of senators’ votes
in order to be confirmed and take office.
Wynne is scheduled to step down Saturday, when Donley will take over as acting secretary.
Wynne and Moseley were forced to resign June 5, after Defense Secretary Robert Gates received a damning report revealing
widespread problems with the Air Force’s nuclear weapons surety.
Gates announced his picks for the new Air Force leadership June 9.
McNabb, who had been considered a leading contender to take over for Moseley, will replace Schwartz as commander of U.S.
Transportation Command.
Moseley has requested retirement from the Air Force effective Aug. 1, after 36 years in the service.

Air Force Charts New Course for '09
June 12, 2008 Air Force Print News|by SSgt Monique Randolph
WASHINGTON - Air Force officials here currently are deciding how to carry out force shaping plans in the
coming year following an announcement by Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates Monday to halt personnel cuts.
Active-duty end strength was projected to decrease from 328,600 to 316,600 by the end of fiscal 2009.
Stating his desire to ease the burden reduced staffing has created for some Airmen and their families,
Secretary Gates told Airmen at Langley Air Force Base, Va., he intends "immediately to stop further reductions in Air Force
"This is good news for our Airmen," said Col. Chuck Armentrout, chief of the military force policy division
at the Pentagon. "We'll have the resources we need to carry out the mission requirements of the required force."
The halting of force reductions does not mean those officers and enlisted members already in the pipeline
to separate will be required to stay, Colonel Armentrout said.
"We're not talking large numbers here," he said. "We're talking about staying where we are [in terms of
personnel numbers] for 2009, and then increasing slightly to 330,000 in 2010."
While force reductions will be halted, other force shaping measures are still necessary to balance the
force, Colonel Armentrout said.
The first step for Air Force manpower and personnel is to identify the skills needed in the increase to
330,000. Simultaneously, the Air Force will be focusing on ensuring Airmen who are in overage specialties are retrained into
shortage career fields.
Officials are also looking at the possibility of initiating a cross-flow program for junior officers --
beginning with a small test group -- to explore the possibility of retraining officers currently in overage career fields.
The personnel increases that do take place will be targeted toward new and emerging missions, and high-demand
areas," said Colonel Armentrout.
"Obviously, there will be no reduction in force, voluntary separation pay or selective early retirement
boards for 2009, but we will continue to shape the force using other force shaping tools already in place," he said. "We'll
continue programs to retain people in the 'in-demand' skills, retrain when possible and target accessions toward those skills."
Secretary Gates' announcement came just earlier this week, but "as specifics become clearer, we'll have
a better site picture [of how we'll proceed]," Colonel Armentrout said.

Air National Guard recruits hundreds over goal
Staff report Posted : Thursday Jun 12, 2008 11:41:50 EDT
The Air National Guard had another successful month of recruiting.
According to a Defense Department press release, the Guard recruited 892 airmen — well over the goal of 680 —
in May, an uncommonly strong showing for late in the fiscal year, especially after several years of recruiting shortfalls.
The bigger numbers come on the heels of the Air Guard announcing that country music artist Laura Bryna is the voice of
its new advertising campaign.
Bryna, who released her newest album in January, has signed on to appear in radio, TV and print ads for the Air Guard.
The service commissioned her new song “Hometown Hereos,” which debuted May 30 and will be soon followed by a music
video. Filming starts June 25 in Nashville, Tenn.
The Air Force Reserve beat its recruiting goal of 636 by two in May, and the active-duty side met its goal of 1,888, the
press release said.
Retention was “within acceptable limits” for the reserve components, according to the release. However, the
active side again was not mentioned among for meeting retention goals for May.

Military Spouses: This Survey is Your Chance to be HeardPrevious Spouse Survey Results Used to Benefit Military
You may have been selected to complete the 2008 Survey of Military Spouses. If so, please take the time to complete the
survey - it is entirely confidential.
Results from the 2006 spouse survey were used to start an entirely new program for spouses. In that survey, the majority
of spouses reported that they would like more college or training, but that money was the main reason they were not in school.
This information resulted in a pilot program in 8 states at 18 installations, where spouses of active duty Service members
can receive grants of up to $6000 for education, training and licenses or credentials costs, over a two year period.
We also know that military spouses experience a great deal of loneliness during deployments, and that deployments have
both positive and negative impacts on kids. These findings have resulted in more child care, counseling and recreational services
to support you and your family. If you were randomly selected, please complete the 2008 Survey of Military Spouses so that
we can better understand your experiences - as well as pave the way to make better programs for all military families.

Mullen: New Air Force picks based on talent
By William H. McMichael - Staff writer Posted : Wednesday Jun 11, 2008 11:49:19 EDT
Collective talent, more than background, was the primary consideration when Defense Secretary Robert Gates settled on his
nominees to fill the top two leadership slots in the Air Force, the Joint Chiefs chairman said Tuesday.
“In my view, you go into this kind of search and decision trying to get the best people,” said Navy Adm. Mike
Mullen, speaking with reporters in Washington. “And it’s my belief — and I endorsed this decision —
wholly, certainly, from the military standpoint — that that decision has been both wrung out well and made.”
The jobs were vacated when Gates on Friday forced the resignations of the Air Force secretary, Michael Wynne, and chief
of staff Gen. T. Michael Moseley, over what he said were significant and systemic problems with the security and handling
of nuclear weapons materials.
Much has been made of the fact that neither the prospective chief of staff, Gen. Norton Schwartz, nor his nominated No.
2, Lt. Gen. William Fraser, is a fighter pilot, although both are fliers. If confirmed, Schwartz, an AC-130 special operations
flier, would be the first non-fighter pilot to serve as chief in the past 26 years. Fraser, who currently serves as Mullen’s
assistant, is a B-52 bomber pilot.
In a parallel move, Gates recommended that the current vice chief of staff, Gen. Duncan McNabb, take Schwartz’s place
as the commander of U.S. Transportation Command. McNabb is a transport aircraft flier with time in both the C-141 and C-17.
Mullen admitted that not having a fighter pilot in one of the top two slots is “certainly an important message”
but would not elaborate except to add, “That doesn’t mean fighter guys go away from the Air Force.
“I mean, you can read that a lot of different ways,” Mullen said. “But I can assure you that what drove
that more than anything else was the talent search for the best combination and also the need to have somebody go in behind
General Schwartz as he left.
“So it was much broader than just, well, these are the signals we want to send, let’s pick the individuals
to send them,” Mullen said.
But, Mullen added, “I think it’s also very important that we have somebody like Fraser, who’s got the
bomber background, given the reason all this happened, so that his expertise will be applied to fixing this problem.”
The problems cited by Gates included the incident last summer in which a B-52 was mistakenly loaded with nuclear-tipped
cruise missiles and flown across the country.
Mullen also noted that Fraser once served as the vice commander at Air Combat Command. “So he’s been around
both the bomber and the fighter side as well,” Mullen said.
Mullen said he wasn’t as familiar with Mike Donley, Gates’ choice as the next Air Force secretary, but noted
both his background in Army Special Forces as well as his tenure as an Air Force executive — he served as acting Air
Force secretary for seven months in 1993. “So he’s got a pretty rich history of serving, both on the military
side and the civilian side,” Mullen said.
“So I think it’s a great team. And it comes at a great time.”

Moseley and Wynne forced out
Staff report Posted : Monday Jun 9, 2008 10:39:01 EDT
Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. T. Michael Moseley and Secretary Michael W. Wynne were forced to resign Thursday during hastily
arranged meetings with their Pentagon bosses.
Moseley was summoned from the Corona leadership summit at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, to an early morning meeting
at the Pentagon with Adm. Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, to discuss a report on the Air Force’s
problems handling nuclear weapons.
The report, by Navy Adm. Kirkland Donald, director of naval nuclear propulsion, revealed widespread problems and convinced
Defense Secretary Robert Gates that senior officials must be held accountable.
Moseley-Wynne photos
Moseley resigned in response.
Later in the morning, Deputy Defense Secretary Gordon England was dispatched to Wright-Patterson to ask for Wynne’s
resignation, sources said. Wynne resigned during the meeting.
At a Pentagon press briefing Thursday afternoon, Gates said his decision to seek their resignations was “based entirely”
on the Donald report, which uncovered a “gradual erosion of nuclear standards and a lack of effective oversight by Air
Force leadership.”
Gates, who began his career working nuclear security issues as an Air Force intelligence officer in the 1960s, also said
a “substantial” number of Air Force general officers and colonels more immediately responsible for recent lapses
could still be reprimanded or fired in the wake of the report.
It is not clear how quickly Wynne and Moseley will leave their positions. Moseley has requested retirement effective Aug.
1 and will take terminal leave before that, according to a memo from Moseley, but it is not clear when he will leave his position.
“I think the honorable thing to do is to step aside,” Moseley said in a statement released to the press. “After consulting with my family, I intend to submit my request for retirement to Secretary
Gates is likely to recommend Michael B. Donley, the Pentagon’s director of administration and management to succeed
Wynne, a senior defense official said Friday.
Donley was acting secretary of the Air Force for seven months in 1993 and served as the service’s top financial officer
from 1989 to 1993.
Air Force Vice Chief of Staff Gen. Duncan McNabb will likely become acting chief of staff.
The stunning development follows a series of high-profile scandals and disagreements between Air Force leadership and Gates
in the past year, during which both the Pentagon and congressional leadership have increasingly expressed frustration about
the Air Force’s top bosses.
But a senior defense official said the nuclear report was the most significant factor. “Everything that preceded
that is insignificant by comparison,” the official said.
Sen. Carl Levin, D-Mich., chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, released a statement praising Gates’ decision.
“Secretary Gates’ focus on accountability is essential and had been absent from the Office of the Secretary
of Defense for too long,” the statement says. “The safety and security of America’s nuclear weapons must
receive the highest priority, just as it must in other countries. The Secretary took appropriate action following the reports
of the Defense Science Board, the Air Force’s own internal review, and now most recently, the report of Admiral Donald.”
Wynne became Air Force secretary in November 2005, and Moseley took office in September 2005. Moseley’s term was to
expire in September 2009, and Wynne served at the pleasure of the president.
Moseley, a former fighter pilot, has been in the Air Force since 1972. Before becoming chief, he served as commander of
U.S. Central Command Air Forces and then as vice chief of staff from August 2003 until September 2005.
Wynne served as an Air Force officer from 1966 until 1973 and then began a nearly 30-year career in the aerospace industry.
He rose to become president of General Dynamics’ space division and general manager of space launch systems at Lockheed
Martin. He re-entered government service in 2001 and served four years as principal deputy undersecretary of defense for acquisition,
technology and logistics before becoming Air Force secretary.
While the simultaneous removal of a service’s top civilian and uniformed leaders is unprecedented, there has been
speculation for months among defense insiders that Moseley, Wynne or both could be in trouble.
The Air Force has been rocked by a series of missteps during the past year, and Moseley and Wynne’s relationships
with Gates, England and members of congressional defense committees have steadily eroded.
Both men are well-liked personally, but that apparently was not enough to make up for a perceived lack of leadership.
Loren Thompson, an analyst with the Lexington Institute in Fairfax, Va., said the writing has been on the wall for several
months, and that Moseley’s demeanor has changed noticeably during that time.
“It was clear the relationship between the Office of the Secretary of Defense and the Air Force was deteriorating,”
Thompson said. “But it wasn’t clear what that would mean for Air Force leadership. … “This [is] the
final chapter in a long list of grievances between OSD and the Air Force.”
Those grievances include criticism of the Air Force’s nuclear weapons handling, two major acquisitions programs that
have been stalled by protests, the service’s inability to rush more surveillance drones to the war zones, apparent conflicts
of interest of current and retired senior officials related to a $50 million contract to produce a multimedia show for the
Thunderbirds, and repeated clashes with Pentagon leaders over the number of F-22s the Air Force will buy and other budget
The most serious blow to the credibility of the Air Force and its leadership has been a scandal spawned by the service’s
accidental transfer in August of six nuclear-tipped cruise missiles from Minot Air Force Base, N.D., to Barksdale Air Force
Base, La.
A B-52 from the 5th Bomb Wing at Minot was supposed to transfer unarmed air-launched cruise missiles to Barksdale to be
decommissioned, but munitions loaders accidentally attached nuclear-armed missiles to the pylons. The missiles were flown
to Barksdale and sat unguarded on the tarmac for several hours before anyone realized what happened, some 30 hours after the
mistake was made.
The 5th Bomb Wing commander, two group commanders and the 5th Munitions Squadron commander were relieved of their commands.
Moseley ordered a service-wide review of the nuclear enterprise two months after the incident, resulting in 36 recommendations
for improvements. The review report was presented to the Senate Armed Services Committee, members of which were highly critical
of the Air Force’s nuclear weapons handling.
The 5th Bomb Wing in late May failed its defense nuclear surety inspection, despite having months to prepare and being
under close scrutiny since the incident. Inspectors found glaring deficiencies in the wing’s ability to protect its
nuclear stockpile.
Then, in March, it was discovered that the Air Force had mislabeled nuclear warhead fuses, which led to the classified
components accidentally being shipped to Taiwan in 2006. Gates said the incident made him realize that problems with the Air
Force’s nuclear weapons handling procedures were systemic rather than isolated.
“The Taiwan incident was clearly the trigger,” he said.
In response, Gates ordered a military-wide inventory of nuclear weapons and components. That report was recently submitted
to Gates.
It is believed to contain damning conclusions about the Air Force’s nuclear weapons handling practices.
Without naming Wynne and Moseley, Gates said “individuals in command and leadership positions not only fell short
in terms of specific actions, they failed to recognize systemic problems, to address those problems, or – where beyond
their authority to act – to call the attention of superiors to those problems.”
Rep. John Murtha, D-Pa., the chairman of the House defense appropriations subcommittee, said he agreed with Gates’
decision to relieve Wynne and Moseley in the wake of the nuclear problems.
“There is nothing more important than the security of nuclear weapons, and it appeared that the Air Force investigation
was not thorough,” Murtha said.

