"You don't live in a world all alone. Your brothers
(sisters) are here, too."
- Albert Schweitzer
You are a patriot - the sort of citizen that all of us should be, but so few of us are. You live with sacrifice, because you
believe in the rights and ideals that your husband defends. Although you wear no uniform, you are a part of that defense -
a vital link in the chain of freedom. Although you wear no medals and will reap no glory on the field of battle, you are hero
in the truest sense of the word. You are a military spouse.
-Chief Petty Officer Jeff Edwards

I can be contacted for any purpose. If you'd like a question brought to the members of HQ, if you'd like to post
something on the website, if you have any suggestions/ideas of what you'd like to see posted, or even if you just want to
talk. Feel free to contact me at any time.
Peg Howard- home (317) 823-1274
(586) 291-9224
email link

Military Spouse and Family Educational Assistance Programs
Learn more about the education benefits the Dept. of VA, and each of the service's have to offer.
TipThe Army has announced that eligible enlisted soldiers may be able to transfer part of their GI Bill benefit to
a spouse or dependent as part of their selective reenlistment package. Contact your Army retention career counselor for information.
Department of Defence
Military Spouse Career Advancement Accounts
The Career Advancement Accounts program provides assistance to military spouses seeking to gain
the skills and credentials necessary to begin or advance their career. Career Advancement Accounts (CAA) cover the costs of
training and education, enabling participants to earn a degree or credential in in-demand, portable fields in almost any community
across the country. CAA can be used to pay up to $3,000 in fees for one year, and may be renewed for one additional year,
for a total two-year account amount of up to $6,000 per spouse.
Click here to learn more about the Career Advancement Accounts program.
Veterans Affairs
Spouse and Dependents Education Assistance Program
The Dependents' Educational Assistance (DEA) program provides education and training opportunities to eligible
dependents of certain veterans. The program offers up to 45 months of education benefits. These benefits may be used for degree
and certificate programs, apprenticeship, and on-the-job training. If you are a spouse, you may take a correspondence course.
Remedial, deficiency, and refresher courses may be approved under certain circumstances.
Click here to learn more
about the Dependents Education Assistance Program.
State Provided Education Benefits
Educational benefits for families, particularly the children of deceased, MIA, POW, and disabled
veterans, may be available in some states. Military.com has developed an on-line general summary of educational benefits
for veterans, surviving spouses and their dependents.
Click here to learn more about State Education Benefits.
Private Scholarships and Grants
While looking for money for school many surviving spouses and their families overlook the over $300 million
of military - and veteran - related scholarships and grants. These scholarships often go unclaimed due to the following misconceptions:
- VA education benefits eliminate the need for scholarships and grants.
- False - The truth is that the Survivor and Dependent Education Assistance program offers great benefits it may not cover
everything. There are hundreds of scholarships and grants specifically designed to help cover education related costs, so
you don't have to.
- Scholarships are too difficult to win and applying requires too much work.
- It is true that some scholarships require a written essay. But, it is important to remember that scholarship and grant
applications vary widely, and some require nothing more than a short application. Besides you should think of it this way:
It may be the only essay you ever get paid to write.
- Scholarships are too difficult to find.
- False - Many scholarships go unclaimed because students don't know where to look. Fortunately, there is a great online
resource to help servicemembers find the scholarship and learn how, where, and when to apply. Visit the Military.com's Scholarship Finder today and get started on your way to finding free money for school.
Here are some quick tips to help your search:
- Do your homework. Take advantage of the free online scholarship search at Military.com's Scholarship
Finder. The Scholarship Finder lists over 1,000 scholarships from a variety of sources.
- Don't limit yourself. You qualify for non-military related scholarships too. Visit your local library
to find scholarship directories that list awards based on age, state of residence, cultural background, and field of study.
- Search in your military community. Many service aid organizations and associations, like the Navy Marine
Corps Relief Society, offer scholarships, grants, and low interest loans to help cover education expenses.
- It's never too soon to start your scholarship search. Many scholarship application deadlines are as early
as a year in advance.
Air Force
Air Force Family Education Programs
The Air Force offers the following Education Programs for its Spouse and Family members.
Servicemember's Opportunity Colleges (SOC) colleges and universities are dedicated to helping your family
and you get college degrees. You can take courses in your off-duty hours at or near military installations in the United States,
and overseas.
Visit the official SOC website for more details.
Air Force Aid Society (AFAS)
General Henry H. Arnold Education Grant Program
The centerpiece of the Air Force Aid Society's education initiatives is the General Henry H. Arnold Education Grant Program
which provides grants to selected sons and daughters of active duty, Title 10 AGR/Reserve, Title 32 AGR performing full-time
active duty, retired, retired reserve and deceased Air Force members; spouses (stateside) of active duty members and Title
10 AGR/Reservists; and surviving spouses of deceased personnel for their undergraduate studies. The value and success of this
program, is demonstrated in the 74,679 grants disbursed since the first awards were made for the 1988-1989 academic year.
In recognition of escalating college costs, the award amount for grants is now $2,000 for all qualifying
This grant program remains competitive in its need-based selection criteria, uniquely tailored to recognize the proper
weighing of family income and education cost factors, and is administered by ACT Recognition Program Services. ACT, located
in Iowa City IA, is an independent, not-for-profit organization with over 40 years experience in providing support services
to scholarship sponsors.
Awards for each academic year are announced in June each year. Use of funds is limited to tuition, books and fees, or other
direct educational expenses.
See the official General Henry H. Arnold Education Grant Program website for more details and to learn how to apply.
General George S. Brown Spouse Tuition Assistance Program (STAP)
The purpose of the Spouse Tuition Assistance Program (STAP) is to provide partial tuition assistance for spouses of Active
Duty airmen or officers, who accompany members to overseas locations and will be attending college programs. The focus of
the program is on the completion of degree or certificate programs that provide increased occupational opportunities for spouses.
The program provides tuition Assistance (TA) at a rate of 50% of unmet tuition charge per course, with a maximum of $1,500
per academic year and a term maximum, which is calculated by dividing the annual maximum ($1,500) by the number of terms within
the academic year. For purposes of this program, "academic year" is defined as the 12-month period beginning August 1 through
July 31 of each year.
Visit the official General George S. Brown Spouse Tuition Assistance Program (STAP) website for more details on how to apply.
Remember: Not applying for scholarships is like turning down free money. Get started on your search for
scholarships today - visit the Military.com Scholarship Finder.

