Welcome to our newest Pacesetter!!
Join me in congratulating TSgt Burkhart and his wife, Aloha on their new arrival! Their new baby girl, Samantha Martin Burkhart, finally arrived…she was
6 pounds 7 ounces and 21 inches long.
Congratulations to Ashley Sauls!! She received notification that her application for the General Henry H. Arnold Education Grant was
approved and that she will be receiving $2,000 for the fall semester! Great job Ashley!

Congratulations to all of the Promotees for this year:
To MSgt:
TSgt Tim Bacon,
TSgt Christopher Klawitter,
TSgt Jonathan Reed,
TSgt David Reese,
TSgt Michael Martin
To TSgt:
SSgt Jeffrey Bressette,
SSgt Michael Parshall,
SSgt Keith Troy,
SSgt Jason Gossman