DoD backs automatic TSP enrollments
By William H. McMichael - Staff writer Posted : Sunday Jun 8, 2008 9:45:38 EDT
The Pentagon supports proposed changes to the government’s Thrift Savings Plan that would automatically sign up troops
and offer an investment option that provides tax-free earnings at retirement, if draft legislation now being considered makes
it into law.
The idea behind automatic sign-ups is simple. “The consensus within the financial community is that you should be
investing for your retirement,” said Army Maj. John Johnson, director of the Pentagon’s Armed Forces Tax Council.
“And a big reason why a lot of people don’t is inertia. They just don’t take that action.”
The Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board, which oversees the TSP program, shares that view. “Automatic enrollment
[is] a good way to make inertia work in favor of participation,” said Tom Trabucco, the board’s legislative director.
Under the proposal, troops who are automatically enrolled could opt out of TSP if they desired.
If lawmakers approve, the proposal to add a Roth IRA option to the TSP would be a boon to many combat troops who do not
pay taxes on earnings or bonuses received in the war zones.
Normally, contributions to Roth accounts are made in after-tax dollars, which reduces take-home pay but allows participants
to withdraw the principal and interest tax-free at retirement.
In a normal IRA or 401(k), participants contribute pre-tax dollars — meaning their take-home pay is higher because
a lower amount is taxed — but the money is taxed when withdrawn at retirement.
With a Roth IRA, troops who re-enlist in the war zone and get a tax-free bonus could contribute thousands of tax-free dollars
into Roth IRA accounts and never have to pay tax on the earnings.
“That’s the biggest reason we support the Roth,” Johnson said. “The benefits will be greatest for
deployed members in combat zones, and junior troops.”
Roth IRAs and traditional IRAs have advantages, Johnson said. Money contributed to a traditional IRA, for example, can
be claimed as a tax deduction.
To figure out which choice makes sense, investors have to look ahead and try to determine whether they’ll be in a
lower tax bracket now, or later.
For anyone in a zero-percent tax bracket — such as troops in a combat zone — “it’s a no-brainer,”
Johnson said. “They obviously should be doing Roth. And a lot of military people are in a zero tax bracket. I mean,
most military members deployed pay no taxes. So it’s a huge benefit.”
But those in higher brackets may also benefit. In the course of providing financial advice, said Phil Dyer, deputy director
for financial education for the Military Officers Association of America, “I routinely find military retirees who are
in a higher tax bracket in retirement than they ever were during any of their active-duty years or even second-career years.
“If they’ve done a good job saving, they’ve got their military retired pay, they’ve got Social
Security ... they’ve got a lot of money in 401(k) plans,” he said.
At that point, withdrawn traditional TSP earnings, which are taxable, are “just going to increase the tax burden,”
he said. “And so that’s where Roth, I think, offers another benefit.”
But Dyer added a cautionary note: “We have no idea what taxes are going to look like 25, 30 years from now,”
he said.
Most war-zone troops in the TSP program can invest their tax-exempt pay in the TSP, up to annual limits — although
under the current options offered, the interest would still be subject to taxation on withdrawals.
“If somebody’s in the combat zone and contributing to TSP, there actually is a de facto Roth that’s created
because when that money comes in, if they’re in a combat zone, they’re tax-free up to the maximum enlisted pay
rate,” Dyer said. “If they’re contributing to TSP, that money’s going to be segregated ... into a
parallel TSP account to maintain that tax-free status” on the contributions.
Again, interest earned on those tax-free contributions would be taxed upon withdrawal.
While a tax-free Roth would be most beneficial for TSP participants in a war zone, Dyer said, it would be a potentially
boon for nondeployed troops as well, even though they would be investing after-tax dollars.
“It goes into the account, grows tax-deferred ... and then when the money comes out, provided it’s a qualified
distribution on the back end, the money’s going to come out free from federal and state income taxes.
“With 15-, 20-, 30-plus years of compounding, it’s a huge advantage,” Dyer said.
Senior Pentagon officials agree.
“If given that option, we are confident that the Department of Defense would implement default auto-enrollment into
Roth TSP accounts,” David S.C. Chu, undersecretary of defense for personnel and readiness, wrote in a May 20 letter
to the TSP board.
But Chu said that while the Pentagon favors the idea of automatic enrollment, he believes each agency head should be granted
discretion on whether to implement it.

Air Force Recruiting Service welcomes new commander
Brig. Gen. Alfred J. Stewart, right, accepts the Air Force Recruiting Service guidon
and AFRS command from Gen. William R. Looney III, Air Education and Training Command commander, during a change of command
ceremony June 2 on Randolph Air Force Base, Texas. As AFRS commander, General Stewart is responsible for accessing qualified
men and women to meet the personnel procurement requirements of the Air Force. (U.S. Air Force photo/Rich McFadden)
| | by Lt. Col. Sean McKenna Air Force
Recruiting Service6/2/2008 - RANDOLPH AIR FORCE BASE, Texas -- Brig.
Gen. Alfred J. Stewart assumed command of Air Force Recruiting Service during a ceremony here today.
Brig. Gen. Stewart
succeeds Brig. Gen. Suzanne M. Vautrinot who moves on to become the deputy commander of the Joint Functional Component Command
- Network Warfare, U.S. Strategic Command, at Ft. George G. Meade, Md.
As AFRS commander, General Stewart is responsible
for nearly 2,850 people in more than 1,390 recruiting offices across the United States and overseas. The Air Force has met
its recruiting goal each of the last eight years and is on course to meet its fiscal year 2008 enlisted accessions goal of
27,800 airmen. He is the Air Force's 19th recruiting commander since the unit's inception in 1947.
The general's earlier
years in his career as a KC-135 copilot from 1982-1984 at Carswell Air Force Base, Texas, helped shaped his philosophy.
Air Command) was a 'no excuses' command, and this prepared me for recruiting," he said. "Put your boom down, ready to refuel,
period. The bombers will put their bombs on target, and we will win this war. That experience is what shaped me."
to his numerous stateside and overseas assignments, and deployments in support of operations Iraqi Freedom and Enduring Freedom,
the general said he understands the critical need to find the right people, with the right skills at the right time to sustain
the combat capability of America's Air Force.
"I have seen the Air Force in action and on every assignment there is
one thing in common - amazing Airmen - and recruiting service put those Airmen on our team," General Stewart said. "The only
guarantee we have for our continued dominance is the next generation of American Airmen ... I know there are candidates out
there looking for a challenge - something special to be a part of. Once they've heard about us - who we are, what we do and
why we it and how important we are to the nation - they'll realize we're the opportunity they've been looking for."
Stewart most recently was commander of the 21st Expeditionary Mobility Task Force at McGuire Air Force Base, N.J., where he
led the efforts of one of Air Mobility Command's two contingency response wings and air mobility operations groups, and their
subordinate units, providing worldwide expeditionary mobility support. A 1981 Air Force Academy graduate, he is a command
pilot with more than 3,000 flying hours in the KC-135A, KC-135R, T-1 and C-17 aircraft.

TRICARE Beneficiaries About to be Turned Away?
Week of June 02, 2008
Barring congressional action, the Medicare payment rate to physicians will be reduced by 10.6% in July
of 2008. This directly affects TRICARE beneficiaries because TRICARE payment rate is based upon Medicare's sustainable growth
rate (SGR) update formula. This means that doctors will be forced to accept less money for medical procedures. In the past
these reductions have caused doctors to turn away TRICARE patients and will likely do so again if the reduced payment rates
are not blocked. This issue will adversely affect survivors, retirees, members of the active-duty, Guard and reserve
and their families, especially those living far from military installations. There are already some doctors in remote areas
who refuse to see new TRICARE patients. Without congressional action to ensure these cuts don't take effect, more doctors
may chose to turn TRICARE beneficiaries away. How do you feel about this action? Let your public officials know how you feel!

Absentee Voting Kicks Off
Week of June 02, 2008
The Department of Defense (DoD) designated several absentee voting events throughout the year: (1) Overseas
Citizens Voters Week, June 28 -- July 7, 2008; (2) Armed Forces Voters Week Aug. 31 -- Sept. 7; and Absentee Voting
Week Oct. 12 --18. During these weeks, voting assistance officers will facilitate voter registration drives, distribute forms
and provide servicemembers and their families with important absentee voting information. For more information on voting,
visit the Federal Voting Assistance Program website and at the Army Voting Assistance Program website. Voters can receive additional assistance by calling 1-800-438-VOTE (8683), DSN 425-1584, commercial (703) 325-4530, or DSN
221-4530. Read more election and voter information, visit the 2008 Election Center on

New Spouse Financial Spouse Guide
Week of May 19, 2008
Pioneer Financial Services, Inc., a division of MidCountry Bank, produced a guide to help families cope
with the financial stresses of military life. The "Military Spouse Finance Guide: Financial Advice for the Homefront" is a
reference guide on the fundamentals of personal financial management. Association of the U.S. Army (AUSA) Family Programs
has a limited number of copies to give to military family members at no cost. To request a copy, contact AUSA Family Programs
by e-mail at or by telephone at 703-841-4300, ext. 151. Chapter Seven of the Military Spouse Financial Guide can be downloaded from the
Pioneer Financial Services website.

Committee Approves National Parks Discount
Week of May 19, 2008
The U.S. Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources approved legislation that would allow veterans
to purchase a special, discount pass to see America's national parks. The Veterans Eagle Parks Pass Act (S.617) would establish
a new $10 "Eagle Pass" that would allow former servicemembers to visit all national parks for a full year. The bill was amended
by the committee to also allow active duty, reserve and guard members to be eligible for the pass. How do you feel about this action? Let your public officials know how you feel!

AF Marathon Set for September
Week of May 19, 2008
The U.S. Air Force Marathon will be held Sept. 20, 2008 at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton,
Ohio. Officials hope to make the Twelfth Annual Air Force Marathon the biggest year yet and plan to sign up 10,000 runners
for the event. Marathon events will include the 26.2 mile marathon, a 13.1 mile half-marathon, a 10K individual and four-person
team race and a family-friendly 5K race. The Air Force Marathon is open to the general public, all military members, family
members, and civil service employees. Those who wish to participate or volunteer can register on the U.S. Air Force Marathon

Servicemembers Ask Obama, Clinton & McCain Questions
Week of May 19, 2008 and the American Legion have partnered together to offer Servicemembers and their families
the chance to ask Obama, Clinton & McCain questions that matter most to you. Visit to upload a video of your question. It's simple and you can even use a webcam to record your question now. The top 12 questions
will be answered by all 3 candidates. Upload a video now or check out what others have asked.

Compare 2009 Pay Charts
Week of May 19, 2008
Earlier this year the Pentagon requested a 3.4 percent, across-the-board, military pay raise for 2009.
Not to be out done, both the Senate and House Armed Services Committees have proposed and additional 0.5 percent increase,
taking the 2009 military pay raise to 3.9 percent. Take a look and compare the two to see how the 2009 military pay raise will affect your bottom line.

Better Pay and Benefits for '09
Tom Philpott | May 15, 2008
Better Health Benefits, Bigger Raises Voted For '09
Active duty and reserve component members can bank on a 3.9 percent pay raise next January as Congress continues to close a perceived military "pay gap" that a Pentagon pay study says no longer exists.
The House Armed Services Committee on May 14 joined Senate colleagues in approving, for a 10th consecutive year, a military
pay increase that will exceed private sector wage growth by a half of a percentage point.
Both the House and Senate panels also agreed to block the Bush administration, for a third straight year, from raising
TRICARE fees for working-age retirees or pharmacy co-pays under TRICARE's retail network.
Both panels also have directed the Department of Defense to lower premiums paid by drilling reservists and their families
who enroll in the TRICARE Reserve Select program. TRS premiums by law are to be set only high enough to cover program costs.
The Government Accountability Office recently found that Defense officials had set them too high. Premiums could drop for
member-only coverage from $81 a month down to about $47 and for member-and-family coverage from $253 monthly down to about
Another set of health care initiatives, approved so far only in House committee version of the fiscal 2009 defense authorization bill, would add "preventive" health care incentives. Co-pays would be waived or rebates given, for example, to patients who get
routine health screen appropriate for their age and gender such as colorectal exams, mammograms, cervical screening, prostate exams, annual physicals or vaccinations.
Only TRICARE Prime patients receiving managed care through military treatment facilities now receive such services with
no co-payments or cost-shares. The House bill also would waive costs for smoking cessation programs, and would establish a
pilot program to pay a preventive health allowance, of $1000 to a family or $500 to a member, to beneficiaries who keep up
on recommended health screens and maintain healthy lifestyles.
Blocking the higher TRICARE fees sought by the president required lawmakers to find $1.2 billion to plug a hole in the
military health budget, the House committee reported. But $345 million of that money, to prevent a jump in drug co-payments,
required offsets of "direct spending" on other entitlements payable in fiscal 2009. Under the House committee plan, $45 million
of that would come out of the pockets of military retirees by denying them one percent of their next cost-of-living adjustment for one month.
Rep. John McHugh (N.Y.), senior Republican on the personnel subcommittee, branded this part of the solution for sidelining Bush's drug co-payments
a regrettable budget "gimmick." McHugh vowed to find a more acceptable alternative to propose as the bill is debated
on the House floor.
Rep. Susan Davis (D-Calif.), chairman of the personnel subcommittee, shrugged off McHugh's criticism, saying difficult choices had to be made.
The committee succeeded in backing significant pay and benefits gains, she said, despite the $1.2 billion hole left by a Republican
administration in the defense health budget and the funds needed to boost the next pay raise beyond 3.4 percent endorsed by
the White House, thus whittling a perceived basic pay gap down to 2.9 percent.
The House committee surpassed Senate colleagues on this issue too, accepting an amendment from Rep. Thelma Drake (R-Va.) to extend the string of above-average military raises through 2013. Even if the full House agrees, this change still
would need to win Senate approval to become law.
Ignored by both committees in shaping the 2009 military pay raise was a conclusion made two months ago by the 10th Quadrennial
Review of Military Compensation that a military pay gap no longer exists if hefty increases in tax-free housing allowances
over the last decade are counted.
But in an election year, with 150,000 U.S. troops still rotating through the unpopular Iraq war, lawmakers choose to ignore
the findings of the 10th QRMC. One committee staff members called the report "persuasive" in describing how a large pay gap
identified in 1999 not only has been closed but, when total compensation is considered, military pay might now exceed average
wages for civilians of comparable age and education by 6.5 percent.
But this same staff member said he never heard the QRMC report even discussed by committee members since its release.
"We're in wartime, we're stressing our troops and [lawmakers] are going to take every opportunity to show their appreciation,"
he said.
Across the Capitol, in the others armed services committee, a staff member said his bosses aren't "ignorant" of the QRMC
perspective. But for now they will continue to compare growth in basic pay that of private sector wages, ignoring gains over
the years in housing allowances.
"Is it a perfect measure? Slap my forehead, 'No.'…But their measure isn't perfect either," he said. "What
we're trying to do here is grasp relative comparability between two very diverse and different systems."
He dismissed the QRMC argument that because housing is a big expense for most Americans, therefore gains in military housing
allowances are critical to assessing whether there's a pay gap.
"The civilian world lives within their culture; we live within a military culture. The military culture is you get
your housing," this committee staffer said, whether that housing is provided at no charge on base or through provision of
tax-free allowances to be able to rent housing off base.
Besides, he added, the volunteer military is striving to keep its ranks full during a "very, very difficult period" and
pay levels are a critical element.
This is no time, he suggested, to declare the pay gap closed and to try to introduce troops to a new method for tracking
pay comparability