Online Relocation Tool
Week of May 05, 2008
While most moving takes place over the summer, it's never too early to start making a plan. " Plan My Move" is designed to coach servicemembers and their families through the entire moving process, step by step. When the user enters
the current location, the new location and the departure date into the new application, it generates installation overviews,
a three-month planning calendar, valuable travel and arrival checklists, as well as important points of contacts and family
program information. The website also provides decision tools such as best communities to live in, best schools, affordable
housing and 55 directories of programs and services on installations worldwide. For moving and relocation services,
visit the Military.com Relocation Center.

College Options for Military Spouses
It’s easier than you think
Provided courtesy of the National Military Family Association (NMFA)
Did you know that the average annual salary difference between someone with a four-year degree
and a person with a high school diploma is approximately $20,000? Plus, obtaining a degree can present job opportunities that
otherwise would not be available to you. Although pursuing a higher education might prove to be somewhat difficult for a military
spouse, it is certainly not impossible. Don't be overwhelmed or discouraged. In fact, it's easier than you might think.
The National Military Family Association (NMFA) understands military spouses face many hurdles
when it comes to achieving education success. To help, NMFA has developed a comprehensive online resource, www.nmfa.org/SpouseEd to introduce military spouses to the available resources they can use. The following is information
from the website that any military spouse can use.
Installation Education Centers and Services
Your installation Education Center should be your first stop for information about local education
programs and opportunities. The services offered by these centers are not limited to servicemembers; they are also a resource
for you as a spouse. Talk with an education counselor.
Colleges and Universities Operating on Military Installations
Many colleges and universities have agreements with the Services to provide college classes on
the installation. The majority of schools offering these courses will have an office in the education center with a counselor
available for spouses to sit down and discuss college enrollment.
In-state Tuition Qualification
As you probably know, most universities offer two tuition rates, in-state and out-of-state, giving
a financial break to the residents of that state. However, many times, military families are often not residents in the state
where they live, but keep a permanent home of record elsewhere. Some states recognize this extraordinary circumstance and
allow military family members to pay the in-state tuition rate, others do not. Military spouses can qualify for in-state tuition
in their state of legal residence, the state of legal residence as well as the state the service member is assigned, and last
the state of legal residence, the assigned state, and maintain eligibility for in-state tuition if the service member is reassigned.
Important Information about Transferring Credits
Frequent moves and the subsequent loss of credits are often the biggest challenge military spouses
face when working to complete their education. Aside from the time investment spouses lose when their college credits don't
transfer, they can lose thousands of dollars as well. In some cases, your credits will transfer to equivalent courses, but
some might transfer only as electives.
Find out if your school is a member of the Service members Opportunity Colleges (SOC). SOC is a
consortium of more than 1800 education institutions that meet the unique needs of military families by agreeing to military
friendly principles and creating degree programs that can go wherever the military sends you. There are two ways SOC Colleges
help military students: as Consortium Members and Degree Network System participants. Degree Network System participants provide
SOC agreements with credit transfer guarantees to other SOC Degree Network schools. Visit www.soc.aascu.org for more information.
There are many opportunities available to help military spouses achieve education success. Visit
the NMFA website at nmfa.org for more tips and helpful resources.