Spouse Career Advancement Gets Better
May 15, 2008 Air Force Print News|by Barbara A. Goodno
WASHINGTON - Career and training opportunities for military spouses just got better, as the Defense and Labor departments'
career advancement demonstration project has been expanded to include all active-duty military spouses, along with four additional
career fields.
"In the first days of the demonstration project, we began hearing from spouses who, based on the ranks of their spouses,
were ineligible," said Leslye A. Arsht, deputy undersecretary of defense for military community and family policy. "They explained
quite articulately that all spouses have an overwhelming need for the program."
The career advancement demonstration project, announced in November, helps military spouses at 18 installations in eight
states get the education and other credentials needed to pursue careers in high-demand, high-growth occupations.
The expansion, made in late April, came at the right time for Sonya Martinez, 36. When she and her husband, Marine Gunnery
Sgt. Donovan Martinez, were married 16 and a half years ago, she was a student with an interest in a career in bio-chemical
research. She knew she needed a transportable career and focused on clinical lab work. It's been a career path she said she's
Today, she's enrolled in the rigorous clinical lab scientist training program, and she's within one year of receiving her
license as a clinical lab scientist. While pursuing this credential, she also works full time as a clinical lab specialist,
where she performs laboratory work to identify, diagnose and treat diseases.
Last month, she said, a Navy wife told her about the career advancement opportunity; she checked into the program and was
accepted right away.
Participating in the program will be a tremendous step toward her career goal, she noted, as the licensure will allow her
to specialize in blood banking for critically ill children and supervise the lab.
Because education always has been a priority for them, she and her husband put many other desires on hold, she said. The
career advancement account and the financial assistance it offers has given them valuable stability and will enable them to
fulfill another long-standing wish.
"They made it possible for us to buy a house and go to school at the same time," she said.
Ms. Arsht said most military spouses -- 87 percent according to recent surveys -- would like to further their education
and develop a portable career, but see the cost of education as a roadblock to further education or training.
This was true for Tangeray Mayhorn, 27, of Fort Carson, Colo. She has one year left in social work studies and is preparing
for a career in hospital social work. Her husband, Glenn, is an Army staff sergeant.
"I've always wanted to be a hospital social worker, but didn't know how I was going to make this last year money-wise,"
Mrs. Mayhorn said. "I heard about the program from a friend and applied right away. I was approved on the spot."
Mrs. Mayhorn will attend courses this summer and in the fall. She said the financial support for books and tuition will
go a long way. She encourages other military spouses to look into career development options.
"Your career can travel with you and will relieve the stress that comes with a move," she said. "You won't have to worry
about what your next job will be."
Micaela Ayala, 33, at Fort Lewis, Wash., agrees. Her husband, Army Spc. Edgar Ayala, enlisted in the last year. At the
time, she said, she didn't realize it would mean a positive career move for her, too. She said she's always wanted to work
in the field of medicine, but for financial reasons it was never an option before.
"We just couldn't afford it," Mrs. Ayala said. "There's just no way I'd be able to go to school. I'm really grateful for
this opportunity."
Now, she's enrolled in a certified nursing program and is excited about the upcoming coursework. She started a phlebotomy
course last week.
All three spouses say enrolling in the program was much easier than they expected.
"I heard about the program on the news and went to the joint briefing to get more information," Mrs. Ayala said. "I talked
to a counselor, set an appointment and then completed the paperwork. The whole process was really quite smooth."
The career advancement demonstration project is available to spouses at military installations in California, Colorado,
Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Maine, North Carolina and Washington. Military spouses can receive grants of up to $6,000 for education,
training and licenses or credentials costs over a two-year period. The grants cover the costs for tuition, fees, books, equipment,
and credentialing and licensing fees.
In addition to careers in education, health care, information technology, construction trades, financial services, the
demonstration project now includes specific in-demand occupations within human resources, business and management, hospitality
management and homeland security.
Since the program began in January, more than 1,000 military spouses have enrolled in career development programs. Ms.
Arsht said she wants to be sure that other military spouses are aware of, and are able to use, this new resource.
"Military spouses are a large, untapped talent pool. They are motivated, dedicated and high-energy, just what the work
force needs," she said. "Their career aspirations, too often, are put on hold because the military lifestyle simply gets in
the way. We want to change that. These education and training opportunities are a strong step in the right direction."
To be eligible for the program, the military spouse's sponsor must be on active duty and have at least one year remaining
at his or her current duty station. The spouse must have a high school diploma, GED or some post-secondary education. Training
must be completed within two years and lead to a license, certificate or degree. Prerequisites and remedial coursework also
can be included.
The career advancement demonstration project is available at the following installations:
-- In California: San Diego Metro and Camp Pendleton;
-- In Colorado: Fort Carson and Peterson Air Force Base;
-- In Florida: Jacksonville Naval Air Station, Eglin AFB, and Hurlburt Field;
-- In Georgia: Fort Benning;
-- In Hawaii: Hickam AFB, Naval Base Pearl Harbor, Schofield Barracks, and U.S. Marine Corps Base Hawaii;
-- In Maine: Naval Air Station Brunswick;
-- In North Carolina: Fort Bragg and Pope AFB; and
-- In Washington: Fort Lewis, McChord AFB, and Naval Station Kitsap
© Copyright 2008 Air Force Print News. All rights reserved. This material may not be published,
broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

Discount on Child Alert System
Week of May 12, 2008
Military families can receive 50 percent off their membership to National Child Alert System, a system
designed to reduce the amount of time that a missing child is away from home. To take advantage of the discount, visit the
Child Alert System website. Enter the code AUSA50 during the registration process. The National Child Alert System is the only fully parent-controlled national child alert system available today and is designed to help parents find their

House Panel Backs 3.9 Percent Pay Raise
Stars and Stripes | Leo Shane III | May 08, 2008
WASHINGTON -- A House panel Wednesday backed a 3.9 percent pay raise for all military personnel next year, mirroring Senate
plans to give troops a bigger boost than Pentagon officials had requested.
Members of the House Armed Services military personnel subcommittee included the money in their draft of the new defense
authorization bill, which sets spending and policy priorities for the military in fiscal 2009.
Chairwoman Susan Davis, D-Calif., said the larger pay raise is needed to help shrink the gap between military wages and
private sector paychecks.
If passed, the pay raise would be the highest for troops since 2004 and the 10th consecutive year military pay has outpaced
the employment cost index.
Defense officials had requested a 3.4 percent increase, equal to the index's inflation estimate. But earlier this month
Senate lawmakers backed the 3.9 percent figure, indicating that both chambers will likely adopt the higher raise when they
negotiate compromise legislation later this year.
For an E-4 with four years' military service, the Senate plan would mean an increase of $79.86 a month, about $10 more
than the Pentagon plan. For an O-4 with four years, it would be $189.25 a month, about $24 more than the Pentagon plan.
The House panel also announced plans to eliminate co-pays for preventive care procedures such as cancer screenings and
cholesterol tests in an effort to encourage more Tricare patients to seek medical advice before serious problems occur.
Davis said the plan covers all beneficiaries except those enrolled in Tricare for Life. She said lawmakers were unable
to find enough money to extend the same coverage to that group along with other Tricare members.
It also includes a pilot program for military spouses to receive job training in "portable" careers as they move from base
to base, and another to allow servicemembers a temporary gap in service to pursue family or education goals before completing
their tours of duty.
But the draft excludes nearly $1.2 billion in pharmacy and doctors' fees backed by defense officials to cover the rising
cost of health care. Lawmakers have rebuffed those efforts in recent years, saying military retirees shouldn't bear the brunt
of those expenses.
The authorization bill does not set pay raises for civilian defense employees, but Congress often uses the military paycheck
boosts as the basis for the civilian raises in later budget bills.
If passed, the raise would go into effect Jan. 1.

Preventive care plan omits Tricare for Life
By Rick Maze - Staff writer Posted : Thursday May 8, 2008 8:54:08 EDT
Budgetary rules forced a House subcommittee to take the unprecedented step of creating a new Tricare preventive health
care program that does not apply to 1.5 million for Medicare-eligible retirees and their families in the Tricare for Life
Rep. Susan Davis, D-Calif., chairwoman of the House Armed Services military personnel panel, said the plan, approved Wednesday
as part of the 2009 defense authorization bill, is aimed at cutting the military’s long-term health care costs by providing
preventive care.
The personnel portion of the defense policy bill, approved by voice vote and with no debate, includes:
* A 3.9 percent military pay raise.
* Increases in Army and Marine Corps active-duty personnel and in Army National Guard and Army Reserve support personnel
on full-time active duty.
* A tuition assistance program for military spouses.
* Permission for a Pentagon-proposed experiment under which active-duty members could take a break of up to three years
in their military career.
The full armed services committee will take up the bill next week.
Davis said her subcommittee rejected a Pentagon request for a $1.2 billion increase in Tricare health and pharmacy fees
but wants to look for other ways to hold down costs, which is why expanding preventive care is attractive.
“Preventive health care is important to the long-term health of our beneficiary population, and may reduce the amount
of care required,” Davis said.
She called the initiative “preferable” to the Pentagon’s proposed increase in Tricare fees.
The preventive care plan would waive co-payments for certain treatments such as vaccinations, smoking cessation help, and
breast and colorectal cancer screening. It would apply to Tricare Standard, Tricare Select and Tricare Reserve beneficiaries
— but, because of budgetary procedures, not Tricare for Life.
Aides named two areas in which Tricare for Life beneficiaries would be treated differently than other Tricare users: shingle
vaccinations and MRIs for mammograms.
Younger retirees would receive these services for free, but Tricare for Life users would have to pay, either directly or
by buying supplemental Medicare insurance, aides said.
Rep. John McHugh of New York, the subcommittee’s ranking Republican, said this would be the first instance of differences
in what is covered under Tricare, and also promised to work to try to find funding to offset that action.
There are two kinds of spending in the defense budget: discretionary, which applies to personnel, operating and acquisitions
costs and construction programs; and mandatory, also known as direct spending, for programs such as retired pay, GI Bill benefits
for reservists, and some health care expenses, including Tricare for Life.
Davis said only congressional leaders can resolve the funding problem because direct spending involves programs such as
Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and federal civilian retired pay that fall outside the jurisdiction of the armed services
Congressional leaders could agree to an offset by cutting other direct spending or could find another way to fund preventive
care, subcommittee aides said.
Steve Strobridge, government relations director for the Military Officers Association of America, said he understands the
dilemma facing the subcommittee and agrees that what they did “is certainly preferable to not doing anything.”
“We have been very supportive of preventive care programs,” he said. “It only makes common sense that
if you come up with programs like smoking cessation that it is going to save money in the long run.”

Bush, Gates Honor Military Spouses
May 06, 2008 American Forces Press Service|by Donna Miles
WASHINGTON - President Bush and Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates paid tribute May 6 to about 1,100 military spouses who
gathered for a Military Spouse Day celebration at the White House, where President Bush promised to continue pushing for more
benefits for military families.
Following a tradition President Ronald Reagan established when he declared the first Military Spouses Day in 1984, Bush
said he believes "we need to recognize military spouses every day."
"One way we can repay the service of our spouses is by making the burdens of military life a little easier," he told the
group, who enjoyed breakfast at red-and-white-checkered tables dotting the White House's South Lawn.
President Bush noted that he signed a change to the Family and Medical Leave Act into law this year, drawing applause from
the group. The law allows a spouse, parent, child or next of kin to take up to 26 weeks of leave from work to care for a seriously
injured or ill servicemember undergoing therapy or treatment.
Referring to last week's revelations of poor housing conditions at Fort Bragg, N.C., President Bush promised to do better.
"When we find substandard housing, we'll take care of it," he told the spouses.
President Bush said he's hoping Congress moves quickly to pass legislation he sent to Capitol Hill to ease some of the
burdens military families face. These initiatives, announced during his State of the Union address in January, would expand
access to child care, create new authorities to appoint qualified spouses into civil service jobs and provide educational
opportunities and job training for our military spouses.
But the initiative that drew the most cheers from the crowd would amend the Montgomery GI Bill to allow troops to transfer
their unused education benefits to their spouses or children.
"This legislation is moving. I hope to be able to sign it as quickly as possible," the president told the spouses. "It
is the absolute right thing to do. It should send a clear message that we care for you, we respect you and we love you."
President Bush thanked military spouses who stand behind their loved ones serving the country during wartime.
"Whether you signed up for military life at the recruiting station or at the altar rail, each person -- each person's a
volunteer," he said. "And when you married your Soldier, Sailor, Airman, Marine or Coast Guardsman, you became more than just
part of a family. You became part of our nation's military family."
The life of a military family is no easy calling, the president said. It involves frequent moves, living far from extended
families and saying goodbye to a spouse who goes off to serve on the front lines in the battle to secure the United States
and spread freedom.
"Being left behind when a loved one goes to war has got to be one of the hardest jobs in the United States military," President
Bush said, noting the challenges of holding down the home front while praying for a loved one's safe return.
"In carrying out the burdens, you're serving our country and it's noble service, and it's necessary service," he said.
"The United States of America owes you a huge debt of gratitude. And so, on behalf of our people, thank you for what you're
President Bush said he's impressed during his visits to military bases to see how military families take care of each other.
"What I found is that there's always a close-knit community, people who are sharing a special bond and people who take
time to look out after people," he said. "It's been an amazing experience to see the fabric of our military communities firsthand."
Secretary Gates said he makes it a point during his visits to military facilities to meet with families of deployed troops,
most recently last week at Fort Bliss, Texas.
"I'm always tremendously impressed by your sacrifice, resilience and fortitude," he said.
The secretary said he first heard of the idea of expanding the Montgomery GI Bill to benefit military families while meeting
with Army spouses at Fort Hood, Texas, and that President Bush quickly announced the proposal.
"That's how much we respect what you have to say," Secretary Gates told the group. He praised military families as the
"power behind the power" who serve along with their loved ones and help them be successful.
"While our men and women in uniform may be called to pay the highest price, their families, and particularly their spouses,
make a considerable sacrifice as well," he told the group. "Thank you for all you do to make their service possible."

AF Spouses Encouraged to Take Survey
Week of May 05, 2008
The Air Force Biennial Community Assessment Survey continues online through June 30, 2008. All spouses
of Air Force active-duty members are eligible to take the survey and are encouraged to do so online at the 2008 Air Force Community Assessment webpage. Spouses must use the access code SpouseAFCA to sign on. Survey results will be reported in October 2008.

Navy Announces New Recruiting Program
Week of May 05, 2008
The U.S. Navy and NASCAR' five-time most popular driver, Dale Earnhardt Jr., announced the formation
of the Dale Jr. Division, an 88-person boot camp division at Recruit Training Command, Great Lakes, Ill. Potential Sailors
will be able to start signing up for the division May 24, 2008 at their local recruiting station. Recruits who sign up for
the Dale Jr. Division will ship to Recruit Training Command in late August 2008, and the division will be commissioned by
Earnhardt Jr. after initial in-processing. The division is open to enlisted men and women interested in any of the 60 career
fields the Navy has to offer. Contact a Navy Recruiter for more information.

Free Amusement Park Admission
Week of May 05, 2008
Anheuser-Busch Adventure Parks are offering complimentary admission to active-duty military representing
all five services, active members of a reserve or National Guard unit, and/or up to three direct dependents. The offer is
valid for one complimentary, single-day admission per person, per year, to one of the following Anheuser-Busch Adventure Parks:
SeaWorld Orlando, San Diego, or San Antonio, Busch Gardens Tampa Bay or Williamsburg, Sesame Place, Adventure Island and Water
Country USA. For information on how to apply for the complimentary tickets, visit the Here's to the Heroes website.

Senate Seeks Additional Boost to Military Pay
Stars and Stripes | April 30, 2008  WASHINGTON -- Senate lawmakers on Thursday backed a higher-than-requested 3.9 percent pay raise for all military personnel
in their first draft of the fiscal 2009 defense authorization bill.
Lawmakers said the 3.9 percent pay raise, 0.5 percent above what defense officials requested, is designed to further close
the gap between military and civilian pay.
If passed, the pay raise would be the highest for troops since 2004.
For an E-4 with four years military service, the Senate plan would mean an increase of $79.86 a month, about $10 more than
the Pentagon plan. For an O-4
All military pay information can be found in's Pay Section with four years, it would be $189.25 a month, about $24 more monthly.
The proposal released by the Senate Armed Service Committee has a $542.5 billion base budget, $27 billion above what Pentagon
planners requested for fiscal 2009. It also contains an additional $70 billion in bridge funds to continue combat operations
in Iraq and Afghanistan past October.
Along with funding for ships and aircraft, the legislation contains a number of policy priorities for 2009, including the
creation of new suicide prevention programs, increasing the maximum re-enlistment contract from six to eight years, and allowing
21 days of paternity leave for new fathers.
The bill also reauthorizes 25 bonuses and specialty pays used for recruiting and retention, and adds new incentives to entice medical professionals into the ranks.
Senators also included a provision to provide a 500-pound weight allowance during permanent change of station moves for
military spouses’ professional books and equipment, and language providing travel money to reservists called to active
duty who get stuck away from home over holidays.
Committee Chairman Sen. Carl Levin, D-Mich., said he hopes the bill will come up for vote before the full Senate by Memorial
Day. The House Armed Services Committee will begin its mark-up of the authorization bill next week.
Both the House and Senate must pass their separate versions of the budget bill before sending a compromise measure to the
president later this year.