Military Spouse Preference
How to use your military spouse preference
by Janet Farley
Your military spouse preference (MSP) can help you gain an edge for positions
within the Defense Department. Authorized and was formalized in the Defense Department Authorization Act of 1986, it provides
priority for military spouses who are relocating as a result of a permanent change of station.
1. To be referred for the job, you must be ranked in the best-qualified
applicant group. In other words, you aren’t guaranteed a job. Positions will not be created or made available because
you are a military spouse. It doesn’t mean that you will receive special appointment authority. But if you are ranked
within the best-qualified group among other military spouse applicants, you will be referred to the selecting supervisor in
advance of other competitive candidates who do not have MSP. You also must be married to the active-duty member prior to the
reporting date to the new assignment.
2. There are limitations. You can’t use MSP on a separation from the
military or retirement move. Likewise, if you are in the military and get out of the service while your spouse is still active
duty, you can’t use it on that move.
3. MSP only applies to jobs within the commuting area of the permanent duty
station of the sponsor.
4. You don’t lose your MSP if you have accepted a temporary position.
If you apply for permanent positions in the same commuting area, you may use your MSP to better your chances. This became
effective in October 2004.
5. MSP can be used for government-service, or GS, and nonappropriated-funds,
or NAF, jobs. Preference applies worldwide to most Defense Department appropriated-fund positions (GS-15 and below or the
equivalent paygrade positions) in the competitive or excepted service. It also applies to NAF instrumentalities at grades
UA-8 and below (or equivalent levels). NAFI positions can be found in the local military exchange systems, clubs, snack bars,
recreation centers and sports facilities.
6. Once you use it, you lose it for that move. You then may use, however,
your family member preference for other employment opportunities.
7. You must submit an application or résumé, a statement requesting MSP
and a copy of your military sponsor’s PCS orders. If you are a former federal employee, you also may need to submit
a copy of your most recent Standard Form 50 and a copy of your last performance appraisal.
8. You may begin using your MSP 30 days before your sponsor’s reporting
date and for the duration of your tour, as long as you don’t decline a position considered valid for MSP under Defense
Department authority. (See Point 4.)
9. If you are PCSing overseas, MSP doesn’t kick in until you actually
arrive in country.
10. You may be denied use of MSP if you are within six months of your next
PCS move.
For further information regarding MSP, visit the Defense Department Web
site at dod.mil/mapsite/spousepref.html, or contact your local family service center.

Prioritizing Your Life
What are your “big rocks”? Clearing the debris and creating goals.
by Krista Wells, The Military Spouse Coach®
Time is one resource that is always in short supply. Since we have no control over time, we
must reflect on our behavior, own our attitude and scrutinize our “obligations.” Dr. Krista Wells is The
Military Spouse Coach® and Military Spouse magazine’s professional career and life coach. This issue, she shares
how identifying our priorities and allotting time accordingly will help us live out our life-vision.
As military spouses, we have the responsibility of supporting our service members while maintaining
a focused commitment to that which makes our hearts sing. We can accomplish a great deal if we manage our behavior,
attitude and obligations with regard to our goals in life and our established purpose.
You might have heard of the 80/20 rule in business—80 percent of your results come from 20
percent of your efforts. I would suggest that this goes for our personal lives, as well. So often I see spouses
pushing themselves, scheduling busier and busier lives, creating unnecessary stress and pressure on themselves as things pile
up at work and home. If we structure our lives and align our energy toward what is most important, we find the energy
to push worry aside and deal with issues more efficiently.
Have you set priorities for your life? One of my workshop participants identified her priorities
as maintaining physical health, spending quality time with her children and being outdoors. She no longer felt obligated
to participate in activities that were not in alignment with her values, which created new space in her schedule. She
decided not to watch television in the mornings and instead started an early-morning running club with other mothers in her
neighborhood. She made a decision to identify her “big rocks” and shift priorities to align with what really
mattered in her life.
So, What Are Your Big Rocks?
What are the three “big rocks” in your life? What really matters to you? What
meaningful tasks are you putting off? Identify your top three rocks and consider how much time you will spend on each every
What does your “sandy debris” look like? What “busy work” do you
engage in that sidetracks you from life’s significant priorities? What changes can you create to free-up energy
and redirect it toward more meaningful habits?
What helps you keep these “big rocks” in the forefront? Perhaps it is something
as silly as placing a pretty, hand-painted rock on your desk at work. Maybe it’s a note by the phone that says,
“Pause before saying yes to ‘little pebbles.’”
Does your calendar reflect your “big rocks”? No excuses—get out your calendar
or daily planning device and block off at least one afternoon to conquer tasks directly related to one of those three “big
rocks” in your life.
from MilSpouse.com

Military OneSource Phone Consultations
Week of November 26, 2007
Military OneSource now offers Short-term Solution-Focused Telephonic (STSF-T) Consultation for those who are unable to attend face-to-face
counseling sessions due to their overseas location or other circumstances. STSF-T Consultation may help individuals with issues
such as adjustment to situational stressors, stress management, decision making, communication, grief and loss, blended family
issues, and parenting skills. STSF-T provides up to six sessions of consultation per person, per issue. To find out more,
call Military OneSource at 1-800-342-9647 (CONUS), or 800-3429-6477 or 484-530-5908 (OCONUS).

To all the moms...you do matter.
I'm invisible.....
It all began to make sense, the blank
stares, the lack of response, the way one of the kids will walk into the room while I'm on the phone and ask to be taken to
the store. Inside I'm thinking, 'Can't you see I'm on the phone?' Obviously not. No one can see if I'm on
the phone, or cooking, or sweeping the floor, or even standing on my head in the corner, because no one can see me at all.
I'm invisible.
Some days I am only a pair of hands, nothing more: Can you fix this? Can you tie this? Can you
open this? Some days I'm not a pair of hands; I'm not even a human being. I'm a clock to ask, 'What time is it?'
I'm a satellite guide to answer, 'What number is the Disney Channel?' I'm a car to order, 'Pick me up right around 5:30, please.'
was certain that these were the hands that once held books and the eyes that studied history and the mind that graduated summa
cum laude ---but now they had disappeared into the peanut butter, never to be seen again. She's going . she's going
... she's gone!
One night, a group of us were having dinner, celebrating the return of a friend from England.
Janice had just gotten back from a fabulous trip, and she was going on and on about the hotel she stayed in. I was sitting
there, looking around at the others all put together so well. It was hard not to compare and feel sorry for myself as
I looked down at my out-of-style dress; it was the only thing I could find that was clean.
My unwashed hair was pulled
up in a banana clip and I was afraid I could actually smell peanut butter in it. I was feeling pretty pathetic, when
Janice turned to me with a beautifully wrapped package, and said, 'I brought you this.'
It was a book on the great
cathedrals of Europe.
I wasn't exactly sure why she'd given it to me until I read her inscription: 'To Charlotte, with admiration for the greatness
of what you are building when no one sees.'
In the days ahead I would read -- no, devour -- the book. And I would
discover what would become for me, four life-changing truths, after which I could pattern my work: No one can say who built
the great cathedrals -- we have no record of their names. These builders gave their whole lives for a work they would
never see finished. They made great sacrifices and expected no credit. The passion of their building
was fueled by their faith that the eyes of God saw everything.
A legendary story in the book told of a rich man who
came to visit the cathedral while it was being built, and he saw a workman carving a tiny bird on the inside of a beam.
He was puzzled and asked the man , 'Why are you spending so much time carving that bird into a beam that will be covered by
the roof? No one will ever see it.'
And the workman replied, 'Because God sees.' I closed the book, feeling
the missing piece fall into place. It was almost as if I heard God whispering to me, 'I see you, Charlotte. I see the
sacrifices you make every day, even when no one around you does. No act of kindness you've done, no sequin you've sewn
on, no cupcake you've baked, is too small for me to notice and smile over. You are building a great cathedral, but you
can't see right now what it will become.'
At times, my invisibility feels like an affliction. But it is
not a disease that is erasing my life. It is the cure for the disease of my own self-centeredness. It is the antidote
to my strong, stubborn pride.
I keep the right perspective when I see myself as a great builder. As one of the people
who show up at a job that they will never see finished, to work on something that their name will never be on. The writer
of the book went so far as to say that no cathedrals could ever be built in our lifetime because there are so few people willing
to sacrifice to that degree.
When I really think about it, I don't want my son to tell the friend he's bringing home
from college for Thanksgiving,
'My mom gets up at 4 in the morning and bakes homemade pies, and then she hand-bastes a turkey for three hours and presses
all the linens for the table.' That would mean I'd built a shrine or a monument to myself. I just want him to
want to come home. And then, if there is anything more to say to his friend, to add, 'You're gonna love it there.'
mothers, we are building great cathedrals. We cannot be seen if we 're doing it right. And one day, it is very
possible that the world will marvel, not only at what we have built, but at the beauty that has been added to the world by
the sacrifices of invisible women.
I have had the privilege of knowing 99% of all the women I'm sending this email
to and shared the sentiment of "Your gonna love it there." or "I just love going to her home it is so filled with LOVE." "She
makes everyone feel so at home." "Her door is always open and so is her ever loving heart and I'm one of the lucky ones who
can call her my friend."
I hope you all recognize youselves as builders of Great Cathedrals!