Send Your Name to the Moon!
May 01, 2008 Air Force Print News
WASHINGTON - NASA invites people of all ages to join the lunar exploration journey with an opportunity to send their names
to the moon aboard the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter, or LRO, spacecraft. The LRO is scheduled for launch in late
The Send Your Name to the Moon Web site enables everyone to participate in the lunar adventure and place his or her name
in orbit around the moon for years to come.
Participants can submit their information, print a certificate and have their name entered into a database. The database
will be placed on a microchip that will be integrated onto the spacecraft. The deadline for submitting names is June 27, 2008.
"Everyone who sends their name to the moon, like I'm doing, becomes part of the next wave of lunar explorers," said Cathy
Peddie, deputy project manager for LRO at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md. "The LRO mission is the first
step in NASA's plans to return humans to the moon by 2020, and your name can reach there first. How cool is that?"
The orbiter, comprising six instruments and one technology demonstration, will provide the most comprehensive data set
ever returned from the moon. The mission will focus on the selection of safe landing sites and identification of lunar resources.
It also will study how the lunar radiation environment could affect humans.
LRO also will create a comprehensive atlas of the moon's features and resources that will be needed as NASA designs and
builds a planned lunar outpost. The mission will support future human exploration while providing a foundation for upcoming
science missions.
The Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter is being built at Goddard. The mission also will be managed at the center for NASA's Explorations
Systems Mission Directorate in Washington.
If you are interested in doing so, you
can use the following link:
Send My Name To The MOON!

Financial counselor training open to spouses
By Karen Jowers - Staff writer Posted : Sunday Apr 27, 2008 8:54:43 EDT
The deadline for this year’s military spouse fellowship program, which will provide up to 200 spouses the education
necessary to enter the financial counseling career field, is fast approaching.
Applications are accepted online only through midnight April 30.
This is the third year of the Military Spouse Fellowship for the Accredited Financial Counselor Program, designed to help
military spouses interested in building a career in financial counseling — a job that can be both rewarding and flexible
enough to accommodate the demands of military life.
It is a joint effort between the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority Investor Education Foundation, which provides
the funding for the program, the National Military Family Association, and the Association for Financial Counseling and Planning
Education (AFCPE).
The fellowships cover the costs of completing the Associated Financial Counselor training and testing. When spouses finish
the program and the required practicum, they will be awarded the Accredited Financial counselor designation from AFCPE, which
provides the training through a distance-learning program.
Spouses are encouraged to do their practicum in the military community, because the program is designed to give back to
the military community. But it is not required; the sponsoring organizations understand that many spouses do not live near
an installation. The majority of the practicum should be spent providing supervised personal financial counseling or education.
There is an increasing need for financial counseling services. A variety of employers — including credit unions and
banks, military family centers, community housing agencies, cooperative extension services, and bankruptcy courts —
are searching for well-trained, ethical and caring financial counselors.

Military Spouse Career Program Expands
April 18, 2008|by Terry Howell
Due to more than anticipated demand for a popular government assistance program for career-minded military spouses, Department
of Labor and Pentagon officials have expanded the Military Spouse Career Advancement Account pilot program to better meet
the needs of a wider range of job seekers.
Now spouses of service members in all pay grades can receive job training assistance. The revised program also includes
cash for remedial training, licensing courses, and expands the number of career fields targeted for spouse employment.
The CAA program, launched in November 2007, helps military spouses obtain certification and credentials in high demand,
high-growth, portable careers. The program provides flexible education funding accounts that pay up to $3,000 a year for tuition,
fees, books, equipment, credentialing and licensing fees.
Learn more about this program for military spouses
The original plan targeted military spouses of active-duty troops in grades E-1 through E-5 and O-1 through O-3 who had
a GED, high-school diploma or some post-secondary education. Since January 2008 more than 900 spouses have entered education
and training programs through the CAA program.
According to the Department of Labor, military spouses suffer an unemployment rate that is three times that of their civilian counterparts. Nearly 77 percent of them report they need work. The frequent
moves required by the military often make it difficult or even cost-prohibitive for spouses to establish long-term careers
or to meet state credentialing and licensing requirements.
Almost 75 percent of military spouses say the cost of continuing their education is more than they can afford, according
to the Department of Labor Office of Public Affairs.
With so many qualified spouses clamoring for benefits, officials recently expanded the program to include military spouses
in all pay grades. In addition, the program now covers renewing credentials – such as nursing and teaching certificates
-- which may be required when spouses relocate. And spouses can now use the program for required pre-requisite and remedial
"Because of the early success of the program, and because of other employment needs across the nation, it was expanded
to include additional career areas and to all ranks at each of the program's pilot locations." noted Gary Woods, head of the
department responsible for DoD education, transition assistance and certain family and quality of life programs.
The assistance cash can be used to pay up to $3,000 in fees for one year, and may be renewed for one additional year for
up to $6,000 per spouse. The high-growth, high-demand occupations targeted by the program include information technology,
education, health services, financial services and construction trades. In addition to expanding eligibility to include all
active-duty spouses, the program now covers an additional four career fields, including human resources, business management,
hospitality management and homeland security.
The $35 million joint-agency program is currently available in eight states, including California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia,
Hawaii, Maine, North Carolina, and Washington targeting 18 military installations.
Installation Voluntary Education Centers and One-Stop Career Centers will collaborate to provide career counseling, guidance
and assessments to support military spouse career and education choices. In addition, Military OneSource has set up a call
center to support online and telephonic educational and career counseling to augment services at the local installations.
Counseling includes referrals to services that help military spouses successfully achieve the education and credentials they
need to obtain and retain portable careers in high-growth, high-demand occupations.
“This just further emphasizes the government's focus on the educational and career needs of our military spouses,”
Woods said.
For more info on this topic: Military Spouse Career Center
Related links at Military Spouse Network Spouse Buzz
Going back to school?
© Copyright 2008 All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast,
rewritten or redistributed.

States aim to ease transfers for military kids
By John Milburn - The Associated Press Posted : Tuesday Apr 15, 2008 6:55:09 EDT
TOPEKA, Kan. — Kansas and Kentucky are the first states to approve a compact that will make it easier for children
of military families to change schools if enough other states sign on.
The compact seeks to provide flexibility for the 1.5 million children of military families in the U.S. They attend an estimated
six to nine school systems between kindergarten and graduation on average, and differing educational requirements in different
states often add to their burden.
“Changing schools and making new friends can be hard on children whose parents are in the military,” said Gov.
Kathleen Sebelius, whose signature Wednesday made Kansas the first state to approve the compact. “This bill will help
ease the transition between schools by seamlessly transferring records.”
The compact, which would become operational with adoption by 10 states, is intended to prevent children of military families
from needlessly repeating courses or being denied access to extracurricular activities. It would provide alternative coursework
options for districts that do not waive graduation requirements for students. Compact members would work to create uniform
standards of practice, including the transfer of records, course placement and graduation requirements.
“If you have ever known, or been a part of, a military family, you know the barriers to educational success for children
due to frequent moves and deployments,” said Kentucky Gov. Steve Beshear, who signed a bill Thursday. “With Fort
Campbell and Fort Knox at our back door this is especially problematic here in the commonwealth.”
Kansas and Kentucky have nearly 50,000 school-aged children whose parents are active-duty military members. Most of those
in Kansas live near Fort Riley, which is home to the 1st Infantry Division.
Bills to create the compact have been introduced in 20 states, including Kansas and Kentucky, according to the Council
on State Governments, which developed the proposal.
Defense officials say the education of service members’ children is a quality-of-life issue that affects recruitment,
retention and readiness.
“Easing this burden is the right thing to do,” said David S.C. Chu, undersecretary of defense for personnel
and readiness. “We appreciate all the support and effort to implement the compact. We look forward to more states signing

Scholarship Deadlines are Quickly Approaching!
Terry Howell
Not applying for scholarships is like turning down free money, missing the application deadline is like
buying a lottery ticket after the winning number has been announced.
The approach of spring marks many events, but one event that seldom comes to mind is SADS - Scholarship Application Deadline
Season. Okay, there is no such date on the calendar, but the truth is most scholarship application deadlines occur between
March and June. This means that if you or a loved one are considering going to school in September, you better get off the
stick and start applying for some of the $300 million in "free money."
That's right there is more than $300 million of military — and veteran — related scholarships and many of these
scholarships go unclaimed each year. They go unclaimed because students don't know where to look or find them too late to
apply. Fortunately, there is a great online resource to help servicemembers find scholarships and learn how, where,
and most importantly, when to apply. Visit the's Scholarship Finder today and get started on your way to finding free money for school.
Here are some quick tips to help your search:
- Do your homework. Take advantage of the free online scholarship search at's Scholarship
Finder. The Scholarship Finder lists over 1,000 scholarships from a variety of sources.
- Don't limit yourself. You qualify for non-military related scholarships too. Visit your local library
to find scholarship directories that list awards based on age, state of residence, cultural background, and field of study.
- Search in your military community. Many service aid organizations and associations, like the Navy Marine
Corps Relief Society, offer scholarships, grants, and low interest loans to help cover education expenses. Click here to find
out more about your Service Aid Organization's education assistance programs.
- It's never too soon to start your scholarship search. Many scholarship application deadlines are as early
as a year in advance.
Remember: Not applying for scholarships is like turning down free money, missing the application deadline is like buying
a lottery ticket after the winning number has been announced. Get started on your search for scholarships today and apply
as soon as possible - visit the Scholarship Finder.

More Providers Accept Tricare Standard
April 09, 2008 Air Force Print News
FALLS CHURCH, Va. - There's good news for Tricare Standard beneficiaries. More civilian providers are accepting new patients,
according to a recently released survey. Yet, Tricare officials acknowledge that increasing the number of providers and types
of providers across the nation remains a high priority, especially in remote areas.
The findings, part of the Department of Defense Survey of Civilian Physician Acceptance of Tricare Standard, show that
in fiscal 2007, almost 93 percent of responding physicians in 53 hospital service areas were aware of the Tricare program,
with 84 percent of physicians in those 53 HSAs accepting new Tricare Standard patients.
"The survey results are very encouraging," said Army Maj. Gen. Elder Granger, deputy director of the Tricare Management
Activity. "It shows that more doctors are working with us to ensure that our reserve component warriors, retirees and their
families have access to quality care."
The 2007 survey was the final installment of a three-year national effort to measure awareness of Tricare and to determine
the number of physicians who accept new Tricare Standard patients. DOD officials randomly surveyed physicians in 20 states
in both FYs 2005 and 2006. The 10 remaining states and Washington, D.C., were surveyed in FY 2007. Physicians in local HSAs
also were surveyed each year. Approximately 40,000 physicians from a variety of medical specialties were randomly picked.
The aggregate results show that civilian provider awareness and acceptance is generally high, but may vary depending on
location. In addition, the survey revealed a need for increasing both Tricare awareness and acceptance among psychiatrists,
a specialty critical in meeting the behavioral health needs of veterans of the war on terrorism.
Specifically, the three-year findings across all states and HSAs show:
-- Approximately 87 percent of all physicians surveyed are aware of the Tricare program. -- About 81 percent of physicians
that accept new patients also accept new Tricare Standard patients. -- Of those accepting new Tricare Standard patients,
almost 91 percent do so for all patients, rather than on a case-by-case basis. -- Reimbursement rates were among the most
commonly cited reasons for not accepting Tricare Standard.
"The survey exceeded our expectations," said Rich Bannick, Ph.D., director of performance evaluations for the TMA. "In
the three surveys completed since 2005, more than 50 percent of the physicians we surveyed responded. That's a very respectable
survey response rate in the health care industry.
"The survey results provide us a reliable measurement as to our effectiveness in expanding access to Tricare providers
and the challenges of getting more doctors on board. Congress has given additional guidance to continue the survey process
through 2011," he said.
While active duty service members receive the bulk of their medical care at one of the more than 500 military treatment
facilities, family members, National Guard and Reserve members, and retirees often rely on civilian physicians for their health
care needs.
"In some locations, access to Tricare Standard providers remains a major concern for family members and retirees," General
Granger said. "Some doctors limit the number of Tricare patients they see or refuse to see them altogether. This leads to
fewer choices for beneficiaries."
States showing a need to increase acceptance and awareness of Tricare include Alaska, Maryland, Colorado, Hawaii, Oklahoma,
New York, New Jersey and Texas. Hospital service areas with lower than average Tricare acceptance include Washington, D.C.;
Raleigh, N. C.; Seattle and Olympia, Wash.; Lihue/Kealakekua/Wailuku, Hawaii; Dallas, Texas; and Falls Church, Va.
Tricare officials, with support from their managed care support contractors, are working to overcome these challenges.
"We are reaching out to state officials, medical associations and individual physicians to educate them and appeal to their
sense of patriotism in accepting Tricare," said General Granger.
The outreach is showing promising results. For example, the Oregon legislature approved incentives including a one-time
tax credit for new providers in the Tricare network, plus an additional annual credit for treating patients enrolled in Tricare.
Since 2004, Oregon's Tricare provider network has increased by 35 percent.
In addition, the governors of 20 western states have supported Tricare's efforts to encourage more health care providers
to accept new Tricare patients. Their combined efforts led to an overall increase in western region Tricare network doctors
from approximately 80,000 in 2004 to more than 125,000 today.
"Expanding our network of Tricare providers is critical to our ability to care for our beneficiaries," said General Granger.
"Today, more than 220,000 men and women are Tricare providers. We are grateful to them for seeing the value in supporting
those who serve our nation, and we are actively seeking other physicians who want to become part of our Tricare provider team."

DOD to phase out full Social Security numbers on IDs
by Gerry J. Gilmore American Forces Press Service4/4/2008 - WASHINGTON (AFPN) -- As a means of combating identity theft, the
Defense Department will issue identification cards without full Social Security numbers printed onto them, a senior official
said here April 3. The Defense Department cares about protecting personal information as well as increasing database
security, said Mary Dixon, director of the Defense Manpower Data Center based in Arlington, Va.
Identity theft is
a very real problem today, Ms. Dixon explained. Criminals who pilfer SSN-bearing identity cards can virtually assume someone's
identity through a few computer keystrokes and clicks of a mouse, she said.
TriCare, the military services' health
maintenance organization, already has removed Social Security numbers from its members' identification cards, Ms. Dixon said.
Plans are to remove the Social Security numbers from identification cards issued to military family members by the
end of this year, Ms. Dixon said, noting that those cards still would display the sponsors' SSN, for now. Between
2009 and 2010, all department-issued identification cards will feature only the last four digits of a holder's Social Security
number, she said.
About 3.4 million people now have department-issued common access cards, Ms. Dixon said. Around
two-thirds of those card holders are military members, and some civilians who deploy overseas, who have full Social Security
numbers printed onto the back of their CACs.
"You might lose that card," Ms. Dixon pointed out, noting that family
members, including children, could misplace their identification cards, too.
Modern information technology precludes
the need to have full social security numbers printed onto employee and family member ID cards, Ms. Dixon said.
all of our (computer) systems can 'talk' to each other, so we don't necessarily need to know all of that information printed
on your card," she said.
New identification cards will be issued as they reach their expiration dates, Ms. Dixon said.