Military Spouse Magazine
Military Spouse magazine addresses the unique needs and interests of over 1.1 million spouses of active duty
and reserve troops. These spouses, 92% of whom are women, serve as the anchors for their families. As a military spouse, family
separation becomes an unwelcome fact of life. As a result, military spouses become independent and strong. They tend to bond
tightly with fellow military spouses who share their unique lifestyle. They are truly The Force Behind the Force.
Military Spouse magazine serves as the champion for the community, empowering the spouse. This global, full color glossy
magazine is published bi-monthly. Based on focus group and reader feedback, the Military Spouse logo and magazine designs
were overhauled and re-introduced in the Nov/Dec 2006 issue.
To find out about the magazine and how to subscribe, check the following link:
Military Spouse Magazine

I Am A Military Spouse
am a military spouse - a member of that brother and sisterhood who have had the courage to watch their husbands and wives
go into battle, and the strength to survive until their return. Our sorority knows no rank, for we earn our membership
with a marriage license, traveling over miles or over nations to begin a new life with our military spouses. Within
days, we turn a barren, echoing building into a home. Though our quarters of inevitably white-walled and unpapered,
we decorate with the treasures of our travels for we shop the markets of the globe.
hammer and nail, we tack our pictures to the wall and our roots to the floor as firmly as if we had lived there for a lifetime.
We hold a family together by the bootstraps and raise the best of "brats" instilling in them the motto: "Home is togetherness",
whether it be motel, guest house, apartment or duplex. As military spouses we soon realize that the only good in "good-bye"
is the "hello again." For as salesmen and women of freedom, our spouses are often on the road, at sea or in the sky
leaving us behind for a week, a month, an assignment.
separations we guard the homefront existing until the homecoming. Unlike our civilian counterparts, we measure time
not by years, but by tours-- married at Shaw, a baby born at Beale, a special anniversary at Ramstein, a promotion at Langley. We plant trees and never
see them grow tall, work on projects completed long after our departure and enhance our community for the betterment of those
who come after us.
leave a part of ourselves at every stop. Through experience, we have learned to pack a suitcase, a car or hold baggage
and live indefinately from the contents within. Though our fingers are sore from the patches we have sewn and the silver
we have shined, our hands are always ready to help those around us. People of peace, we pray for a world in harmony-
for the flag that leads our spouses into battle, will also blanket them in death.
we are an optimistic group- thinking of the good and forgetting the bad, cherishing yesterday while anticipating tomorrow.
Never rich by monetary standards, our hearts are overflowing with a wealth of experiences common only to those united by the
special tradition of military life. We pass this legacy on to every military bride and groom. Welcoming them with
outstretched arms, with love and friendship, from one to another, sharing in the bounty of our unique, fulfilling military
way of life.

for a Recruiter's Spouse
Lord, Give me the strength of heart to see the difference in duty and his love for
me. Give me the understanding to know that
when duty calls, he must go. Give me the
patience to know in my heart that he is serving his country and doing his part. Give me the strength to carry on when he's working late or must be gone. Give me the vision I need to see he's doing his best for
the kids and me. Give me others who can
share the ups and downs and who'll really care. Give me the wisdom to get me through when I'm not quite sure of what to do. And Lord, while our family is here, keep us healthy, safe and full of cheer.