‘Above All’ firm renews contract
By Erik Holmes - Staff writer Posted : Friday Apr 4, 2008 11:10:57 EDT
The Air Force awarded on Wednesday a 10-year, $372 million contract to advertising firm GSD&M Idea City, which developed
the Air Force’s recent “Do Something Amazing” and “Above All” campaigns.
The contract is for national advertising, media and event marketing duties for Air Force recruiting efforts, according
to a GSD&M press release.
The Austin, Texas-based firm has worked with the Air Force since 2001 but had to recompete for the contract because of
government contracting rules, said company spokesman John McGrath.
The “Above All” campaign the firm developed for the Air Force has come under fire from some lawmakers who say
the television, print and online ads look too much like an effort to lobby Congress illegally for funding rather than a traditional
recruiting campaign. Air Force leaders have denied that is the case.
GSD&M’s previous contract with the Air Force was worth $350 million over 7 years, McGrath said.

Bill aims to improve absentee ballot delivery
By Rick Maze - Staff writer Posted : Friday Apr 4, 2008 9:18:40 EDT
A California congressman wants to ensure every military vote counts in the November elections by having couriers —
not the U.S. Postal Service — deliver completed absentee ballots from deployed service members to state election officials.
Rep. Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., is looking for a way to overcome one of the biggest voting obstacles for service members
based or deployed overseas — getting a ballot far enough in advance that a service member has time to complete it and
send it back to state election officials in time to be counted.
McCarthy calls his bill, HR 5673, the Military Voting Protection Act, and says he is just trying to apply a “common-sense
solution” so that service members are not denied the chance to have their vote count through no fault of their own.
“We can and we must work to protect the votes of our troops serving abroad and ensure they are counted,” said
McCarthy, the ranking Republican on the House Administration Committee’s elections panel, to which his bill was referred.
Chief cosponsors include Rep. Dan Lungren, R-Calif., and Rep. Vernon Ehlers, R-Mich., who are also members of the elections
The bill assumes the new rules would apply to the November elections.
McCarthy said his bill attempts to address problems such as those cited in a 2007 report by the Election Assistance Commission
on service members’ use of absentee ballots by in the 2006 election.
The report found that only 47.6 percent of absentee ballots requested by members of the military ended up being counted,
and that some of the problem appeared to stem from mail delays. Ten percent of ballots arrived too late to be counted under
deadlines applied by states, which usually are a combination of the date the ballot is postmarked and the absolute last day
for ballots to be counted before election results are certified.
McCarthy said late ballots are not the fault of service members, who have no control over where they are assigned overseas
or how long the mail might take to get back to the U.S.
His bill would have the Defense Department assign people to collect completed ballots and ensure they are delivered to
state election officials before polls close. This could be done by military personnel or by contractors. The bill also calls
for setting up a process to track progress of the packages of ballots, similar to the way major commercial shipping companies
track packages.

DoD plan would allow sabbaticals up to 3 years
By Rick Maze - Staff writer Posted : Wednesday Apr 2, 2008 12:05:14 EDT
Defense officials are proposing an experiment in which service members could take a break in their military careers of
up to three years for personal or professional reasons.
This time off — with health benefits, but without pay — would be similar to sabbaticals offered by some private
businesses in high-pressure fields and by colleges and universities to some professors, but with a major difference: Most
academic and professional sabbaticals are limited to one year.
Officials are calling their proposal “career intermission.”
The Navy is the only service planning to use the pilot program right away, defense officials said, but the Navy’s
experience with it could lead to its expansion to the other services.
While those taking the time off would not receive active-duty pay or allowances, they would still be on the military’s
payroll because they would be required to participate in the Ready Reserve and would receive a monthly stipend of $100.
They would not have to take part in any military drills, but would have to report to a military office at least once a
month and perform one day of active duty each year for medical and administrative screening.
Additionally, defense officials said they expect people taking a career break to maintain proficiency in their military
specialty through online and correspondence courses and other means.
Time spent on a career break would not count toward retirement.
The volunteers who take a career break would be required to serve two months of active duty for every one month of time
off they were granted, so that someone who took a full three years off would have a six-year obligation.
People returning to active duty after such a break would be reappointed to the same job they previously held, or a similar
one, and would have their full pay and benefits, including special and incentive pays and bonuses as long as they remain eligible,
defense officials said.
The idea has been discussed by defense and service personnel officials for several years as a way to make military service
a little more like the private sector.
But the plan is going to get attention from Congress because the Pentagon’s top manpower official said it would be
a way to give military women more time off after the birth of a child without making military men think women are being given
an unequal advantage.
David S.C. Chu, undersecretary of defense for personnel and readiness, mentioned a sabbatical program at a recent Senate
Armed Services Committee hearing and said it was one option for overhauling the services’ different maternity policies.
“I think we need to be a little careful that we don’t damage the standing of women as a key element of the
force in saying that they should not share their part of the overall force burdens in terms of how we utilize them,”
Chu said during a discussion of maternity rules.
A sabbatical, Chu said, “may be a superior alternative for those who would like room within which to develop a family.”
Chu said he expects most people would leave the military for one or two years, and that having some degree of benefits
— like the small stipend and health care — would help keep them tied to the service.
The House and Senate Armed Services committees are expected to consider the proposal as they prepare the 2009 defense authorization
bill for passage later this year. But congressional aides said the proposal represents such a dramatic change in military
career policy that they could not predict how it will be received.
A formal proposal, sent to Congress as part of a March 14 package of proposed legislation, calls for a six-year test involving
60 officers and 60 enlisted members.
During the test, no more than 20 officers and 20 enlisted members each year would be granted an “intermission”
in their career.

The outlook for every rank in the coming year
By Bruce Rolfsen - Staff writer Posted : Tuesday Apr 1, 2008 12:56:41 EDT
Despite continuing uncertainty about the proper size of the force, promotions should remain steady in the coming year.
Neither the Air Force’s stated intention to cut 12,600 positions in 2009, nor the service’s more recent attempt
to win congressional backing for its plan to push end strength back up to 330,000, will affect promotion rates this year,
which likely will be close to 2007’s numbers.
While the debate continues over the right size of the force, two factors are keeping promotion levels steady. First, the
ongoing drawdown hasbeen spread across all paygrades, preventing a glut or shortage of airmen in any of the ranks that would
lead to a large shift in promotion rates, said Lt. Col. Scott Brady, who oversees promotion and evaluation policies at the
Air Staff.
And while the Air Force has proposed 2009 end-strength goals ranging from 316,600 to 330,000, the difference between the
two isn’t enough to require large adjustments to 2008’s promotion goals.
Brady’s prediction of stable promotion rates is backed up by what has happened early in the 2008 promotion cycle.
Only one rank has gone through the promotion process — master sergeants testing to become senior master sergeants. When
the results were announced March 12, the promotion rate was 8.91 percent, up slightly from the 2007 rate of 8.77 percent.
The 2008 cycle also marks the debut of new enlisted and officer evaluation forms appearing in personnel files. But how
much, if any, difference the new forms are making isn’t known, since the new evaluations will be one of many reviews
in an airman’s records, Brady said.
Here is what to expect from 2008’s promotion cycle:
Airman basic, airman, senior airman
For junior enlisted airmen — airman basic to senior airman — promotions continue to be determined by time in
service and time in grade, said Chief Master Sgt. Mark Long, who oversees enlisted promotions and evaluations at the Air Staff.
The airmen do not compete for promotion.
Force structure changes — such as in 2005, when the service recruited a comparatively small class of 18,900, or about
10,000 less than other years — won’t affect promotion chances.
An airman basic is eligible to move up to airman after six months and approval from the enlistee’s commander.
The step up to airman first class should come for most when they have completed 10 months as an airman basic.
That is, except for airmen who joined with a six-year commitment. Their promotion is linked to completing technical training
school or 20 weeks of technical training, or completing the combat controller or pararescueman indoctrination course, whichever
happens first.
Most airmen sew on their senior airman stripes once they’ve been in the Air Force for three years, meet their 3-level
skill requirements and earn commander approval. Airmen on six-year enlistments sew on at the 28-month point if they are a
Staff sergeant, technical sergeant, master sergeant
While the requirements for noncommissioned officer ranks vary widely, their promotion rates tend to move in tandem. If
the selection rate falls for technical sergeants, the rates for master and staff sergeants are apt to fall as well.
All three ranks had their lowest promotion rates of the decade in 2006, as the service began to trim back 40,000 full-time
positions. In 2007, the rates bounced back.
Airmen testing for these noncommissioned officer ranks in 2008 could benefit from accelerated promotion rates if their
career field is manned at 85 percent or less and their work is considered a critical “war-fighting skill.” Career
fields that meet those qualifications are placed in the “chronic critical shortage” category, and members could
then be promoted at a rate 20 percent higher than the overall average for that rank.
The downside to some career fields getting extra promotions is that for every extra airman promoted in a career field with
a manning shortage, one fewer airman at the same rank is promoted in career fields without manning issues.
“For someone to gain, someone has to lose,” Long said.
The Air Force is in the process of determining which staff, technical and master sergeant Air Force Specialty Codes will
qualify as critical skills in 2008, Long said.
For the 2008 senior master sergeant promotions, 40 AFSCs qualified.
Beginning with promotion to staff sergeant, airmen compete with other members of their AFSCs to advance. Senior airmen
can compete for staff sergeant once they have three years of time in service and six months time in grade. They also must
have earned a 5-level skill rating by their promotion eligibility cutoff date — March 31 for the 2008 promotion cycle.
The biggest factor driving how many airmen are promoted to staff sergeant is the retention of airmen for a second enlistment,
Long said. If a large number of airmen are expected to leave at the end of their first enlistment, the promotion rate for
the remaining airmen is higher.
In the past four years, the retention rate of first-term airmen has averaged about 59 percent, including a decline in 2007
to about 55 percent, according to Air Force budget figures.
During that same period, promotion rates have averaged almost 40 percent, with the 41.33 percent selected in 2007, the
fifth highest rate since 1971. During the post-Cold War drawdown, the promotion rate was as low as 5.48 percent — in
This year, 36,332 senior airmen are eligible to test for staff sergeant, nearly the same as in 2007, and early indications
are that the promotion rate again will hover close to 40 percent, Long said.
Airmen will learn if they are staff sergeant-selects in mid-August.
More airmen compete for promotion to technical sergeant than any other grade.
The number is the highest because there are more staff sergeants eligible for promotion at any given time than in any other
In 2007, almost 39,800 airmen took a shot at making tech. For 2008, 43,722 airmen are trying to make it.
The testing window for technical sergeant runs through March 31.
To compete for promotion to technical sergeant, a staff sergeant should have five years time in service, 23 months in grade
as a staff sergeant and a 7-level skill rating.
Over the past decade, promotion rates have ranged from a low of 16.76 percent in 2006 to 33.51 percent in 2002, the highest
rate since 1971. The Air Force doesn’t expect to repeat that record-setting performance. Instead, the rate is likely
to be in the 18.4 percent to 21 percent range, similar to recent years.
The announcement of the tech-selects is set for the middle of June.
To test for master sergeant, an airman needs eight years of time in service and two years as a technical sergeant.
Over the past four years, about 24,000 technical sergeants have competed annually for master sergeant positions. In this
cycle, 26,757 airmen are in the pool, the most since 1995. Testing for promotion continues through March 31.
But a large group testing doesn’t necessarily equal a lower promotion rate. When 25,454 airmen competed in 2005,
the selection rate was 26.05 percent.
This year’s selection rate should be around 24 percent.
The promotion announcement is due in mid-June.
Senior master sergeant, chief master sergeant
While the number of senior NCOs is constrained by law to no more than 3 percent of the enlisted force, their promotion
rates have remained stable.
Of all the enlisted ranks, making senior master sergeant is the most competitive. Over the past two decades, the selection
rate has exceeded 10 percent only twice.
No more than 2 percent of enlisted airmen can be senior master sergeants, Long said. There aren’t quotas for the
lower enlisted ranks.
Tests for senior master sergeant promotions were in December, with the results of tests and evaluation board revealed March
12. Of the 14,404 master sergeants who sought promotion, 8.91 percent were selected, the highest rate since 2005.
Airmen in 40 career fields qualified for higher promotion rates because their manning at senior master sergeant fell below
80 percent and the specialties are needed for ongoing conflicts, Long said.
The promotion advantage varied among career fields. Explosive ordnance experts were promoted at a 16.66 percent rate, while
most other critical AFSC candidates were promoted at a rate of 10 percent to 11 percent. Career fields that didn’t have
manning issues had promotion rates as low as 7.05 percent.
Chief master sergeants are limited to 1 percent of the enlisted force.
Candidates for chief start testing in September and have their records reviewed by an evaluation board in October.
Although it is too early to say how many airmen will test for chief, or the number of openings, Long expects the promotion
rate to be in line with recent years. Since 2003, the selection rate has been around 20 percent — except for 2007, when
the rate dipped to 16.85 percent.
Chief candidates also may benefit from the critical skills promotion advantage, but it is too soon to say which career
fields qualify, Long said.
Second and first lieutenant
For many lieutenants, the question foremost on their minds since 2006 hasn’t been when they would be promoted, but
whether they would still have a job as the service pushed hundreds of their peers out the door as part of its force-shaping
Air Force officials predict there will be no cuts aimed at lieutenants in 2009, but some officers may be told to retrain
into a new career field.
The promotion opportunity to first lieutenant continues to be 100 percent once a line second lieutenant has two years of
commissioned service, Brady said — unless a performance report finds a second lieutenant had substandard performance.
About the only factor that could stop a promotion is a poor performance report with low ratings.
A first lieutenant with four years commissioned service who is rated in reviews as “fully qualified” will be
promoted to captain, Brady said. The promotion opportunity for captains remains 100 percent.
One change underway in the captain promotion process is switching from once-a-year announcements of captain-selects to
a quarterly release of names. This change doesn’t affect when an officer will pin on captain’s bars, Brady said.
The qualification date remains the four-year mark.
But getting a promotion may not guarantee that you’ll have a job in 2009. The Air Force’s proposed 2009 force-shaping
plan calls for slicing the number of captains by 2,841 positions, a 13 percent cut.
The chances of making line major while in the promotion zone is about 95 percent for 2008, the same as 2007, Brady said.
Line officers in the zone for this promotion made captain in 2004.
There should be some job security as a major. No significant O-4 cuts are planned in 2009, according to the Air Force budget
Since 2004, the in-the-zone promotion opportunity for majors has ranged from 92.4 percent to 94.2 percent, even as the
number of officers selected has ranged from 1,901 in 2005 to 2,211 in 2007. There have been no below-the-zone promotions for
major since 1998. Above-the-zone promotions continue to be unusual — only 20 line officers above the zone were promoted
to major in 2007.
Lieutenant colonel
The promotion opportunity to make line lieutenant colonel is predicted at about 85 percent, the same as recent years, Brady
The line selection board will meet Sept. 8-24. Brady said it is too early to say how many majors the board will review.
In-the-zone line officers became majors April 1, 2004, through April 30, 2005.
The in-the-zone line promotion rate to lieutenant colonel has consistently been just below 75 percent since 2003. When
promotions from below- and above-the-zone groups are added, the total is close to an 85 percent opportunity
Those officers who make lieutenant colonel could find themselves being eased out the door in 2009, as the lieutenant colonel
ranks may be cut by 5 percent, according to Air Force budget plans.
For line colonels, the promotion opportunity is expected to be 55 percent, Brady said. In-the-zone officers meeting the
board will have made lieutenant colonel from April 1, 2003, through April 30, 2004.
The line colonel’s selection board will meet May 12-23 to consider the records of 978 airmen.
Brady’s prediction of a 55 percent selection rate is in line with promotion rates since 2000. The board has selected
about 45 percent of in-the-zone candidates. When those officers are combined with those below and above the zone, the total
rises to 55 percent.

Educators learn about Air Force opportunities up close
Air Force Recruiting Service Distinguished Educator Tour guests witness an Air Force
Basic Military Training graduation ceremony at Lackland Air Force Base, Texas, March 14. Following the ceremony, tour guests
have the opportunity to congratulate the graduates and speak to them about their choice to enlist. Air Force Recruiting Service
conducts two tours annually to show high school and community college counselors, teachers and principals that, for their
best students, the Air Force may be an ideal choice. (U.S. Air Force photo/Staff Sgt. Jennifer Lindsey)
| | by Staff Sgt. Jennifer Lindsey Air Force Recruiting Service Public Affairs4/1/2008 - RANDOLPH
AIR FORCE BASE, Texas -- Out of 100 contacts an Air Force recruiter makes, roughly one makes it to basic training.
Of the more than 30.8 million Americans ages 17 to 27, only 27 percent of them would qualify for military service, primarily
due to poor aptitude test scores, inability to meet physical standards, insufficient education, or conduct or legal issues.
During the Air Force Recruiting Service's latest Distinguished Educator Tour held March 11-14, many attendees heard
these facts, did a double take and asked the briefer to repeat his statement.
It is tough, but true, "Today's Airmen
must want to be in," said Col. Stan Chase, AFRS deputy commander.
To assist recruiters in reaching the right candidates
for today's enlisted force, AFRS annually conducts two four-day tours in San Antonio for high school and community college
counselors, teachers and principals from around the country, showing them that their star students may have a bright future
in the Air Force.
Educators hear, witness and experience basic training while it is in progress. They participate
in technical school course activities, tour Air Force facilities and aircraft, and have opportunities to speak candidly with
trainees and experienced Airmen, both officers and enlisted.
"Every time you show us something, I think this is my
favorite experience, but then you come up with another experience that's even better. It's amazing," said Suzanne Miller,
a career technician from Claremont High School, Calif., following a luncheon with basic military trainees.
One typically
impressive tour experience is witnessing Basic Military Training at Lackland Air Force Base, Texas, and hearing from military
training instructors how high school and undergraduate students learn to become Airmen. During the tour, the MTIs remain in
character as role leaders. Tour guests are often surprised when they hear instructions bellowed at a trainee whose actions
merit correction.
The tours are also a highpoint for the MTIs, said Tech. Sgt. Jeff Martin, who has served as a military
training instructor for more than two years.
"I love doing these tours and showing off our future Airmen," he said.
He enjoys them so much that he participates in several tours monthly for high school ROTC cadets and other guests because
it gives him the opportunity to share his insight as to what kind of person makes a successful Airman. According to Sergeant
Martin, personal integrity is one of the most important characteristics a trainee can possess, along with a willingness and
aptitude to learn.
"I don't have the time to instill a sense of 'right and wrong' in a trainee in just six and one-half
or eight and a half weeks," he said in response to question asked by one of the educators during a briefing. "I can teach
any trainee sent here how to become an Airman if he or she has the right character."
The educator tours are also a
highlight for top trainees who enjoy an extended lunchtime with the educators. Military training instructors pair tour guests
with trainees, who dine in the same facility where trainees eat all their meals in an atmosphere of "relaxed" lunch rules,
allowing trainees to talk and have more time to eat than they are normally granted while maintaining proper military bearing.
Conversations between the educators and trainees commonly center on the trainees' homes, why they chose to join the
Air Force and what basic training is like. Some of the trainees even share their home mailing address with the educators so
the guest can write to the trainee's parents and share the news about meeting their son or daughter.
"It was a good
experience," said Kevin McCoid, a fifth-week Basic Military Training trainee from California, after clearing his and his guest's
dirty dishes. "It was interesting sharing my training experiences with a civilian and good to hear what they think about us
as Airmen."
Each tour culminates with front-row seats at Basic Military Training graduation on Lackland AFB parade
On March 14, the educators saw first-hand how well the weeks of discipline and training pay off as they witnessed
hundreds of Airmen in flight formations parading in review for the presiding general officer, and carrying the U.S. and state
flags. During the finale, the graduates stood at attention in front of the U.S. flag, the commander, and bleachers overflowing
with family members and guests, held up their right hands and boldly recited the oath of enlistment.
The ceremony
left tears in the eyes of many educators who witnessed the life-changing event earned by the few who were willing to
do what it takes to achieve. It also helped some develop a greater understanding of the difference the Air Force makes in
the lives of many young Americans.
"I have come away [from this experience] with a renewed spirit and greater sense
of patriotism," said Donna Oshiro, a career guidance counselor from Covina High School, Calif.

New VA benefits handbook available
Staff report Posted : Tuesday Apr 1, 2008 8:25:44 EDT
A new edition of the “Federal Benefits for Veterans and Dependents” handbook, issued by the Department of Veterans
Affairs, updates the rates for certain federal payments and outlines a variety of programs and benefits for American veterans.
Most of the nation’s 24 million veterans qualify for some VA benefits, which range from health care to burial in
national cemeteries. In addition to describing benefits provided by VA, the 2008 edition of the 153-page booklet offers an
overview of programs and services for veterans provided by other federal agencies.
Federal Benefits for Veterans and Dependents includes resources to help veterans access their benefits, with a listing
of toll-free numbers, Web sites and a directory of VA facilities throughout the country. The handbook can be downloaded free
from VA’s Web site.
The handbook is one of the top-selling consumer publications of the U.S. Government Printing Office. GPO accepts credit
card orders for the publication at (866) 512-1800 for a cost of $5 each to U.S. addresses, or $67 for bulk orders of 25 copies.
It can be ordered by mail from the GPO at Superintendent of Documents, P.O. Box 979050, St. Louis, MO 63197-9000 (stock #051-000-00233-4)
or online from the GPO bookstore.
In addition to health care and burial benefits, veterans may be eligible for programs providing home loan guaranties, educational
assistance, training and vocational rehabilitation, income assistance pensions, life insurance and compensation for service-connected
illnesses or disabilities. In some cases, survivors of veterans may also be entitled to benefits.
The handbook describes programs for veterans with specific service experiences, such as prisoners of war or those concerned
about environmental exposures in Vietnam or in the Gulf War, as well as special benefits for veterans with severe disabilities.

Air Force Ends Force Shaping
Week of March 31, 2008
Force shaping programs for the Air Force will be closed for the remainder of the year. March 31, 2008
is the last day Air Force officials would accept fiscal 2008 Voluntary Separation Pay program applications. Voluntary retirement
programs close April 30, 2008. However, the Blue to Green program -- for enlisted and officers applying for transfer
to the Army -- will remain open indefinitely. A decision on what force shaping programs may be utilized in fiscal 2009
is still pending. For more information, visit the Air Force Personnel Center's Force Shaping webpage.

Little by little, more and more states are adopting this philosophy. Keep contacting your state representatives!
4 more states offer benefits to spouses forced to quit jobs
New Jersey, Arkansas, South Carolina and Connecticut have joined the list of states that now allow military spouses to
collect unemployment compensation when they must quit their jobs to follow their service members to new duty stations.
South Carolina changed its law in June. The changes are effective in Connecticut and Arkansas on Oct. 1, and in New Jersey
on Dec. 9.
According to the Defense Department, 21 states now allow trailing military spouses to receive unemployment benefits. Eight
states deny such benefits outright; the rest consider such requests on a case-by-case basis.
The Pentagon is working this issue hard. Since defense officials launched a “USA 4 Military Families” state
partnership program three years ago, 13 states have changed their policies to let spouses get unemployment compensation.
Ten regional representatives act as liaisons between the military services and state policymakers to provide information
and resources on key quality-of-life issues.
In May, Leslye Arsht, deputy undersecretary of defense for military community and family policy, was on hand when Gov.
Mike Beebe of Arkansas signed a law making military spouses eligible for unemployment pay.
“This monetary bridge, when necessary, is important for sustaining family income while adjusting to the continual
stress of relocation,” Arsht said in a press release.
Many spouses know firsthand what that means, and many are still fighting for change.
“You need that second income,” said Tera Fitzgerald, who left her job with Navy Morale, Welfare and Recreation
in Hawaii in March to move with her husband, a Navy E-7, to Meridian Naval Air Station, Miss. She has been looking for a job
since, and trying to get unemployment benefits.
With her job loss and the difference in allowances — Hawaii’s cost of living is higher — the family’s
income dropped by about $2,500 a month, she said.
“I had never applied for unemployment compensation before,” she said. “I never thought I was entitled.
But then I wondered why I wouldn’t be entitled if I have to quit my job to move with my husband.”
She has appealed the decision to deny her benefits of about $210 a week, and was scheduled for a telephone hearing Oct.
“I know I’ll be moving around in the future, but I want to help other people, too,” she said.
Family advocates applaud the states’ changes, as well as the Defense Department’s efforts to educate states
on the importance of this and other issues to military families.
“I see it as a part of what DoD is doing today to connect these folks to military families and their communities,”
said Joyce Raezer, chief operating officer for the National Military Family Association.
“For years, DoD’s attitude was that they couldn’t do anything about it, it wasn’t their issue,”
Raezer said. “But now they are saying that if military spouse careers are important to retention, maybe they need to
step up and do what they can to help spouses.”
New Jersey state Sen. Shirley Turner said she introduced a bill three years ago after receiving letters from some military
spouses whose husbands were reassigned to other states.
DISCUSS: Relocating and employment

Thunderbirds season off to flying start
Staff report Posted : Wednesday Mar 19, 2008 13:21:38 EDT
The Thunderbirds Air Demonstration Squadron kicked off its 2008 schedule Saturday at the San Angelo Regional Airport at
Air Fiesta 2008 air show, hosted by Goodfellow Air Force Base, Texas.
The team will commemorate the 55th anniversary of the “Ambassadors in Blue” with another 66 shows between now
and Nov. 9, appearing in 25 states as well as Canada.
On June 14-15 the Thunderbirds will travel to Quebec City, Canada, to help the city celebrate its 400th anniversary.
This 2008 team comprises eight pilots, four support officers, four civilians and 110 enlisted airmen, and features the
Thunderbirds’ first female lead-solo demonstration pilot, Maj. Samantha Weeks, who is in her second year with team.
The rest of the Thunderbirds’ 2008 schedule is listed below.
29 — Tyndall Air Force Base, Fla.
5-6 — Punta Gorda, Fla.
12-13 — Lakeland, Fla.
19-20 — Wilmington, N.C.
26 — Charleston Air Force Base, S.C.
3-4 — March Air Reserve Base, Calif.
10-11 — Langley Air Force Base, Va.
17-18 — Fort Smith, Ark.
24 — Tinker Air Force Base, Okla.
28 — U.S. Air Force Academy, Colo. (Invitation only)
31 — McGuire Air Force Base, N.J.
1 — McGuire Air Force Base, N.J.
7-8 — Rockford, Ill.
14-15 — Québec City, Canada
21 — Klamath Falls, Ore.
24 — Eielson Air Force Base, Alaska
28-29 — Elmendorf Air Force Base, Alaska
4-6 — Battle Creek, Mich.
12-13 — Milwaukee, Wis.
19-20 — McChord Air Force Base, Wash.
23 — Cheyenne, Wyo.
26-27 — Rochester, N.Y.
8-10 — Abbotsford, Canada
16-17 — Offutt Air Force Base, Neb.
20 — Atlantic City, N.J.
23-24 — Kansas City, Mo.
30-31 — Travis Air Force Base, Calif.
6-7 — Westover Air Reserve Base, Mass.
12-13 — Reno, Nev.
14 — Mountain Home Air Force Base, Idaho
20-21 — Scott Air Force Base, Ill.
27-28 — Salinas, Calif.
4 — Vance Air Force Base, Okla.
11-12 — Fort Worth, Texas
18-19 — Dobbins Air Reserve Base, Ga.
25-26 — Houston
1-2 — Lafayette, La.
8-9 — Nellis Air Force Base, Nev

Medical Leave Act Extended to Military
Week of March 17, 2008
A provision of the 2008 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) will alter the Family and Medical Leave
Act (FMLA) to assist military family members who need to take unpaid leave to care for an injured servicemember. The new law
allows the spouses, children, parents or other next of kin who provide care for an injured servicemember to take as many as
26 weeks of unpaid leave in a 12-month period. Normally, eligible employers are permitted 12 weeks of unpaid leave for such
family emergencies. For more information, visit the Department of Labor's Family and Medical Leave Act webpage. Read the article on

Bill Seeks to Increase Benefit
Week of March 17, 2008
Senator Daniel K. Akaka (D-HI) introduced legislation to increase veterans' compensation through a cost-of-living adjustment (COLA). The COLA is
designed to offset inflation and other factors that alter the cost of living over time. The Veterans' Compensation Cost of
Living Adjustment Act of 2008 ( S 2617) directs the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to increase, as of Dec.1, 2008, the rates of veterans' disability compensation,
dependency and indemnity compensation for surviving spouses and children, and additional related benefits. The rate of the
COLA increase for veterans will match the annual increase provided to Social Security recipients. How do you feel about this action? Let your public officials know how you feel!

Nominate your everyday hero
If you know someone who is committed 24/7, here is your chance to nominate them to receive the Military Times’ Service
Member of the Year Award. Previous winners have cited their award as one of the highlights of their military career.

Review Panel Recommends Military Pay Changes
American Forces Press Service | March 13, 2008
WASHINGTON -- The 10th Quadrennial Review of Military Compensation has suggested a new way of measuring
military pay, proposed that more money be spent on special and incentive pays, and recommended restructuring the basic allowance
for housing. Retired Air Force Brig. Gen. Jan D. “Denny” Eakle -- former deputy director of the Defense Finance
and Accounting Service -- chaired the commission and briefed the media on the recommendations yesterday.
This was just the first release of the review, Eakle explained. A second volume, covering retirement and quality-of-life
aspects of compensation, will be released in the summer.
Eakle said that whenever a QRMC convenes, the first question it examines always is whether military pay is comparable to pay in the private sector. The second is whether military pay is adequate to maintain the force, she said.
The 9th QRMC, released in 2002, concluded that for pay to be comparable, it had to be at or above the 70th percentile of
the age- and education-matched civilian population, Eakle said. Military pay followed this guidance through 2006, and targeted
pay raises in 2007 and 2008 ensure DoD exceeds the 70th percentile for enlisted personnel. Officer pay exceeded this goal
in 2006 and has kept pace since then, she said.
Take Action: Tell your public officials how you feel about this issue.
Eakle said the current review studied whether the comparability formula is adequate. “Basically, what we wanted to
do is create something which would give military members a better means of assessing how their pay stacked up in comparison
to civilians,” she said.
Regular military compensation was the measure used in previous QRMCs. This included basic pay, subsistence, housing and
a measure of savings on federal income tax. “But there's a lot more to military compensation,” she said.
The new system begins with regular military compensation and adds state and FICA tax advantages. Military personnel also
do not pay out-of-pocket health care costs, such as co-pays, she explained, and all these folded into the panel’s calculations.
The new measurement is called military annual compensation, and it sets the 80th percentile as the standard for military compensation
comparability with the private sector. Pay for enlisted personnel and officers meets this standard, Eakle said.
Congress revamped the special incentive pay categories from more than 60 to eight, Eakle said. “That, in fact, was
a recommendation of this QRMC, and it was enacted before the publication of this document, Eakle said. “And so now it's
up to the department to begin the process of drafting out the instructions to adopt this.”
The review recommended increasing the size of the special and incentive pay budget. “Today we have an S&I budget
that, quite frankly, is rather small in comparison to the size of the other pay accounts,” she said. “And because
of that, it doesn't give the service as much flexibility for arranging pay.”
The review examined the basic allowance for housing and a previous recommendation to do away with the without-dependent housing rate. The review also proposed changes to the
partial-BAH program.
Because some single servicemembers are making as little as 52 percent of the pay their peers who have families receive,
the QRMC recommends raising that floor to no less than 75 percent at first, and to 95 percent over time. But the gap between
married and single BAH should not disappear, Eakle said.
“What we have determined is that if it were completely closed, we would in fact then be over-compensating the singles,
because of the difference in things like utilities and insurances,” she explained.
The review did recommend changes for singles living on post or aboard ships. “Today, a young man or woman who is
living in the barracks (or) living on a ship forfeits their entire housing allowance for doing that, and we don't think that
that's necessarily the most equitable way to operate,” Eakle said.
The proposal is a new variable, partial BAH based on the value of the quarters the servicemembers occupy. The DoD standard
is a one-plus-one dormitory -- meaning each individual having a bedroom and a shared cooking facility and bathroom. “That's
very much like sharing a two-bedroom apartment,” Eakle said. “And so for those people, we think that the BAH that
they are giving up is actually pretty close to what they should be paying for it.”
For those living with three roommates, the review believes they are overpaying for their accommodations by forfeiting their
entire housing allowance, and “we would recommend that they get a rebate on their BAH.”
“The range we are talking about is going from zero for people in the one-plus-one dormitories, up to a 25 percent
rebate for those who are living in ships with hot-bunk arrangements,” she said. “So you'd be able to give people
something in recognition of the fact that housing is not at the DoD standard.”
The review also recommended staying with time-in-service pay tables. A previous commission, the Defense Advisory Committee
on Military Compensation, recommended replacing the time-in-service pay table with a time-in-grade pay table. This would reward
pay for performance, the commission members believed.
“We looked very seriously at this recommendation, but we've chosen not to accept it and are not going to endorse
the change,” Eakle said.
She said it would exacerbate pay differentials, adding: “We don't think that's in keeping with our spirit of being
fair and equitable to all members.”