Air Force Spouse Pin Program. The Air Force Spouse Pin is given
to the wives and husbands of all Active, Guard and Reserve members in the United States Air Force and civilian employees of
the Air Force in appreciation of the sacrifices they make for their spouse's service. Log on to the Your Guardians of Freedom web site, log on as a registered user and order your spouse pin. Your spouse will receive the spouse lapel pin
and a personalized letter from the Secretary of the Air Force and the Air Force Chief of Staff . |
Air Force Parent Pin Program. The Air Force Parent Pin Program
is a great way for all Active, Guard and Reserve members in the United States Air Force to thank their parents for their support.
Access the Your Guardians of Freedom web site, log on as a registered user, and order your parent pin(s). Your parents will receive the parent lapel pin
and a personalized letter from the Secretary of the Air Force and the Air Force Chief of Staff communicating to the parents
the importance of their children's service to the ongoing war on terrorism, to express sincere gratitude for parents' continued
support, and to convey a sense of partnership between the Air Force and the parents of America's Airmen. |

About Service Flags
What is a service flag?
Service flags, also called “Blue Star Banners,” are traditional
patriotic symbols of family hope, pride and support for the men and women serving in the U.S. Armed Forces during wartime
or other hostilities. This banner was created during World War I but was not widely used until World War II. It was rarely
seen during the Korean and Vietnam wars, but it is making a comeback and families are now proudly displaying them in honor
of their service members.
What does the star represent?
Each blue star on a service flag represents one family member serving
in the U.S. Armed Forces. Up to five stars may be placed on a family’s flag. If a service member dies, a gold star is
placed over the blue star to show that the service member has made the ultimate sacrifice. For flags with more than one star,
the gold star is placed over the top blue star.
May anyone display a service flag?
Not everyone is authorized to display a service flag. It’s a special
honor bestowed only upon the immediate family members of those serving. Specifically, federal law says that a service flag
may be displayed in a window of the home of the immediate family of anyone serving in the Armed Forces of the United States
during any period of war or hostilities in which the Armed Forces of the United States may be engaged, for the duration of
that war or hostilities.
Organizations, such as churches, schools and businesses, may display
the flag for service members associated with the organization, as described for the family banner. For example, a business
may wish to honor its National Guard employees.
Free Blue Star Flag

Spouse Employment Assessment,
Career Coaching and Assistance (SEACA) Now Available Via Military Spouse Career Center
A new, free service has been
added to the Military Spouse Career Center at www.Military.com/Spouse. Eligible military spouses worldwide in need of job search support can now take advantage of free career coaching provided
by IMPACT Group, a St. Louis-based global career management firm.
The Military Spouse Career Center has long assisted military spouses around the globe with access to career opportunities, training information and
education options. The SEACA program adds an entirely new element of career support -- professional, certified, on-demand
career coaches available to help each military spouse identify and achieve their career goals wherever they go.
Career Coaches are available via a toll free telephone number to deliver coaching to include:
- Career self assessment
- Goal setting
- Résumé/cover letter & application development
- Identification of opportunities
- Interviewing
- Negotiating
- Career Mobility
"Our goal is to empower military
spouses who are willing to make a strong commitment of their time and effort with the skills, tools, information and self-confidence
they need to meet their career/job/educational goals", said Laura Herring, CEO of IMPACT Group. "By augmenting the Military Spouse Career Center with career coaching, we are confident military spouses will have a great advantage finding meaningful employment,
Military spouses are eligible to receive free expert assistance by contacting the Spouse Employment Assessment,
Coaching and Assistance Program (SEACA) at 1-800-768-3480. This program is funded
by the Department of Defense as a service to military spouses in recognition of the fact that "families serve too."
About IMPACT Group:
IMPACT Group -- a global, WBE-certified company -- is a recognized
leader in career management services. With its headquarters in St. Louis, it has operational support
in Asia, Europe, the Americas, and the United Kingdom. For the past
19 years, IMPACT Group's Relocation Transition Assistance and Spouse Employment Assistance have assisted relocating spouses
from more than 150 Fortune 500 companies including more than 300,000 individuals in over 4,500 locations worldwide. IMPACT
Group has been voted number one in customer satisfaction for 10 consecutive years by relocating and transitioning family members
in the annual survey conducted by Trippel Survey & Research.