This is a VERY important
topic-- please read and contact your representatives accordingly.....
No retirement pay
before age 57?
Panel also
recommends combining active, reserve retirement systems
By William H. McMichael - Posted : February 11, 2008
A congressionally chartered
commission has called for scrapping the entire military retirement system and making active-duty troops wait until at least
age 57 to begin drawing retired pay.
The proposal, which would spell
the end of the current active-duty system that pays nondisability retirement immediately after a service member completes
a minimum of 20 years of service, is among 95 recommendations in the final report of the Commission on the National Guard
and Reserve, which went well beyond its original charter to review the structure and management of the reserve components
and delved into personnel policies for active-duty members.
Under current retirement rules,
an active-duty member is eligible for retired pay immediately after completing a minimum of 20 years of service, which can
be as young as age 37. However, reservists must wait until age 60 to draw retired pay, although a law signed Jan. 28 by President
Bush allows reservists to draw retired pay 90 days earlier than age 60 for every 90 days of mobilization in support of a contingency
Under the commission’s
plan, a revamped retired system would grant limited retirement benefits starting at 10 years of service, although payments
would not begin until age 62. Those who serve at least 20 years could receive payments at age 60; those who serve 30 years
could get them at age 57.
Under the plan, troops could
begin drawing retirement pay at earlier ages, but the annuity would be reduced 5 percent for each year that a member is under
the statutory minimum retirement age.
The commission said that would
bring the military in line with the Federal Employees Retirement System.
The commission concluded that
combining the training, promotion and management of active and reserve troops into one integrated manpower system is the only
way the nation’s military can become a truly efficient operational force for the future.
“The increasing cost of
personnel, and the challenges of recruiting and retaining qualified individuals, will, we believe, inevitably require reductions
in the size of the active force,” states the 432-page report, released Jan. 31. “This shrinking active force will
necessarily be accompanied by an increased reliance on reserve forces for operations, particularly for homeland missions.
The overall effectiveness of those forces will depend on greater integration of the reserves with the active component.”
The commission argued that modifying
the 20-year retirements would give the services an incentive to retain troops whom they want to keep for more than 10 years
but for less than 20. Additional pay or bonuses would be needed to keep such troops in uniform beyond 10 years to maintain
retention rates.
“As part of the reformed
retirement system, retention would be encouraged by making service members eligible to receive ‘gate pay’ at pivotal
years of service,” the report says. “Such pay would come in the form of a bonus equal to a percentage of annual
basic pay at the end of the year of service, at the discretion of the services.”
Matching funds for TSP
In addition, the report says
Congress should expand current law to permit all service members to receive up to 5 percent of annual basic pay in matching
government contributions to the Thrift Savings Plan. Service members currently receive no government matching funds for TSP
“The government’s
contribution would vest at 10 years of service, and the Thrift Savings Plan benefit would be portable and thus capable of
being rolled over into a civilian 401(k) account,” the report says.
Among the report’s other
• The military’s
promotion system should be competency-based versus time-based.
• Active and reserve officer
personnel management systems should be merged into a single system.
• The number of duty statuses
should be reduced from 29 to two — on active duty or off.
• The Defense Department
should implement a combined pay and personnel system to eliminate problems with incorrect pay, low data quality, multiple
personnel files and inaccurate accounting of credit for service.
• The Guard and reserve
should be given the clear lead in Defense Department homeland security missions within U.S. borders.
The recruiting and job market
landscape has shifted in dramatic ways, the commission said, which means the Defense Department “must recruit, train
and maintain a technologically advanced force in an era that will be characterized by ever-increasing competition for a shrinking
pool of qualified individuals whose expectations about career paths and mobility are changing dramatically.”
“We need to look at our
manpower assets with a totally integrated approach,” commission Chairman Arnold Punaro said.
For active and reserve service
members, such a system would create a “seamless” transition to and from active duty — “on-ramps”
and “offramps,” as Navy personnel officials have described the concept. Basing promotions on competency rather
than time would keep troops competitive within the system.
Reserve reorganization
The 95 recommendations in the
report also include a call for the reserves to be reorganized into two formal categories: operational and strategic reserve
The operational reserve would
consist of Selected Reserve units and individual mobilization augmentees who would deploy periodically. The strategic reserve
would include Selected Reserve personnel and augmentees not scheduled for rotational active-duty tours and the “most
ready, operationally current and willing members of the Individual Ready Reserve,” the report says.
The commission also calls for
scrapping the Standby Reserve category and said members who are not “viable mobilization assets should be excluded from
the total reserve force.”
The Defense Department would
have to consistently provide the support needed to ensure the sustained viability of both forces, and Congress and the Pentagon
would determine the missions each would perform.
“There used to be an understanding
that if you were ready for the away game, you were ready for the home game,” Punaro said. “Most everyone admits
that’s not the case anymore. We need a very ready force at home in peacetime, just like we need a ready force for the
overseas mission.”
The reserves were conceived
as a strategic force that would be called to active duty only in national emergencies. But they have morphed over the past
18 years, beginning with the 1991 Persian Gulf War and spurred by the military drawdown of the 1990s, into an operational
reserve that is now regularly called upon to meet the demands of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
“It’s clear that
if you hadn’t had an operational Guard and reserve, you would have had to go back to the draft, which I think everyone
agrees is ... pretty unacceptable,” Punaro said.
Punaro is “very bullish”
on the prospects for the commission’s work to receive serious attention.
Half of the 95 recommendations
“can be done immediately,” he said. About 40 will require congressional or presidential action, according to the

AAFES Rewards Academic Achievement | AAFES | February 27, 2008
AAFES Delivers Valuable Learning Experience to Students Who "Make the Grade"
DALLAS - The Army & Air Force Exchange Service is extending a host of straight "A" savings to military students who are demonstrating above-average
academic achievement. As part of AAFES' "You Made the Grade" effort, students who maintain a "B" average are eligible to
receive a variety of complimentary exchange offers for every qualifying report card they bring home.
The current "You Made the Grade" booklet includes coupons for a free Burger King Hamburger Kids meal, complimentary admission
for two to the nearest Reel Time movie theater and a free magazine from the local BookMark. In addition to money saving offers,
the booklet also contains an entry form for a quarterly savings bond drawing in which three winners are randomly awarded savings
bonds of $2,000, $3,000 or $5,000.
"'You Made the Grade' offers a practical learning experience for AAFES' youngest shoppers," said AAFES' Commander Brig.
Gen. Keith Thurgood. "The coupons and the sweepstakes are tangible examples of how it pays to be smart and work hard in school."
To receive the AAFES "You Made the Grade" booklet, students simply present a valid military ID card and proof of an overall
"B" or better average to their local BX/PX.
Students may receive one coupon package for every qualifying report card, but may enter the savings bond drawing only once
per calendar quarter. Military families can contact their local AAFES Main Store Manager or General Manager for more information.

Free SAT-ACT Software for Military Families
Week of February 25, 2008
For the second year, a group of NFL, NFL Europe, AFL and CFL football players have sponsored several
million dollars worth of $199 SAT and ACT test prep programs to every family in the U.S. Military (all branches-active or
retired). Specifically, the sponsorship allows any military person (active or retired) to request as many programs as they
need for the students in their lives. The Department of Defense has created a secure website to quickly confirm a person's
military status. Personnel can access the confirmation and request pages through several military related associations and
organizations, including: Military Home Front website for families, offers access to the forms to confirm military status and process the order. Programs ship to domestic U.S.
addresses and APO addresses. The sponsorship covers the regular purchase price of $199 and the family pays only the S&H.
To learn more about the program and the NFL/CFL players who are providing this offer visit:

Airman 'The Book' 2008 available online
"Into the Wild New Yonder" is the theme for the issue, traditionally called "The
Book." The issue focuses on important facts and provides insight into today's Air Force. (U.S. Air Force graphic)
| | 2/5/2008 - SAN ANTONIO (AFPN) -- The 2008 almanac version of Airman magazine
is now available online.
"Into the Wild New Yonder" is the theme for the issue, traditionally called "The Book." The
issue focuses on important facts and provides insight into today's Air Force.
Data in the magazine highlights the
service's major commands and their functions, weapon systems, demographics, statistics and other information. Also included
is a pull-out map of Air Force installations suitable for framing.
Check out the magazine online at:

Recruiting group makes mark while preparing for nearing deactivation
Brig Gen. Suzanne Vautrinot speaks to family members and onlookers at the Galleria
Mall Feb. 19 before swearing in 25 new Air Force recruits. U. S. Air Force photo by Sue Sapp
| | by Kendahl Johnson 78th Air Base Wing Public Affairs2/22/2008 - ROBINS
AIR FORCE BASE, Ga. -- The 367th Recruiting Group, an Air Education and Training Command unit at Robins, will
roll up its flag and deactivate in October. But the group isn't slowing down anytime soon; it's too busy bringing in quality
recruits, as well as garnering recognition and winning awards.
The group, which brought more than 7,000 recruits into
the Air Force last year, was presented with the Air Force Outstanding Unit award for its diligence and success.
are very proud of the award," said Col. Mike Brice, 367th RCG commander. "It represents the hard work of 750 people in this
group. Everyone in the Air Force works hard, but to have it validated with that kind of award is a proud accomplishment for
the entire group across 13 states."
Colonel Brice said the success came despite trying circumstances and major obstacles.
"In these times, when we have less recruiters and less money, and the propensity to serve is lower, recruiting is
a real challenge," he said. "So to have the success we have had and to be recognized by our leadership as deserving of this
award is very special to us."
Presenting the award to the group was Brig. Gen. Suzanne Vautrinot, commander of the
Air Force Recruiting Service. She said the group worked hard to earn the recognition. She also said she is disappointed that
such a successful group will be closing. Because of a smaller AFRS budget, a complete reorganization was necessary. Hundreds
of recruiting offices and flight offices were closed across the nation.
"If someone asked me what I need and do I
have enough, I'd say absolutely not," General Vautrinot said. "We're barely hanging on here. But the Air Force is giving all
they can afford to give us."
She said despite a decrease in budget, she is supportive of Air Force leadership and
has confidence that money is being spent wisely.
"I would rather run short so the Air Force can have money it needs,
so that every Airman I bring in, I can promise them they will have exactly the right training and exactly the right equipment,
and it's going to work for them when they go into harm's way or support those in harm's way," the general said.
said in addition to a smaller budget, fewer resources and a reduction in recruiters, it's a difficult time to recruit due
to many other factors, including the war, less desire for young men and women to want to join the military and less encouragement
towards military service from parents or other adult leaders.
Yet despite these obstacles, the Air Force recruiters
are meeting their goals, and the 367th RCG's success is a testament to the team's hard work and integrity.
"One might
ask, if the environment is so tough and resources are so scarce, why are we still doing well?" the general said. "One, the
recruiters are working long hours and six days a week. The other part is integrity. 'Integrity first' is why we are absolutely
"Everyone thinks recruiting must be easy because we are reaching our goals, but it is hard working recruiters
and very, very honest recruiters who frankly and accurately describe the benefits and challenges of a tour in the Air Force
to young people across the country. These recruiters are bringing us through," General Vautrinot said.
General Vautrinot
said another reason for recruiting success is leadership.
"Our leaders are good at what they do," she said. "They
have a leadership style that motivates and coaches effectively. Anyone can teach a recruiter the basics of the job, but a
good leader will help recruiters find new ways to be creative and to use their best skills to do this difficult job effectively."
The general said she is very proud of the work done by the 367th Recruiting Group. And although the group will be
closing its doors soon, the team is not slowing down.
"The unit is going to go out of business but we are going to
go out standing tall because we did our best. We want to go out with a flourish," Colonel Brice said. "We had a great record
last year and expect another great record this year."

Air Force is 'Above All'
Air Force officials have launched a new ad campaign to accurately portray Airmen
and how they're executing the Air Force mission to ensure the security and safety of America now and in the future. (U.S.
Air Force graphic)
| | by Staff
Sgt. J.G. Buzanowski Secretary of the Air Force Public Affairs2/20/2008 - WASHINGTON
(AFPN) -- The Air Force has a new advertising campaign to recruit the next generation of Airmen as well as better
inform people about the Air Force mission:
"Above All."
"The new slogan is admittedly a bold one," said Col.
Michael Caldwell, deputy director of Air Force public affairs, "but so are Airmen." This campaign accurately portrays Airmen
and how they're executing the Air Force mission to ensure the security and safety of America now and in the future.
All' is about what we do and how we do it," Colonel Caldwell said. "The job of the Air Force is to defend America and we do
that by dominating air, space and cyberspace. The new campaign and slogan captures our roots, but also illustrates where we're
going as a service as the Air Force prepares to contend with future threats."
The purpose of the campaign is to create
a dialogue with potential recruits, their parents and those most likely to influence young people to join the military about
the critical role the Air Force plays in defending America's future, said Colonel Caldwell.
The "Above All" campaign
kicks off this month and will be prominent on television, in print and, of course, in cyberspace. In addition to being shown
at several sporting events, "Above All" ads will be seen in magazines and during commercial breaks on many top-rated commercial
and television news and entertainment programs, Colonel Caldwell said.
The campaign will feature real Airmen performing
their missions, like Staff Sgt. Lee Jones from Barksdale Air Force Base, La. He's featured prominently in the campaign as
a warrior on the front lines of the Air Force's newest warfighting domain, cyberspace.
"I'm excited to be a part of
this and to represent the Air Force this way," said Sergeant Jones, a computer systems operator and cyberwarrior. "'Above
All' is a great slogan because it says how we shine in what we do to defend our nation and accomplish our mission."
Above All slogan was chosen over several other phrases as the best description of the Air Force mission, Colonel Caldwell
"From all the research we did about how people feel about the Air Force - including civilians, Airmen and representatives
from other services - this was the phrase that stood out the most," said Colonel Caldwell. "This campaign captures the professionalism
of our Airmen, our technological edge and our ability to meet today's threats while at the same time prepare for future challenges.
"When anyone in our Air Force family sees an 'Above All' ad, we hope it reminds them that their role is important
to America," Colonel Caldwell said. "This campaign makes it clear the Air Force's mission 'Above All' is national defense
and protecting the American people."

Air Force snags top national advertising award
The award-winning Air Force Technology Section welcome mat Web page on
invites visitors to "Enter the Hangar," in order to launch into the site. (U.S. Air Force illustration)
| | by Chet R. DelSignore Air Force Recruiting Service Public Affairs2/14/2008 - DALLAS
(AFPN) -- The Air Force earned one of the nation's top advertising honors Feb. 7, taking home a Golden
Award at the 2008 ADDY Awards ceremony in Dallas.
The technology section of the Web site won best in
class in the micro-site category, according to Air Force Recruiting Command officials.
The annual ADDY Award
competition features 60,000 entries all vying for a handful of coveted advertising awards in various categories.
is gratifying to see our cutting-edge advertising paying off," said Col. Tim Hanson, the AFRS strategic communications director.
"The public is really sitting up and taking notice and now the advertising industry is recognizing us for those efforts."
The technology site features a factual look at several Air Force tools and weapons systems, including
an explosive ordnance device robot that safely disarms live unexploded munitions as well as an unmanned aerial vehicle that
surveys hostile environments from the air without a pilot on-board. Also featured are inside looks at the Air Force's
next generation F-35 Lightning II joint strike fighter, the F-22 Raptor fighter aircraft and the CV-22 Osprey tilt-rotor transport
"The technology section of has a look and appeal designed to resonate with its young audience,"
Colonel Hanson said. "It was a total team effort between our marketing staff in Recruiting Service and our contracted
Web site advertising partners, GSD&M and Virion, who set the requirements of this creatively interesting microsite."
Web site contains summaries of each platform's mission, capabilities and specifications, and Air Force wallpapers for downloading.
Users can watch videos and see action photographs of the technology in use, while background motion graphics keep visitors
actively engaged in the site and wanting to know more.
"This is really significant for us to win what is really the
advertising equivalent of an Oscar," said Brig. Gen. Suzanne M. "Zan" Vautrinot, the AFRS commander. "We are doing amazing
things with Web-based technology to allow people to discover more about our Air Force."
The ADDY Awards claim to be
the world's largest and one of the toughest advertising competitions. The awards represent creative excellence in all forms
of advertising and receive entrants at all levels from anywhere in the world.

Air Force Aid Society provides alternative to pay-day loans
2/13/2008 - RAMSTEIN AIR BASE, Germany (AFPN) -- Air
Force Aid Society officials are pleased to announce the new Falcon Loan program available to Air Force members
beginning March 3. A Falcon Loan is an interest-free loan of $500 or less that can be used for emergency needs
such as basic living expenses -- rent, utilities and food -- car repairs, emergency travel or other approved needs. Applying
for a Falcon Loan is as easy as 1-2-3:
1. Download the application from the AFAS Web site. 2. Get your ID card and current leave and earnings statement 3. Go to your Airman and Family Readiness
"The ease of the Falcon Loan program will hopefully encourage Airmen to turn to their Airman and Family Readiness
Centers in times of financial need and not be ensnared by potentially career-damaging debt traps," said Chief Master Sgt.
Pamela Derrow, the U.S. Air Forces in Europe command chief master sgt.
"This program is just another example of AFAS'
continued effort to help take care of our Airmen," she said.
The streamlined application process for a Falcon Loan
requires no budget information, backup documentation or first sergeant or commander approval. Minimal information required
to process an allotment or Paymatic transaction -- automatic withdrawal from bank account -- and a signature is
all that is needed to complete the application.
The relaxed approach to the loan process comes with the hope that
Airmen will feel less threatened to come forward for help, and perhaps after getting a Falcon Loan will establish a relationship
that draws them back to the A&FRC for a follow-up visit to discuss their financial situation.
"One of the important
missions of Airman and Family Readiness Centers is to promote financial readiness," said Ms. Gretchen Shannon from the USAFE
Airman and Family Readiness Branch. "The new AFAS Falcon Loan program will be helpful in diverting some Airmen faced with
financial emergencies away from high interest pay-day lenders. The Airman and Family Readiness teams will be ready and available
to assist members when the new program rolls out."
To be eligible for a Falcon Loan, you must be an active duty Air
Force member or spouse with power of attorney stationed at an Air Force base with an A&FRC, and cannot have a current
Air Force Aid Society loan. You will be expected to repay your Falcon Loan by allotment within 10 months or by your estimated-time-of-separation
date if less than 10 months.
Air Force Reserve and Air National Guard personnel activated on Title 10 orders
at the time of application are eligible for a Falcon Loan as well.
The Falcon Loan is a complement to the AFAS's standard
emergency assistance loan/grant program. Receiving a Falcon Loan does not make you ineligible to receive a standard AFAS
loan/grant while you are repaying your Falcon Loan.
For more information on the Falcon Loan program, please visit
your Airman and Family Readiness Center or the AFAS Web site.

Enlisted member, dependent children scholarships
2/11/2008 - TEMPLE HILLS, Md. (AFPN) -- The Air Force Sergeants
Association, Airmen Memorial Foundation and the Chief Master Sergeants of the Air Force join together annually to conduct
a scholarship program to financially assist the undergraduate studies of eligible dependent children of Air Force active duty,
Air National Guard and Air Force Reserve Command enlisted members, and AFSA members in active, retired, or veteran status.
Air Force Sergeants Association scholarship program begun in 1968 with one $1,000 scholarship, the program has developed
into a key source of funding for AFSA and Auxiliary members' children attending institutions of higher learning. During its
38 years of giving, AFSA has awarded 480 scholarships to the AFSA members' dependents.
The AMF Scholarship Program
awards funds to the dependent youth of Air Force enlisted personnel who meet the eligibility criteria. Last year the AMF offered
13 $1,000 scholarships, one $2,000 Richard Howard Scholarship as well as two $2,000 Memorial Scholarships in the names of
Sharon Piccoli, and Julene Howard , and one $1,000 Memorial Scholarship for Audrey Andrews. The AMF also awarded one $1,500
BMT, three $1,000 United Services Automobile Association, and one additional $1,000 academic excellence scholarship Since
1987, the AMF has awarded $372,000 in financial aid.
The Chief Master Sergeants of the Air Force Scholarship Program
(formerly the CMSAF Richard D. Kisling Scholarships) was created in 1987 upon the death of the third CMSAF "Dick" Kisling.
In 1997, following the passing of Chief Master Sergeants of the Air Force (retired) Andrews and Harlow, the program was renamed.
The fund is governed by a committee appointed by the incumbent Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force. CMSAF (retired)
Sam Parish serves as the CMSAF Scholarship Fund Committee Chairman. Since 1988, the CMSAF fund has awarded over $237,000 in
The Air Force Sergeants Association International Auxiliary conducts a program to financially help
AFSA Auxiliary members with a valid need of assistance to enhance their income potential through formal education and/or training.
The AEG program is designed for AFSA Auxiliary members to obtain effective education and/or training to acquire improved marketable
skills. Since 1990, the AFSA Auxiliary has awarded grants and scholarships totaling over $117,000.
and CMSAF scholarship programs award scholarships valued from $500 to $3,000 to students attending an accredited academic
institution. The grant amount and total number of scholarships awarded are dependent upon funds available. To date, over $1.3
million dollars in scholarships have been awarded to Air Force dependent children.
Those interested in applying for
any one of these scholarships can find more information by clicking on the Scholarship Eligibility Requirements and Scholarship
Application links. One application is used for all three programs. Go to and click on "About", then "scholarships"
To date, the AFSA Scholarship programs have granted 1.5 million to
dependents of the Air Force enlisted.

Your 2009 pay raise
The president’s next defense budget includes 3.4 percent raise; military groups want more
The Bush administration is seeking a 3.4 percent raise for all service members next year — the minimum that could
be requested under federal law and an amount that advocacy groups are already saying is too small.
The proposed raise, part of the White House’s 2009 defense budget request to be unveiled today, would equal the average
growth in private-sector wages in 2007, as measured by the Department of Labor’s Employment Cost Index, or ECI. As such,
it would be the minimum raise allowable under current law.
Military pay is tied by law to the ECI, which tracks quarterly changes in compensation for most private-sector and all
state and local government employees.
Here are some examples of what a 3.4 percent pay increase would mean:
• An E-4 with more than three years of service now earns $1,949.10 per month; that would rise to $2,015.40 per month
on Jan. 1 under the Pentagon plan.
• An E-7 with more than 10 years of service now earns $3,263.10 per month; a 3.4 percent raise would turn that into
$3,374.10 per month.
• An O-3 with more than six years of service now earns $4,763.10 per month; that officer would earn $4,925.10 per
month with a 3.4 percent pay increase.
The proposed 2009 raise is almost equal to the 3.5 percent increase for this year that was finalized Jan. 28, when Bush
signed the revised 2008 Defense Authorization Act.
However, by merely matching private-sector wage growth, the proposed 2009 military raise would not continue to close a
so-called “pay gap” that some say exists between military and civilian compensation.
The gap has supposedly existed since 1982, the second year of two massive pay increases under President Reagan that marked
the last time rough parity is thought to have existed between military and civilian wages. The gap peaked at 13.5 percent
in 1999, but in this decade, a series of raises slightly above the annual increase in the ECI has narrowed the gap considerably.
For 2008, the administration originally proposed a pay raise of 3 percent, which would have matched the ECI increase for
2006. The Pentagon argued that five consecutive years of robust increases had effectively eliminated any remaining gap.
But Congress eventually decided on a 3.5 percent raise for this year, in a nod to the idea that a gap still exists. According
to military advocacy groups, the 2008 raise that took effect a few weeks ago has reduced the pay gap to about 3.4 percent.
Some advocates are already preparing to urge Congress to boost the administration’s proposed raise for 2009.
For example, the Military Coalition, an umbrella group of more than 30 military and veterans associations, said it hopes
Congress will rally around a 3.9 percent pay raise, a half-percentage point above the Bush request, which would continue to
slowly close the pay gap.
According to the 9th Quadrennial Review of Military Compensation, completed in 2002, overall regular military compensation
— basic pay, housing and food allowances, and the tax benefits of those tax-free allowances — should be at the
70th percentile of comparable earnings of civilians with some college education. In other words, troops generally should be
paid better than 70 percent of their civilian peers.
That figure was chosen as the target because the QRMC found that based on historical data, the military did not have recruiting
or retention problems when pay was at that level.
The Congressional Budget Office issued a study in 2007 that found that in 2006, total cash compensation and the tax benefits
of tax-free allowances for the average enlisted member exceeded the 75th percentile.
2009 Basic Pay: Proposed 3.4% Increase
Years of service: 0-20 22-40
2009 Drill Pay: Proposed 3.4% Increase
Years of service: 0-20 22-40

Free foreign language education open to recruiters
by Megan A. Orton Air Force Recruiting Service Public Affairs1/23/2008 - RANDOLPH AIR FORCE BASE, Texas -- All Air Force Recruiting Service
active-duty, Reserve, guard, civil service and contractor employees interested in learning a foreign language are eligible
to enroll in the Rosetta Stone Online Language Learning Center free of charge through the Air Education and Training Command
library program.
Brig. Gen. Suzanne M. Vautrinot, Air Force Recruiting Service commander, who enrolled in Spanish
through the online language learning center, says the program is a valuable opportunity for recruiters.
"With our
wide recruiting demographic, a basic speaking ability in a second language can go a long way for a recruiter," the general
said. "Recruiters enrolling in a program like Rosetta Stone can make all the difference when they talk with local communities
and influencers."
The program is available to all interested Air Education and Training Command employees. The command
purchased 1,600 access codes, which admit users to 30 different languages, including Spanish, Chinese, French and German,
and less common languages like Arabic and Farsi.
Each code provides universal access to all of the available languages,
so technically a recruiter could take classes in more than one language at a time.
Programs like Rosetta Stone not
only serve to enhance a recruiter's education, but could also ease a future transition into an overseas assignment.
interested in learning a new language prior to a permanent change of station should begin learning the language a few months
before they leave, giving them adequate time to learn the basics before putting the language to use in the overseas location,"
said Ms. Darlene Price, command librarian.
Before signing up, recruiters should visit and click
on "Learn More" to review a free online demonstration.
Recruiters can sign up by sending an email to
Spaces are first-come, first-served.

Military absentee voting 'primary' concern for officials
by John J. Kruzel American Forces Press Service1/21/2008 - WASHINGTON (AFPN) -- For Federal Voting Assistance Program
officials, getting deployed troops and their families engaged in the current election season is a primary goal. Ahead
of the November general election, officials with the FVAP, which fosters voting participation by uniformed and U.S. citizens
abroad, are assisting eligible absentee voters who wish to cast ballots in their states' primary election.
important that voters participate in the upcoming primary elections," said Polli Brunelli, the program's chief. "We have over
20 primaries occurring in February, so now is the time, if you've received your ballot, to vote and get it back by the state
Ms. Brunelli said registering to vote is a simple process.
"Absentee voters fill out a federal
postcard application form to request a ballot, send it into their local election official where the voter is legally authorized
to vote," she said.
The ballot will be sent to the voter, who then votes on the ballot and sends it back to the
local election office.
Paper copies of the application form are available at military installations, embassies and
consulates and from organizations of overseas citizens. Electronic forms are posted online at the Federal Voting Assistance Program Web site.
Citizens using this form should vote and submit it immediately using regular mail or, where allowed by
state law, by fax or e-mail, to their local election officials. The FVAP's Integrated Voting Alternative Site shows citizens if fax or e-mail alternatives are permitted in their home state.
Voting assistance officers are stationed
at military installations abroad to help implement FVAP program initiatives. Equipped with state-by-state voting assistance
guides, the officers are available to assist servicemembers in navigating the registration process and election procedures,
and inform voters of relevant deadlines, Brunelli noted.
FVAP officials carry out the responsibilities of the Uniformed
and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act, which protects the voting rights of active-duty military members, Merchant Marines,
eligible family members and citizens residing outside the United States.
Members of the U.S. armed forces traditionally
represent an active component of overall voting-age Americans. The total voting participation rate among servicemembers was
79 percent in 2004, compared to the 64 percent rate of the general public, according to figures published by FVAP officials.
In a memorandum to military secretaries and top commanders sent Nov. 26, 2007, Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates underscored
the importance of extending voting rights to servicemembers at home and abroad.
"With the calendar of primary elections
beginning early and stretching through September, 2008," Gates said, "it is important that the department and the services
be prepared to carry out the voting assistance mission to inform and educate U.S. citizens of the right to vote, foster voting
participation, and protect the integrity of the electoral process.
"Voting is a both a right and a responsibility
of citizens in our country," Secretary Gates continued. "(Leaders of the armed services must) do everything we can to encourage
participation and ensure that our servicemembers and families are able to exercise their right to vote and have that vote
Federal Voting Assistance Program

Air Force sponsors NASCAR truck
By Bruce Rolfsen - Staff writer Posted : Wednesday Jan 16, 2008 6:34:28 EST
The service has signed on to help sponsor a Ford F-150 pickup truck in the NASCAR Craftsman Truck Series in 2008.
When the team showed up in Daytona, Fla. for testing Jan. 11, the No. 21 Ford driven by Jon Wood featured the Air Force
logo on the hood.
The truck is part of the service’s sponsorship deal with Wood Brothers Racing that includes sponsoring a Ford Fusion
in the NASACR Sprint Cup Series.
